rhema marvanne

时间:2024-06-16 14:32:00编辑:思创君





YANNI——夜莺、蝶舞、one man's dream、 Felitsa、In the Mirror
神秘园——dawn of a new century、prayer、pastorale 田园、atlanta、chaconne、nocturne 夜曲、hymn to hope 希望之歌
班得瑞——号称“一尘不染”的音乐,这个你可以优先试试,应该很适合——dreamcatcher 追梦人、Song of the Mayas 玛雅人之歌、Jupiter 木星、diamonds 钻石、Dragon Heart
神思者——Peace of Mind 、Palace Memories、aphrodite、Pipes of War
久石让(很多宫崎骏的影片都是他配乐)——喜多郎的夏天是最有名的了~还有 风之甬道、mother-久石让


秀兰·邓波儿 Shirley Temple 出生日期: 1928年4月23日出生地点: Santa Monica, California, USA原名: Shirley Jane Temple其他名: Shirley Temple Black|Shirley Jane Temple|Shirley Temple-Black Shirley Temple was easily the most popular and famous child star of all time. She got her start in the movies at the age of three and soon progressed to super stardom. Shirley could do it all, act, sing and dance and all at the age of five! Fans loved her as she was bright, bouncy and cheerful in her films and they ultimitely bought millions of dollars worth of products that had her likeness on them. Dolls, phonograph records, mugs, hats, dresses, whatever it was, if it had her picture on there they bought it. Shirley was the box-office champion for three straight years, 1936-37-38, beating out such great grown up stars as Clark Gable, Bing Crosby, Robert Taylor, Gary Cooper and Joan Crawford. By 1939, her popularity declined. Although she starred in some very good movies like "Since You Went Away," and the "Bachelor and the Bobby Soxer," her career was nearing its end. Later she served as an ambassodor to Ghana and Czechoslovakia. It was once guessed that she had more than 50 golden curls on her head. 三岁:进 米格林幼儿舞蹈学校 接受训练 第一部电影:1932年,War Babies 成名的开始:1934年,起立欢呼(Stand Up and Cheer) 七岁(1935年):获得奥斯卡奖,以及“1934年最杰出个人”称号 5-11岁:秀兰·邓波尔在演艺界的辉煌时期,参加演出过以下电影 1932: 1.The Runt Page 2.War Babies 3.The Pie-Covered Wagon 4.Glad Rags to Riches 5.The Kid's Last Stand (Fight) 6.Kiddin' Hollywood 7.Polly-Tix in Washington (All films produced by Educational Films Corp., these films were called one-reel shorts and are about 10 minutes long) 1933: 1.Kiddin' Africa, (Educational Films Corp.) 2.The Red-Haired Alibi, (Tower Productions [Columbia]) 3.Dora's Dunking Doughnuts, (Educational Films Corp.) 4.Out All Night, (Universal) 5.Merrily Yours, (Educational Films Corp.) 6.Pardon My Pups, (Educational Films Corp.) 7.Managed Money, (Educational Films Corp.) 8.To The Last Man, (Paramount Studios) 9.What To Do?, (Educational Films Corp.) 1934: 1.Carolina, (Fox Film Corp.) 2.Mandalay, (First National [Warner Brothers]) 3.New Deal Rhythm, (Paramount Pictures) 4.Change of Heart, (Fox) 5.Bottoms Up, (Fox) 6.起立欢呼(Stand Up and Cheer), (Fox) 7.Little Miss Marker, (Paramount) 8.Now I'll Tell, (Fox) 9.Baby, Take A Bow, (Fox) 10.Now And Forever, (Paramount) 11.亮眼睛(Bright Eyes), (Fox) 1935: 1.小上校(The Little Colonel), (Fox) 2.我们的小姑娘(Our Little Girl), (Fox) 3.Curly Top, (Fox) 1936: 1.小叛逆(The Littlest Rebel), (Fox) 2.一月船长(Captain January), (Fox) 3.可怜的富家小姑娘(Poor Little Rich Girl), (Fox) 4.涟漪(Dimples), (Fox) 5.偷渡者(Stowaway), (Fox) 1937: 1.威莉·温基(Wee Willie Winkie), (Fox) 2.海蒂(Heidi), (Fox) 1938: 1.桑尼布鲁克农场的丽贝卡(Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm), (Fox) 2.百老汇小姐(Little Miss Broadway), (Fox) 3.Just Around the Corner, (Fox) 1939: 1.小公主(The Little Princess), (Fox) 2.Susannah of the Mounties, (Fox) 11-21岁:继续演电影,但同时也在读书学习 这个时候她演过以下电影: 1940: 1.The Blue Bird, (Fox) 2.Young People, (Fox) 1941: 1.Kathleen, (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer) 1942: 1.Miss Annie Rooney, (United Artists) 1943: 1.Since You Went Away, (United Artists) 1944: 1.I'll Be Seeing You, (United Artists) 1945: 1.Kiss and Tell, (Columbia) 1946: 1.Honeymoon, (RKO-Radio) 2.The Bachelor and the Bobby-Soxer, (RKO) 1947: 1.That Hagen Girl, (Warner Bros.) 1948: 1.Fort Apache, (Argosy Pictures Production,RKO release) 2.Adventure in Baltimore, (RKO) 1949: 1.Mr. Belvedere Goes to College, (Fox) 2.The Story of Seabiscuit, (Warner Bros./First National) 3.A Kiss for Corliss, (United Artists) 17岁(1945年):同Sergeant Jack Agar结婚,但四年后(1949年)离婚 22岁(1950年):12月16日同查尔斯·布莱克结婚,从此退出演艺圈 20世纪六十到九十年代:进入政界,担任驻国大使 1967-1968年:被共和党选举竞选美国国会议员(落选) 1969-1970年:被美国政府任命为联合国美国代表团的成员 1974-1976年:出任美国驻加纳大使 1976-1977年:福特总统当政时期,她担任国务院礼宾司司长,是美国历史上第一个任此要职的女性 1981-1987:Shirley is the Foreign Affairs Officer with the State Department under Ford, Member US Delegation on African Refugee Problems, Director of the National Wildlife Federation, Member of the UN Association, US Founding Member of the American Academy of Diplomacy 1977年4月来中国访问 1988年,出版自传《童星》 1989年,乔治·布什总统任命她为美国驻捷克斯洛伐克大使 现已安享晚年.

