
时间:2024-07-02 09:23:36编辑:思创君

The Crow, the Owl and the Dove的专辑介绍

《The Crow, the Owl and the Dove》是芬兰交响金属乐队Nightwish发行的单曲之一。这首单曲专辑包含以下曲目: 序号 歌曲名称 作者 时长   1. The Crow, the Owl and the Dove (Radio edit) Tuomas Holopainen, Marco Hietala 3:46   2. The Heart Asks Pleasure First Michael Nyman, Holopainen 4:20   3. The Crow, the Owl and the Dove (Album version) Holopainen, Hietala 4:10   4. The Crow, the Owl and the Dove (Instrumental version) Holopainen, Hietala 4:10   5. The Heart Asks Pleasure First (Instrumental version) Nyman, Holopainen 4:20

The Crow, the Owl and the Dove的歌曲歌词

Don't give me love, don't give me faith  我不要谁的宠溺,不需信仰来站立。  Wisdom nor pride, give me innocence instead  不要什么睿智或者是浮夸,只要天真无邪还在心里。  Don't give me love, I've had my share  我不要肤浅的爱意,够了,那只是伤害而已。  Beauty nor rest, give me truth instead  穿过那些虚假的美丽和纵欲,真相,请停留在这里。  A crow flew to me, kept its distance  乌鸦轻灵,掠过天际  Such a proud creation  幸得造物,骄傲如斯。  I saw its soul, envied its pride。  一窥灵魂,高傲惹人妒忌。  But needed nothing it had  奈何我,所求无一。  An owl came to me, old and wise  夜鹰老道,狠辣精明。  Pierced right through my youth  眼中刺花火,直笑少年痴。  I learned its ways, envied its sense  手段直教折服,多智招来妒忌  But needed nothing it had  奈何我,所求无一。  Don't give me love, don't give me faith  我不要谁的宠溺,不需信仰来站立。  Wisdom nor pride, give me innocence instead  不要什么睿智或者是浮夸,只要天真无邪还在心里。  Don't give me love, I've had my share  我不要肤浅的爱意,够了,那只是伤害而已。  Beauty nor rest, give me truth instead  穿过那些虚假的美丽和纵欲,真相请停留在这里。  A dove came to me, had no fear  一只白鸽亲近过来,毫无畏惧。  It rested on my arm  它暂驻我的膀臂。  I touched its calm, envied its love  任人触摸,依然平静,我嫉妒着它有的爱情。  But needed nothing it had  奈何我,所求无一。  A swan of white, she came to me  水上游弋而来,纯白的天鹅一只  The lake mirrored her beauty sweet  湖水澄净,镜子般,映着她可爱独一。  I kissed her neck, adored her grace  生涩的我,吻了她的玉颈,又仰望,这份贵气。  But needed nothing she could give  奈何她,什么也无法给予。  Got to grieve her, got to wreck it  她教人悲悯,我要把这桎梏除去。  Got to grieve her, got to wreck it  她教人悲悯,我要把这桎梏除去。  Got to grieve her, got to wreck it  她教人悲悯,要如何才能回到过去。  Don't give me love, don't give me faith  我不要谁的宠溺,不需信仰来站立。  Wisdom nor pride, give me innocence instead  不要什么睿智或者是浮夸,只要天真无邪还在心里。  Don't give me love, I've had my share  我不要肤浅的爱意,够了,那只是伤害而已。  Beauty nor rest, give me truth instead  穿过那些虚假的美丽和纵欲,真相,请停留在这里。  Don't give me love, don't give me faith  我不要谁的宠溺,不需信仰来站立。  Wisdom nor pride, give me innocence instead  不要什么睿智或者是浮夸,只要天真无邪还在心里。  Don't give me love, I've had my share  我不要肤浅的爱意,够了,那只是伤害而已。  Beauty nor rest, give me truth instead  穿过那些虚假的美丽和纵欲,真相,请停留在这里。  Don't give me love, don't give me faith  爱情,谁配得上;信仰,谁有得起?  Wisdom nor pride, give me innocence instead  没有狡猾和骄傲的我,只能用天真来聊以自慰而已。  Don't give me love, I've had my share  爱情,谁配得上;激情的余韵,只是伤害而已  Beauty nor rest, give me truth instead  美丽和安逸谁负担得起,只有真相,才能让人学会善待自己。

