星际争霸是一款非常受欢迎的电子竞技游戏,拥有多个比赛版本。以下是其中一些著名的星际争霸比赛:GSL(Global StarCraft II League):由韩国OGN(OnGameNet)电视台主办的一项全球性的星际争霸II职业联赛,历史悠久,奖金高额,吸引了众多职业选手和观众。SSL(Starcraft II StarLeague):是由韩国电子竞技组织SPOTV Games主办的一项职业星际争霸II联赛,吸引了众多职业选手和观众。WCS(World Championship Series):是由暴雪娱乐主办的一项职业星际争霸II联赛,分为欧洲、美洲和亚太地区三个赛区,每年举办多场大型比赛。ASL(Afreeca Starleague):是由韩国电子竞技组织AfreecaTV主办的一项职业星际争霸联赛,每年举办多个赛季。
[create_time]2023-03-05 22:02:14[/create_time]2023-03-15 19:41:41[finished_time]2[reply_count]0[alue_good]邓猫仔[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.6153bbc0.eHRLzTQ3jmYDgzNoWqM3YA.jpg?time=4132&tieba_portrait_time=4132[avatar]贡献了超过261个回答[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]175[view_count]
SKT K自正式出道到现在为止,台面上的正式比赛(训练赛未知,也没有比较意义)。
负SSO(MVPZONE) 6场 OGN春季赛 小组赛SKT 0:2 SSO
半决赛SKT 1:3 SSO
OGN夏季赛 半决赛SKT 3:1 SSO(第一场DADE的劫屌成马)
负NJSW 3场 春季赛 小组赛 SKT 1:1 NJSW
S3半决赛 SKT 3:2 NJSW
负KTB 3场 夏季赛 决赛 SKT 3:2 KTB(让2追3 OGN经典之经典)
S3韩国冒泡赛决赛 SKT 3:1 KTB(我一直以为飞机法穿鞋是score带起来的)
负SSB 2场 WCG韩国预选赛 SKT 0:2 SSB(少见的FAKER被爆)
负OMG 1场 S3小组赛 SKT 1:1 OMG(节奏 节奏 节奏)
AMD-INVEN GamExperience 棒子国内的小比赛
SKT K从出道到现在 总共输了17场
快一半是输给OZONE(8场) 其实DADE大帝才是FAKER宿敌
[create_time]2014-06-17 20:27:42[/create_time]2014-06-17 21:06:46[finished_time]4[reply_count]2[alue_good]百度网友8a2c955[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.d04f6d94.3AHhzw9eHK-YhHo2Z8W9rA.jpg?time=4051&tieba_portrait_time=4051[avatar][slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]2009[view_count]
最长的战斗:一场据说是BOXER的战报,不知是真是假.两人激战两个半小时,地图上的矿已经全部采光,人族靠10个科技球污染,但是最终还是败在虫海之下. 如果打电脑也算的话,那么我第一次挑赢7家电脑是用了3个小时,途中几易人手,但是最终成功!
最长且精彩的战斗:人所皆知的BOXER VS YELLOW 的那场长达一个半小时的TVZ,意志与技巧的考验,两人都是几易主基,这场惊天地,泣鬼神的决斗绝对是星际历史长河中永远被记载的一场战斗.
最能体现种族不平衡的战斗:Intotherain在blood storm上面和KINGDOMD的PVZ, 神族的魔法已经用到及至,出兵也很及时,全场没有任何致命的错误,每把闪电的平均利润是4条以上的刺蛇,骚扰也很到位,但是,始终无法破解虫族的潜伏封口大法.最终弹尽粮绝,无奈GG. 看来,对于虫族的这种打发,神族必须想出一个有效的办法了.
最精彩的翻盘:早年最精彩的第一视角---BOXER VS BYUN IN LOST TEMPLE. 前期遭潜伏突袭,发展严重落后.当一队大象冲来的时候,人族才刚有第二基地.但是BOXER就是抓住对方无飞龙的唯一缺陷,以数次有效的空投渐渐翻盘,最后SK打法横扫千军,可谓经典.
最经典的骚扰与小技巧:CHOJJA与一位人族选手. 开局5D暴狗,进攻不成转潜伏防守,以自爆配房子撞爆数个科技球,严重影响了人族的推进,同时在人族家里多点骚扰,并始终没有让人类的第二矿点正常运行.在老家被操以后,辗转两岛,以不断的空运骚扰破坏人类的经济,最后以一次不算大规模的空投解决战斗,因为人类已经精疲力尽,全场用尽天下龌龊与阴险,但也叫人不得不佩服.
最行云流水的操作:BOXER在BLOOD STORM上打YELLOW时打出的.从早期的一队农民加3枪兵的RUSH到第二次出门的枪兵变态走位打潜伏,到第三次空运时近2分钟的无敌第一视角以及最后总攻的时候家里同时防住了空投,整个过程一气呵成,在短短的一刻钟里面发挥的淋漓尽致,令人倍感痛快!!
最过瘾的暴兵:GARIMTO的那场一水晶十兵营的暴兵局,地图是上下平均的那幅.GARIMTO在上面无敌,从中期开始的二十分钟里面人口始终保持200,每个兵营都点满兵,每块矿都有无数农民. 而FORU曾经有过四十五个兵营出兵的经历,可惜的是大部分兵营闲置,最终被NADA推掉,始终无法超越GARIMTO.
最爽的推进:NADA在BLOOD STORM上的坦克主流推进.第一次出门是一队半坦克,从中场开始立足,配合雷车层层推进,只听坦克架起落下之声连绵不绝,雷车埋雷之音响澈天边.真的是势如破竹,所向披靡,从中间到对方老家的一场推进在短短的5分钟之内完成,令人惊叹.
[create_time]2017-05-19 10:59:06[/create_time]2013-08-03 12:26:19[finished_time]2[reply_count]34[alue_good]匿名用户[uname]https://iknow-base.cdn.bcebos.com/yt/bdsp/icon/anonymous.png?x-bce-process=image/quality,q_80[avatar][slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]8289[view_count]
谁说Z后期弱的,TVZ人族后期根本没法打。PVZ还有得拼。为什么现在的TVZ的战术都是机械化?就因为半机械化部队和Z打很吃亏。同时操作也要求很高,要不然你一个操作失误半队抢兵让LK一扎就没了/所以打人族并不吃亏,有优势。打神族呢,要很将就,火拼的时候一定要形成包夹阵型。一定要多线作战。用半队的房子空头小狗。以牵制神族的主力部队,也可以配合蝎子去拆神族的分矿,最后鳖出一波牛+LK再强押神族。光说是没什么用的,你最好去多看看高手的Rep,看他是怎样发展的。也可以去看“小色教星际”,对你很有帮助, www.wfbrood.com 里面有小色教星际,也有很多相关的战报和战术以及很多很多的视频
[create_time]2014-07-29 22:23:48[/create_time]2014-07-29 18:48:13[finished_time]2[reply_count]1[alue_good]wuming踪抛[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.7916687f.VfpFmfZar9PYz1xkmV6JYw.jpg?time=3316&tieba_portrait_time=3316[avatar]超过79用户采纳过TA的回答[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]1114[view_count]
主要就是扩张......非常重要....前期不压制住敌人那就是无限扩张,两种选择。很恶心的种族吧! 一般人打到中期就选择出飞龙海转行3本就大举进攻~~~我感觉危险的很 如果敌人发现你这个时期 ....{这时期很弱}就会很惨。.....我觉得打地面战争对虫族还是很有利的,不要以刺蛇为主体,他是内战的霸主,小狗是很使用的,无论任何时候,在任何时期空头1箱小狗那都是很具有威胁的。具体的要怎么打,要看对手,人家要是疯狂的满地放火兵那算他是个疯子,谁也没办法。碉堡满地是也是初学者常干的事,想要打好还是要看战术,这游戏最好的地方在于战术决定大部分因数 一次成功的偷袭,进攻都会导致比赛的结果。~~空投 想想你有多少运输船吧~~~~~~~~zerg~~~~~~~~空投就是一种很可怕的攻击手段~~~~~~~~~~~~~想要玩好的话最好是玩玩别的种族 ~~~~毕竟每个种族在某个时期都是空虚的很~~~掌握好的话~~很容易就一次成型
[create_time]2016-09-25 10:45:26[/create_time]2013-09-03 16:39:45[finished_time]2[reply_count]7[alue_good]匿名用户[uname]https://iknow-base.cdn.bcebos.com/yt/bdsp/icon/anonymous.png?x-bce-process=image/quality,q_80[avatar][slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]2763[view_count]
lol WCG 世界总决赛第一名 奖金 是多少
这是前几年的奖金 不过2014肯定涨了不少 WCG2010世界总决赛各项目奖金
冠军:25,000美金 + 三星2233RZ显示器+三星笔记本电脑
亚军:10,000美金 + 三星2233RZ显示器
季军:5,000美金 + 三星2233RZ显示器
Warcraft III:
冠军:7,000美金 + 三星2233RZ显示器+三星笔记本电脑
亚军:3,000美金 + 三星2233RZ显示器
季军:1,000美金 + 三星2233RZ显示器
冠军:7,000美金 + 三星2233RZ显示器+三星笔记本电脑
亚军:3,000美金 + 三星2233RZ显示器
季军:1,000美金 + 三星2233RZ显示器
FIFA Soccer 10:
冠军:7,000美金 + 三星2233RZ显示器+三星笔记本电脑
亚军:3,000美金 + 三星2233RZ显示器
季军:1,000美金 + 三星2233RZ显示器
冠军:35,000$ + 价值2,000美元的奖品
亚军:18,000$ + 价值1,500美元的奖品
季军:10,000$ + 价值1,500美元的奖品
Warcraft III:
冠军:14,000美金 + 价值1,400美金的奖品
亚军:6,000美金 + 价值1,300美金的奖品
季军:3,000美金 + 价值1,300美金的奖品
冠军:10,000$ + 价值4,00美元的奖品
亚军:4,000$ + 价值3,00美元的奖品
季军:3,000$ + 价值3,00美元的奖品
FIFA Soccer 09:
冠军:10,000$ + 价值400美元的奖品
亚军:4,000$ + 价值3,00美元的奖品
季军:2,000$ + 价值3,00美元的奖品
2010: $ 166,000
2009: $ 280,000
2008: $ 470,000
2007: $ 448,000
2006: $ 462,000
2005: $ 435,000
2004: $ 412,600
2003: $ 350,000
2002: $ 300,000
2001: $ 300,000
2000: $ 200,000
巴士wcg2013专题 WCG2013世界总决赛门票 wcg2013中国区总决赛结果 wcg2013中国区总决赛各项目参赛队伍
[create_time]2014-04-01 19:51:12[/create_time]2014-04-02 17:42:25[finished_time]3[reply_count]13[alue_good]一抹绿苏打[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.96c3d6ba.0pTo_I88CDjsfMHvSxP3jg.jpg?time=4387&tieba_portrait_time=4387[avatar][slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]11011[view_count]
三星的历史及其发展 要详细的各个阶段的
发展历程1938年3月1日,三星前任会长李秉喆以30000韩元在韩国大邱市成立了“三星商会”。李秉喆早期的主要业务是将韩国的干鱼、蔬菜、水果等出口到中国的北京及满洲里。 1938年3月1日李秉喆在日治朝鲜大邱成立的“三星商会”1950年代逐步扩展为制糖、制药、纺织等制造业,并确立为家族制企业。1951年1月,三星Moolsan(现称为三星物产)成立。1953年8月,第一制糖株式会社成立(已经成为一家独立的公司,并不再隶属于三星集团)。1954年9月,第一毛织成立。1958年2月,收购安国火灾与海上保险(于1993年10月更名为三星火灾海上保险)。1963年7月,收购东方生命保险(于1989年7月更名为三星生命保险);收购东花百货(现称为新世界百货,并不再隶属于三星集团)。1965年10月,收购世韩造纸(于1968年8月更名为全州造纸,现已经不再隶属于三星集团);9月,三星开办中央日报(现已不再隶属于三星集团);4月,三星文化基金会成立。1966年5月,成立中央开发(也就是三星Everland)。1968年11月,成立高丽总医院(1995年更名为三星江北医院)。1969年成立三星电子。1980年代三星电子以卖冰箱为主,1986年时李秉喆成立三星经济研究所。1973年8月,公司宣布了第二个“五年管理计划”,为这些业务领域制定了目标,并使三星进入造船工业。在此期间,公司还采取步骤,增强公司在世界市场的竞争力,将其制造过程从原材料生产,集成到最终产品生产。结果,许多新的公司诞生了,其中包括1974年成立的三星重工业,以及三星造船厂(三星收购了Daesung重工株式会社后成立)、1977年成立的三星精密机械株式会社(在1987更名为三星Techwin)。1978年,三星半导体以及三星电子成为两个独立的实体,同时也开始向全球市场提供新产品;4月,三星电子开始出口彩色电视机,三星造船厂成立(在1983年被三星重工业兼并),三星精密化学成立;2月,三星综合建设成立(在1995年12月被三星物产兼并)。1982年6月,三星综合进修学院(人力资源中心) 成立;4月,湖岩美术馆开放;2月,三星Lions(专业棒球队)成立。在1983年12月成功开发出64K DRAM(动态随机存储器)VLSI芯片,并因此成为世界半导体产品领导者。在此之前,三星只是为本国市场生产半导体。1985年5月,三星成立了数据系统(现名称为三星SDS)作为在包括系统集成、系统管理、咨询,以及网络服务的信息技术服务的领导者。三星越来越重视技术,并导致了在八十年代中期另外一个重要的发展,也就是公司的经济研究院与开发研究院的诞生:在1986年成立的三星经济研究院(SERI),以及在1987年成立的三星综合技术研究院(SAIT)。在1987年11月19日,三星的创始人李秉喆会长在执掌三星集团近50年之后逝世,他的儿子李健熙继任成为三星新的会长;10月,三星综合技术研究院(主要R&D中心)成立;7月,三星Aerospace(也就是后来的三星Techwin)生产出第1000台飞机引擎。在1988年三星集团庆祝公司成立50周年的庆典上,他宣布公司开始“二次创业”,将领导三星进一步发展,成为世界级的二十一世纪企业。1989年12月,三星福利基金会成立;7月,三星BP化学成立;5月,三星综合化学成立;3月,李健熙会长在三星成立50周年纪念庆祝会上宣布 “二次创业”;兼并KOCA信用卡公司(在1988年5月改名为三星信用卡,后在1995年9月改为三星卡)。1990年8月,三星电子开发出世界第三款16M DRAM;7月,济洲新罗酒店开业;4月发起集团经营改革运动。1991年11月,新世界百货,三星集团独立;9月三星综合化学西山石油化学工业区竣工;5月三星综合化学启;1月三星支持在英国皇家博物馆内设置韩国馆。1992年12月,三星电子采用统一的经营结构;11月 兼并国际证券(后将公司名称变更为三星证券株式会社);10月三星电子开始在中国设厂生产产品;三星生命保险公司资产达到15兆韩元;9月三星SDI收购德国WF;8月三星电子开发出世界第一个64MDRAM机生产厂;果川信息网络中心;3月三星电子开发出10.4英寸TFT-LCD面板。1993年12月,三星生活文设承接马来西亚KLC有100g的超轻手机(SH-7:00pm出司,包括第一制糖(CJ)独立;5月三星时尚学院成立(由三星物产, 第一毛织,以及第一合成纤维共同成立);三星电子兼并美国HMS。3月“二次创业”第二阶段活动提出同意的公司识别(CI);2月李健熙会长在美国洛杉矶主持电子产品对比评价会;三星综合技术研究院(SAIT)开发出第一个数字视频光盘刻录机(DVD-R);三星电子开发出世界第一个8mmVCR。1994~1996年为三星“新经营”时代,“新经营”不仅仅是三星业务结构的重新设计,而是一场旨在制造世界产品、提供全体客户满意,以及成为一个优秀的企业公民的位的阶段。在此期间,17种不同的产品,从半导体到计算机显示器,从TFT-LCD显示屏到彩色显像管,在其各自领域中,产品的全球市场份领域,比如LCD等,三星从一开始就是第一。自从1993年进入LCD以来,三星就毫无争议地是世界领导者。另外一个实例是三星重工业的钻井船,自从三星开始进入这个领域,就拥有了世(Line Stop)”系统, 任何员工只要在生产流程中发现不合格产品,都可以立即关闭组装生产线。整个生产线会被停下来,直到问题得以解决。1996年,三星集团跻身全球第五大集团,包括多个下属公司及若干其他法人机构,在近70个国家和地区建立了近300个法人及办事处,员工总数19.6万人,共有62个子公司,总资产高达2808亿美元(2007年)。集团员工平均年薪高达7130万韩元(约合人民币40万元),三星在韩国出口额的三百一十二亿美元中占了18.1%。而在2004年更达到(592亿美元),为出口额的20.7%。在2003年在韩国政府税务预算中,三星占了6.3%的税款。1996年12月,三星康宁在墨西哥建立显像管专用玻璃工厂 三星电子开发出世界最快的CPU (中央处理器),Alpha芯片。11月建立三星JP Morgan 信托投资株式会社(于1997年7月更名为三星信托投资管理)、三星参与成均馆大学基金会的管理。湖岩基金会建立、三星电子开发出世界第一个1-GB DRAM;8月三星商用汽车株式会社成立(已经破产);7月李健熙会长被选为国际奥林匹克委员会(IOC)委员、三星世界博览会在美国亚特兰大召开;6月立;3月三星电子负责建设的墨西哥提华纳电子综合工业区竣工、三星管理技术学院成立;1月三星电子实现64M DRAM批量生产、三星电子在美国德克萨斯奥斯丁开设三家半导体生产厂。2000年8月,三星康宁德国子公司被评为外国人投资企业最佳企业,并庆祝公司成立6周年;7月三星SDS 在北京成立全球软件开发中心;6月 三星SDI发明世界第一个超薄纯平阴极射线显像管;5月 三星Techwin 开发出配有210万像素CCD的数码相机。2002年9月,成立三星李健熙奖学金基金会。2006年,三星集团成为全球第35大经济体。2010年三星旗下的智能手机将有50%的采取Android操作体系,全面转投Android这个最火的开源平台。2012年6月,三星成为微软Windows Phone 8的首拨合作OEM厂商;8月24日,三星却宣布其全球第一家体验店在澳大利亚悉尼开张营业。2013年5月,三星宣布他们在5G移动通信技术领域的研发工作取得了突破性进展,最高下载速率达到1Gbps。2014年2月,在西班牙巴塞罗那举行的2014年世界移动通信大会上,三星推出三新款Gear系列智能手表Gear 2、Gear 2 Neo和Gear Fit。2015年3月27日,三星首次展示智能健康新技术。2015年2月19日三星宣布收购美国移动支付创业公司LoopPay,此举将使三星成为提供移动支付服务的其他科技巨头的竞争对手,其中包括Google、eBay和Apple。三星计划在Galaxy S6发布的同时推出移动支付服务,用户可以在手机上注册自己的信用卡、借记卡、积分卡和礼品卡,利用手机支付购物款,无需再携带实体卡。2016年3月17日,韩国媒体报道称,为了改善经营状况,三星电子预计将削减研发投资,同时伴随的还有大规模裁员。这是三星电子18年来首次做出上述决定。而三星此前在研发费用上一向慷慨。2019年5月,ICinsghts发布了2019年Q1季度全球半导体市场报告,三星则以128.7亿美元的营收排名第二,同比下滑了34%。扩展资料中国三星三星旗下30多家公司中已有 23 家在中国投资,包括三星电子、三星 SDI、三星 SDS、三星电机、三星康宁、三星生命、三星火灾、三星证券、三星物产等。中国三星在华设立的机构有155个,雇佣员工数量达102000余名,业务涉及电子、金融、贸易、重工业、建筑、化工、服装、毛纺织 、广告等诸多领域。电子是中国三星最大的业务部分。中国三星电子在北京、天津、上海、江苏、广东、成都、山东、海南、辽宁、香港、台湾等地区设立了数十家生产和销售部门,主要生产半导体、移动电话、显示器、笔记本、电视机、电冰箱、空调、数码摄像机以及 IT 产品等。另外中国三星电子还设立了北京通信技术研究所、苏州半导体研究所、杭州半导体研究所、南京电子研发中心、上海设计研究所等研究中心,积极推进产购销的本地化。自1999后,在连续五年时间里,三星每年都会捐赠1000万美元,来帮助和照顾社会上贫困的人群。三星生命保险也在三年(2002~2004)中捐赠了1000万美元,用于对患有癌症、脑溢血以及心肌梗塞等疾病的患者进行治疗。2008年四川大地震和2010年青海玉树地震当中分别捐款3000万元(外加员工募集资金471万元总共3471万元)和1000万元,在四川省新建了10所三星博爱学校,并且在玉树设立了1家红十字新村(76户)。2013年4月,中国三星凭借2012年度在公益慈善事业的突出表现,荣获第八届“中华慈善奖”“最具爱心捐赠企业”的荣誉。2018年9月20日,中国三星的三星智能教室+智慧教师培训项目荣获2018年第三届“CSR中国教育奖”、最佳社会贡献奖。参考资料来源:百度百科-三星
[create_time]2019-07-10 15:58:26[/create_time]2013-04-22 21:37:19[finished_time]2[reply_count]22[alue_good]创作者hWecaOoIUH[uname]https://gips0.baidu.com/it/u=847454115,2595141411&fm=3012&app=3012&autime=1698188052&size=b200,200[avatar]每个回答都超有意思的[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]22119[view_count]lol三星white为什么解散
[create_time]2019-08-08 07:25:24[/create_time]2014-11-09 16:43:44[finished_time]4[reply_count]189[alue_good]想好好听[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.f143c32c.BtXhna9W_AZNJPQl2Q7Atg.jpg?time=5193&tieba_portrait_time=5193[avatar]TA获得超过2735个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]98016[view_count]
◆ 张立公:《人体潜能正悄悄地走进找矿领域──孙舸人体特异功能找矿目击记》,原载南京:《地勘报》,1990年10月25日,第4版,华东有色金属地质勘察局主办.◆ ZHANG Li-Gong, The Innovation of Extrasensory Perception (PSI/ESP) into the Field of Mineral Prospecting; An Eyewitness of Gaea SUN’s Prospecting Experiments via PSI/ESP, Geological Prospecting (a monthly newspaper compiled by East China Bureau of Nonferrous Metallic Geology Survey, Nanjing, China), October 25, 1990, IV.
[create_time]2016-05-14 05:29:38[/create_time]2016-05-28 20:40:14[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]迷失0138[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.144515eb.1kwwg7czoeit8nboMURevw.jpg?time=3633&tieba_portrait_time=3633[avatar]超过58用户采纳过TA的回答[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]485[view_count]谁能提供几篇关于任正非的英文报道?
All staff have considered that if one day decline in sales, profit decline even bankruptcy, how do we do? Our company has been at peace for a long time, in times of peace or of too many officials, this could be our disaster. Titanic is in the midst of cheers from the sea. But I believe that this day will surely come. In the face of such a future, how are we going to deal with, we have not thought about. We are proud of a lot of blind employees, blindly optimistic, if thought about too few people who may come soon. Time of peace, not alarmist.
I went to visit Germany, to see the resumption of Germany after the Second World War is a fast, and very moved at that time. They were workers unite to put down wages, there is no increase in wages, so as to speed up economic construction, so the post-war German economic growth soon. If Huawei is really coming of the crisis is not a staff wages by half, we rely on a little cabbage, pumpkin life, will be able to visit? Or we will cut half of the people will be able to save the company. If this is on the line, then the danger is not dangerous. This is because of a danger in the past, we can gradually pay back up. Or sales growth, people will be forced to cut back, please. Nothing in this crisis. If the two are at the same time, can not save the company has not thought about.
10 years every day I think about is the failure to successfully turn a blind eye, and there is no sense of honor, pride, but rather a sense of crisis. This is the only way to survive is probably 10 years. We have to think together how to live, perhaps in order to keep some lived longer. This is the failure of the day will surely come, we have to prepare for, this is my unwavering from the view that this is the law of history.
Under the present circumstances, I think our company from top to bottom, not really aware of the crisis, when the crisis came, we may be caught unprepared for. Do we have been insensitive, it is not the minds of this crisis is no longer the string is not no self-criticism or the ability to have a few. In that case, if a crisis on all sides, then we really may be nothing can help. We can only say that "you do not strike, we would not be ready to go to work, fast machines, but also at the provincial electricity." If we can not study a crisis of the methods and measures to deal with, we can not Continuing to live.
This points the past three years the management of the per capita benefits are talking about the issue. Do not grasp the per capita growth in benefits, management will not progress. Therefore, an enterprise the most important and the core is the pursuit of long-term and sustained growth in per capita benefits. Of course, this is not just the current financial indicators of per capita contribution, but also includes the potential for per capita growth. Large enterprises should not, nor is it strong, strong short-term, but have continued to live with the ability to adapt. We have a staff wrote, "can improve it? Can improve it? "Only by constantly improving, we hope. Huawei, however the number of employees in their duties to improve, the number of people in the study can be improved. Our cadres to report on his work report that all indicators are indicators of per capita benefits. Indicators lowering the per capita benefits, we firmly down wages. If you can not even accept lower wages, I think you have no need to stay in the struggle for Huawei. A leading sector has not made any mistakes, but per capita growth does not benefit, he should step down. Another sector leadership committed some mistakes, of course, is not a moral wrong, it is bold, daring to assume responsibility for lack of experience and errors, while the per capita growth in benefits, he should be taken seriously. If he committed an error, was discussed by the group, after a mistake corrected in a timely manner, he should be promoted. Cadres at all levels, to prevent excessively prudent and avoiding error has been promoted to the cadre. In a system, the per capita benefits of the growth indicators are not in a row, then the main sector with the leadership of the cadres of departments, should all resign. This is because they are?
In the current circumstances, we must be vigilant in peace time, we must see that the crisis may have. As we all know, there is a one of the world's first class, really great, but down on last year, said down, the blink of an eye on the company nearly collapsed. Of course, they have a good basic research, there is good technical reserves, they can stage a comeback. The largest decline in the past two years about two years will be the world's leading. Huawei and what is it? We do not have a solid foundation for other people, if Huawei no good management, then the collapse of the real, in the future will be nothing left, can no longer be resurrected.
Huawei old cry wolf, more than a shout, we do not believe some of the. However, the wolf will really come. This year we want to start a broad discussion of the crisis, what crisis Huawei to discuss your department have any crisis, do you have any of the sections of the crisis, you process what's the point of crisis. Can improve it? Can improve it? Can raise the per capita effective? If the discussion clear, that we might die, on the continuation of our lives. How to improve management efficiency, we have managed to write a number of points, they can not point to some improvement in your work, if a little improvement, we will forward.
First, balanced development, that is, grasping a short piece of wood
How can we survive. Comrades, you have to think about it, if every year you have the 15 percent increase in per capita output, you might just keep the same salary or may decline slightly. Electronics prices drop more than a year only 15 percent now. We are selling more and more, but profits less and less, if we do not do that, we may not retain his job today, let alone pay up. We can not rely on endless overtime, so we must improve our management. To improve the management, we must improve our emphasis on that piece of wood as soon as possible. All departments and units, the process is necessary to grasp the leadership of the main weaknesses. To adhere to the balanced development so as to continuously strengthen the process-oriented and time-management system construction, in line with the company as a whole to enhance the core competitiveness of the conditions, optimize your work to raise the contribution rate. Why should we resolve this short plank? The company from top to bottom all attach importance to R & D, marketing, but does not tally great importance to the system, the central transceiver systems, the cashier system, order system ... ... and many other systems, which are not of great importance to the system is short of wood, have done better in front, After Di ⒉ pregnant small-minded so-? Qianrengweihuan umbrella R flea ? ? have gangrene Huan ㄒ ? ? ⑵ distraction Chenghuaimuhe light Lansiqiudan ? Cheng bad head Jilaoqiudan ? beat Conggusoubi flattery swindle Ju harsh ? Tuijiaoxieshang ? a possible target in archery Rexiexingsong Diyechangxie ⒋ Conglufujie Γ ? ? Conglumuhe such as Wanwengqiuzheng ? Congluguilu ü ? ? ? Sushantangfa ? Yi shot ? ? sink danger of invasion Yi N pupa hard time when you share a burning health ⒅ ? ? ? bad kitchen has lots ⒉ Central straw ? ? Ken Yu Jun-Hwan thorn contribute to a feast on the occasion choke 6 kohlrabi important ? copy?
R & D services with relatively speaking, the same level of service with a more R & D engineers may be integrated capacity to deal with some of the strong. So if we do not agree with after-sales service system, this system is not always the best people to the composition. Not by the good people, is the high cost of the organization. Because he was flying machine repair in the past, a trip to repair bad, bad repair in the past to fly, to fly in the past and good repair. We pay all the sponsors for Civil Aviation. If we can fix one, not even in the past, with long-range guidance can be repaired, we will save a number of cost-ah! Therefore, we would like to emphasize a balanced development can not stick to one side. For example, our old company made the wrong goods, the goods made abroad also made a come back, the wrong freight charges, non-interest loans to total cost of it? Therefore, to establish a balanced evaluation system in order to make the company a short plank of wood into long, will be more barrels of water.
We have over the past few years a lot of research products, but IBM and many Western companies to come to visit our company when we have to waste a great joke, because we studied a lot of good things that can not be sold, which is actually a waste. We do not care about the building of the system will cause waste of resources. To reduce short wood casks, it is necessary to establish a balanced system of values, it is necessary to emphasize the company as a whole to enhance the core competitiveness.
Second, the matter of responsibility, and responsibility of the people is the essential difference, is an expansion system is a system of convergence.
Why do we want to stress to the process-oriented and time-based system it? Now the process on the operation of the cadres, they used everything request to the higher authorities. This is wrong, there are already provisions into practice, or things do not have to ask, should go through it quickly. Implementation of the process, is in charge of things, and this is a matter of responsibility. Always ask, who is responsible for the system, which is the convergence. If we want to reduce unnecessary confirmation of things, to reduce unnecessary management, the important aspect of the company or how high to run it? We now have considerable authority, considerable preparation, as well as in waste, and then sorting them into the garbage and clean up, some manufacturing jobs. To create these complex documents, engage in a number of complex procedures and unnecessary statements, documents, to support a number of unnecessary support of the cadres. Cadres can not produce value-added behavior. We must effectively monitor the conditions, make every effort to streamline the body. Secretary of the right to the management of routine processing, manager of the main exception, as well as the importance of clear discrimination routine to deal with the incident. The more routine and less managers, the lower the cost. Must be prepared to reduce our preparation of the body is too large. Under the same conditions, the cadres is the better, of course, can not get a no less. Therefore, we must unswervingly should be part of the cadres assigned to directly produce value-added jobs go. The evaluation agencies should be direct service points for it to the authorities and wages, bonuses linked to scores of organizations?
Marketing is the incompetence of the authorities. The daily paper, like snowflakes, such as Feia, on a daily basis to the Office of the statements, the statements today, tomorrow, to statements that it is incompetent cadres. Office every month to fill in all the data of a table, put the database, the data on the authorities to find the database. Beginning tomorrow, the market surplus to the Department of cadres of the group to form a database of all the data can only team to have to not want to offices, the Office of the points should be conveyed to the authorities asked us not to be playing so good, Let them eat that loss, or else they will not see this point and will not serve you, you have to make a strong fight. Large agencies must swelling. In this process of change will touch on the interests of many people will encounter many contradictions, leading cadres should play an exemplary role. Some people have the courage to take responsibility, afraid to take responsibility when people will not be able to cadres. When the engineers are also very proud them.
In their work, we must dare to responsible, so that the process accelerated. Excessively prudent and avoiding error of the people must be clear. Huawei to the interests of the staff very good, so some people say not to lose this seat, do not throw away the benefits. Those who want their own security interests, we should he be removed from office, he has been a stumbling block to reform. In the last year, if there is no improvement in behavior or even an error not committed, there is no work for improvement, can not he be removed from office on the spot. His department did not raise the per capita benefits, he will not be able to become a section chief. He said he did not make mistakes, ah, you can not make mistakes when you cadres? Some people never made a mistake, because he did not do a thing. And some people in the work of some mistakes, but he managed a large department per capita benefits, I think we should use this cadre. Neither of mistakes, and there was no improvement of cadres on the spot can be removed from office.
Third, self-critical, ideological, moral character, quality, innovation and skills of a good tool
We must implement a self-critical as the center of transformation and optimization of the activities of the organization. Self-criticism is not as critical and critical, nor is it as comprehensive and in the negative criticism, but for the optimization and construction and criticism. The overall goal is to enhance the core competitiveness of the company as a whole. Why would like to emphasize that self-criticism? We advocate self-criticism, but not to promote mutual criticism, criticism as well take appropriate if the criticism is very strong smell of gunpowder, they easily lead to conflicts between the teams. The criticism of his own, it will not be under their own hard on their own would be lenient. Jimaodanzi use lightly about playing than not play, play more than a few years, has been tempered into a steel you will. Self-criticism not only of personal self-critical, organizations have their own self-criticism. Through self-criticism, the backbone of all levels should strive to shape their own, gradually moving towards professionalism, internationalization. Only self-criticism seriously, in practice, in order to acquire advanced, and optimize their own. Self-criticism that the company is a good way of personal progress, still can not grasp the arms of staff, at all levels should not hope for them to the promotion. Two years later, still can not grasp and use of the weapons to reduce the use of cadres. In-service office of the cadres should never stop fighting, more than aggressive. Officials should have the professionalism, dedication and sense of responsibility, sense of mission. We are ordinary employees do not require dedication, they should pay their own labor
, To obtain a reasonable return. Only to have dedicated staff who request them trained cadres. In addition, we have to implement strict requirements for senior cadres, cadres not to the general requirements of the implementation of martial law. Because the strict implementation of all requirements of the management of our costs are too high. He would also spend money because control of it, not fight the food we have to do less. Therefore, we are cadres of different levels have different requirements for any self-criticism can not use the weapons and cadres can not be promoted. Self-criticism from the beginning of high-ranking, high-ranking every year of democratic life and democratic life at the mention of the problem is very acute. After listening to some people that really intense internal struggle, you see them start to a very acute problem, but they do not finish and Wo Zheshou to fight it? I hope that this spirit has been down-to, the following will have to have a democratic life, we must put forward their views with each other, when each put forward their views must be gentle. I think the criticism of others should be the dinners should be painting, embroidery, to be respectful to allow moderation. Certainly not within the democratic life has become smell of the meeting, a number of high-ranking sharp, they are high quality, the more grass-roots level to be more moderate. Things can not be expected to finish first, not a year or two years may, not later than three years progress. I hope that the cadres at all levels in the organization of democratic life of self-criticism session, must grasp the scale. I think people are afraid of the pain, the pain is not too good, like painting, embroidery, letter addressed to the careful analysis to help the people of his shortcomings and put forward measures to improve, the best-gentle. I believe that as long as we continue this over?
Fourth, qualifications and virtual profits the company is promoting the rational assessment of cadres, orderly and efficient system.
We must continue to unswervingly implement the management system of qualification. In the past the only way to change the evaluation of the Mongolian state assessment. Will contribute to making, responsible people who grew up as soon as possible. Incentive mechanism should be conducive to the competitiveness of the company's core strategy in full swing, but also conducive to the core in the near future competitiveness will continue to grow.
[create_time]2008-11-17 18:47:24[/create_time]2008-11-18 15:36:26[finished_time]3[reply_count]16[alue_good]有缺教练[uname]https://gips0.baidu.com/it/u=1147933229,727902944&fm=3012&app=3012&autime=1697089246&size=b200,200[avatar]TA获得超过411个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]7176[view_count]
魔兽十大经典战役之十 就是moon和 fov的比赛 谁大概给我当时的比赛背景和是wcg哪年的哪年
时光飞逝,转眼间魔兽争霸3已经发展到1.19版本。有人说这次版本的改动就是为了限制一个人,那就是这场比赛的主人公Spirit_Moon,这个被他的FANS称为第五种族的暗夜天王,在2005年连续取得MBC PL5冠军,MWL1冠军,WEG1和WEG2冠军后,所得奖金直逼1亿韩元。而这次他的对手是有着亡灵战神之称的4K^Fov,在众多韩国UD天王之中,只有Fov取得过世界比赛的冠军,那是在2004年的ESWC赛场,他从众多魔兽好手当中冲出重围,连续挑落Heman,Sweet,MadFrog后取得这个份量非常重的冠军,但是Fov却从来没有在韩国国内的比赛当中取得冠军。有人说韩国国内的魔兽比赛要比世界比赛激烈,的确要想战胜Moon,Zacard,Sweet,Fov,Remind,Lucifer,Freedom等世界顶尖高手并取得冠军,实在是太难了。这场令人惊心动魄的比赛就发生在2005WCG韩国区预选赛8进4的比赛当中,由于8强中的其他选手很难给Moon,Fov造成威胁,所以这场比赛也被人称为提前上演的决赛。在三局两胜的比赛当中,前两局双方打成1:1,接下来的生死比赛关系到Moon能否突破年奖金1亿韩元的惊人记录,或者Fov能否取得他的第一个韩国魔兽冠军头衔。比赛发生在TwistedMeadows这张非常平衡的地图上,双方为了各自的荣誉展开了一场旷日持久的战争。当双方的双英雄都达到LV6的时候,比赛达到了高潮。究竟是Moon获胜,最终改写那惊人的比赛奖金记录;还是Fov战胜神话Moon,为他取得第一个韩国魔兽比赛冠军铺平道路呢?一切未知尽在Spirit_Moon VS 4K^Fov这场火星撞地球的十大经典压轴战役!
[create_time]2012-12-17 16:02:39[/create_time]2012-12-20 07:51:06[finished_time]3[reply