
时间:2024-06-18 08:55:56编辑:思创君


marshmallow n. 棉花糖; 例句: If after I come back, this marshmallow is here, you will get another one. 如果我回来的时候这颗棉花糖还在这儿,你会再得到一颗。 扩展资料   Carefully tip the marshmallow out on to the prepared board and cut into squares, using a sharp knife.   小心地倒出棉花糖,放在准备好的.台面上,用刀切成块状。   For the icing, we went for the modern cream cheese option over the more traditional cream or buttercream or the Southern marshmallow filling.   至于糖衣,我们选择了现代奶油芝士,而不是更传统的奶油、奶油或南方棉花糖馅。   Many children like to eat marshmallow .   很多小孩喜欢吃棉花糖


棉花糖用英语说作 "marshmallow" ① "marshmallow" 的音标为 [ˈmɑːrʃmɛloʊ]。② 句子或词组的翻译及含义解释:- "marshmallow" 指的是一种由糖、蛋白质胶凝剂和香精制成的轻、松软、弹性的甜食,通常是白色的。- 该词也可以用来形容某些柔软、蓬松或轻盈的物体。③ 语法详解:- "marshmallow" 是一个可数名词,复数形式为 "marshmallows"。- 它可以用作主语、宾语或其他名词的修饰语。④ 具体用法举例:1. I love roasting marshmallows over the campfire.(我喜欢在篝火上烤棉花糖。)2. Would you like some marshmallows in your hot chocolate?(你的热巧克力里加点棉花糖吗?)3. The pillows on the bed were soft and fluffy like marshmallows.(床上的枕头柔软蓬松,就像棉花糖一样。)4. She decorated the cake with marshmallows to make it look more festive.(她用棉花糖装饰蛋糕,使其看起来更加喜庆。)

上一篇:何以笙箫默 插曲
