
时间:2024-06-22 16:20:53编辑:思创君


tool翻译成中文是工具、器具、用具、电动工具。1、tool的释义n.工具;压印图案;被利用的人;印模;墨辊;压印器。v.在(皮革;尤指书籍的皮革封面)上压印图案;配置设备;悠闲自在地开车或乘车;凿刻;武装。复数:tools第三人称单数: tools;现在分词:tooling;过去式:tooled;过去分词:tooled。2、tool的短语搭配special tool;machine tool;tool kit;edge tool;tool steel;tool pusher;management tool。专用工具;机床;工具包、软件包;有刃口刀具、削边刀具;工具钢;钻井工长、钻井工地主任;管理工具、管理的工具。tool的双语例句:1、It was a great marketing tool because kids were taking that TV show to school with them.这是一种很好的营销工具,因为孩子们会把电视节目带去学校。2、Rather, drawing should be recategorized as a symbolic tool.相反,绘画应该被重新归类为一种象征性的工具。3、It's hard to ignore social media as a screening tool.很难忽视社交媒体作为一种筛选工具。4、Google is another tool to help you get organized effectively.谷歌是另一个可以帮助你有效地变得有条不紊的工具。


toolate为时太晚双语例句... Percy Buttons珀西·巴顿斯 Toolate为时太晚 The bestand theworst最好的和最差的 ...But it was then toolate, and with a countenance meaning to be open, she sat down again and talked of the weather. 但是,已经为时过晚,她只好带着想要开诚相见的神气,重新坐下,谈起了天气。请点击输入图片描述It would have been better to call such goods superior, but it is toolate to change such a widely accepted convention. 实际上称这些物品为优等品会更好,但是现在已经很难改变这种惯用说法了。It would have been better to call such goods superior, but it is toolate to change such a widely accepted convention. 实际上称这些物品为优等品会更好,但是现在已经很难改变这种惯用说法了。


1由 too构成的短语
  1)all too实在太(很),all too soon /quickly太早(太快)。例如:
  The holidays ended all too soon.假期结束得太早了。
  2)none too一点也不。例如:
  We were none too early for the train.我们刚好赶上火车。
  3)only too极其,非常。例如:
  We shall be only too pleased to hear from you further.我们非常欢迎你再来信。(注意这里不是结构)
  The news was only too true.这消息是千真万确的。
  4)quite too简直太……。例如:
  It’s quite too surprising!这简直太让人吃惊了!
  5)rather too稍微……了一点。例如:
  The soup is rather too salty.汤稍微咸了一点。
  The boy is too weak to lift the heavy box.这男孩太虚弱,举不起那个重箱子。
  当跟少数形容词(如ready, glad,pleased,apt,willing,inclined,eager, easy,satisfied等)搭配时,不定式无否定意义。例如:
  He is too ready to promise.他轻于许诺。
  Beginners are too apt to make mistakes.初学者极易出错。
  He is too much inclined to give himself airs.他太喜欢装模作样了。
  需要注意的是,的否定形式的意思是"不是太……而不能"。 例如:
  He is not too young to dress himself.他不是小得连衣服都不会穿。
  It is never too late to learn.活到老,学到老。
  2cannot(或can never)...too...表示"怎么……也不会过分"、"越……越好"的含义。如:
  1)One can never be too careful in one’s work.工作越细越好。
  2)One cannot be too careful in making the decision as it was such a critical case.因为这是一个如此重要的问题,所以在做出决定时无论怎样谨慎都不过分。
  3)You cannot praise the play too highly.这出戏你无论怎样称赞都不会过分。

