
时间:2024-08-01 04:12:49编辑:思创君


Audrey Hepburn in Lights 灯光下的赫本 Actress Audrey Hepburn is backlit by pattern of klieg lights in 1956. "I'm not beautiful. My Mother once called me an ugly duckling. But listed separately I have a few good features " she said. 这张照片是赫本背光所拍摄于1956年的。“我并不漂亮。我妈妈曾经叫我丑小鸭。但是,分开来说,我还是有些值得称道的地方的。”赫本说道。 Audrey Hepburn Rides 赫本骑马 Audrey Hepburn rides a horse in 1959. Hepburn was extremely fond of animals and kept several pets. 这张照片拍摄于1959年,赫本骑马时。赫本很喜欢动物,而且她也养了一些宠物。 Pretty Under a Parasol 阳伞下的漂亮赫本 Audrey Hepburn wears a sundress and holds a colorful umbrella in 1955. "People associate me with a time when movies were pleasant when women wore pretty dresses in films and you heard beautiful music " she once said. 这张照片拍摄于1955年,赫本身着洋装举着一把彩色阳伞。她曾经说到,“那时电影总是很让人开心,电影中的女士身着漂亮女裙,当听到优美旋律时,人们总是把我和这种场景联系起来。” Foggy Funny Face 朦胧,可爱的表情 Hepburn emerges through the *** oke of a lootive in a scene from the film "Funny Face" in 1956. 赫本在拍摄《甜姐儿》时,在一个火车头冒烟的场景中拍摄的照片,拍摄时间1956年。 Graceful Dancer 优雅的舞者 Hepburn practices in a dance studio circa 1955. She was a trained ballerina and as a teen had performed at events raising money for the Dutch Resistance. 赫本在一个舞蹈室练习,大约拍摄于1955年。她曾经是位受过训练的芭蕾舞者,青少年时她曾为反战德国而表演筹钱。 The Winning Smile of an Oscar Owner 获得奥斯卡 Audrey Hepburn is surrounded by reporters as she holds the Best Actress Oscar she won for 1953's "Roman Holiday." 赫本在1953年因为《罗马假日》而获得奥斯卡最佳演员,图为获奖后被记者环绕。 Audrey Hepburn and the Little Black Dress 赫本身着小黑裙 Actress Audrey Hepburn poses in 1952. "I was born with something that appealed to an audience at that particular time " she said. "I acted instinctively. I've had one of the greatest schools of all -- a whole row of great great directors." 照片拍摄于1952年。“我生来就有些东西吸引那个时代的观众,”她说,“我的表演与生俱来。我上了最好的学校--很多很好的导演在一起帮助我。” Audrey Goes Boating 赫本划船 Wearing a peculiar hat that looks like a "Bugle" corn chip Hepburn enjoys a motorboat ride on a lake in Switzerland in the early 1950s. 戴着一顶类似“喇叭”的帽子,赫本很喜欢在20世纪50年代早期在瑞士骑行摩托船。 Al Fresco Audrey 赫本Al Fresco Audrey Hepburn poses a letter in a palm grove circa 1955. Hepburn loved nature and preferred gardening and the quiet life to the glamourous parties of Hollywood. 大约在1955年拍摄,赫本在一片平静的树林里写信。赫本喜欢自然,相比好莱坞奢华的舞会,她跟喜欢园艺和平静生活。 Hepburn's Hat 赫本的帽子 Circa 1955 the actress wears a mesh hat with rhinestones. Around this time she began a lifelong friendship with fashion designer Hubert de Givenchy who used Hepburn as his muse. 大约在1955年,赫本戴着一顶装饰着 莱茵石的网状帽子。大约那个时候,她和纪梵希建立起了长期的友谊,设计师纪梵希把赫本奉为他的缪斯。 She's Got Legs 赫本的腿很漂亮 Hepburn adjusts her makeup on the set of "Sabrina " 1954. 拍摄于1954年,赫本在拍摄《龙凤配》时补妆。 Breakfast With Holly Golightly 与郝利·戈莱特利的早餐 Hepburn assumes the role of perhaps her most famous character Holly Golightly in "Breakfast at Tiffany's" in 1961. "I'm an introvert. Playing the extroverted girl was the hardest thing I ever did " she said of the movie. 赫本于1961年在《蒂凡尼的早餐》中所扮演的角色郝利·戈莱特利可能是她最著名的角色了。“我是个内向的人。而扮演这个外向的女孩儿是我曾扮演的最难的角色。”谈到这部影片时,赫本曾这样说过。 Hepburn Holds Onto Her Hat 赫本手扶帽子 Audrey Hepburn searches for signs of spring in 1950. Hepburn turned to acting in 1948 to help pay the bills -- her mother an aristocrat was already doing menial work and Hepburn though trained in dance was too tall to be a prima ballerina. 赫本在1950年春天寻找合约。赫本在1948年开始用表演来帮忙支付账单--她的母亲,是个贵族但是已经开始做女用的工作,而赫本,尽管受到舞蹈培训,但是因为她太高而不能成为芭蕾剧中的主要演员。 Over-the-Shoulder Audrey 露肩的赫本 Audrey Hepburn looks back in the early 1950s. 20世纪50年代早期,赫本回头一看所拍摄的照片。 Audrey Hepburn Is Floored 趴在地板上的赫本 Hepburn poses for "Sabrina" in the mid 1950s. When Hubert de Givenchy was told he'd be providing the wardrobe for Hepburn for the movie he thought they meant the other one -- Katharine Hepburn. He'd never heard of Audrey Hepburn before. 在20世纪50年代为拍摄《甜姐儿》而拍摄的造型照片。当纪梵希被告知可以为赫本定制这部电影的造型时,他以为是另一位赫本--凯瑟琳赫本。之前他从来没有听到过奥黛丽赫本 Audrey as a Mother 母亲赫本 Hepburn and her then-hu *** and actor Mel Ferrer pose with their 3-day-old son Sean in Lucerne Switzerland July 1960. 赫本和她当时的丈夫,演员梅尔·费勒,照片中他们抱着出生三天的儿子西恩。照片拍摄于瑞士的卢塞恩市,拍摄于1960年7月。 Audrey Hepburn and Grace Kelly Backstage 后台的奥黛丽赫本和格蕾丝凯利 Audrey Hepburn and Grace Kelly chat backstage at the Academy Awards in 1956 where both appeared as presenters. 在1956年奥斯卡后台,赫本和格蕾丝凯利交谈,她们都是主持人。 Staring at the Sun 阳光之下 Hepburn relaxes in a London park in 1950."She had everything I was looking for: charm innocence and talent. She also was very funny. She was absolutely enchanting and we said 'That's the girl!'" director William Wyler said of casting her for "Roman Holiday." 1950年,伦敦某公园,赫本在休息。导演威廉·惠勒在选择赫本出演《罗马假日》时说道,“赫本有我要寻找的一切:她漂亮,天真,聪明。她也很可爱搞笑。她让人着迷,我们知道,她就是那个女孩儿!” Princess Audrey 赫本公主 Hepburn acts regally in "Roman Holiday" in 1953. "You have to be a little bit in love with your leading man and vice versa " she once said. "If you're going to portray love you have to feel it. You can't do it any other way. But you don't carry it beyond the set." 1953年,赫本在《罗马假日》中扮演了尊贵的公主。赫本曾经说过,“必须要对男主角有点儿爱恋的感觉,反之他也是。如果要想表现爱情,就必须感受到爱情。别无他法。但是只是在场景中。” A Moment of Contemplation 冥思的瞬间 Hepburn looks over Paris while filming "Funny Face" in 1956. 拍摄《甜姐儿》时,赫本俯瞰巴黎,拍摄于1956年。 Audrey Hepburn Wears White 赫本身着白色 Hepburns wears an evening gown in 1961. That year "Breakfast at Tiffany's" was released a movie she called "the jazziest of my career." 1961年,赫本身着白色晚礼服。那一年,《蒂凡尼的早餐》一片上映,她把这部影片誉为“她职业生涯中最花哨活泼的电影”。 No Stony Glance from Hepburn 赫本在石墙前的留影(赫本没有表情僵硬的照片) Audrey Hepburn poses by a stone wall in the early 1950s. "I'm not a born actress as such; I care about expressing feelings " she said. 20世纪50年代时,赫本在一面石墙前拍摄照片。她说,“我并不是天生就会演戏,而我只关注表达真情实感。”















和卡里·格兰特一起拍摄字谜 游戏
















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英文简介:Audrey Hepburn (May 4, 1929 - January 20, 1993), born in Brussels, Belgium, is a British actress.In 1948, he starred in his screen debut Dutch seven lessons.In 1952, he starred in the musical "golden powder world", which won the Tony Award for best actress.On September 2, 1953, the romantic comedy Roman holiday was released, and won the best actress award of the 26th Academy Award.On September 9, 1954, the starring love comedy "dragon and Phoenix match" was released, which won the nomination for the best actress award of the 27th Academy Award.On June 18, 1959, the starring feature film "nun biography" was released and won the nomination for best actress at the 32nd Academy Awards.On October 5, 1961, the comedy film "breakfast at Tiffany's" was released and won the nomination for best actress at the 34th Academy Awards.On December 5, 1963, the suspense film "mystery in mystery" was released, which won the 18th British Film Academy Film Award - Best British actress award.On October 26, 1967, the thriller "the ghost of a blind girl" was released, and won the nomination for best actress at the 40th Academy Award.In 1975, he starred in the love adventure film Robin Hood and Marian.On August 14, 1980, the love comedy "laughter" was released.On February 23, 1987, the TV film "thief's love" was released.On December 22, 1989, the fantasy love film "forever" was released.In 1993, the documentary "world garden and Audrey Hepburn" was broadcast.On January 20, 1993, Audrey Hepburn died of colon cancer in Lausanne, Switzerland at the age of 63.中文:奥黛丽·赫本(Audrey Hepburn,1929年5月4日—1993年1月20日),出生于比利时布鲁塞尔,英国女演员。1948年,出演了银幕处女作《荷兰七课》。1952年,主演了音乐剧《金粉世界》,凭借该剧获得了托尼奖最佳女主角奖。1953年9月2日,主演的爱情喜剧片《罗马假日》上映,凭借该片获得了第26届奥斯卡金像奖最佳女主角奖。1954年9月9日,主演的爱情喜剧片《龙凤配》上映,由此获得了第27届奥斯卡金像奖最佳女主角奖提名。1959年6月18日,主演的剧情片《修女传》上映,凭借该片获得了第32届奥斯卡金像奖最佳女主角提名。1961年10月5日,主演的喜剧电影《蒂凡尼的早餐》上映,凭借该片获得了第34届奥斯卡金像奖最佳女主角提名。1963年12月5日,出演的悬疑电影《谜中谜》上映,由此获得了第18届英国电影学院奖电影奖-最佳英国女演员奖。1967年10月26日,出演的惊悚电影《盲女惊魂记》上映,凭借该片获得了第40届奥斯卡金像奖最佳女主角提名。1975年,出演了爱情冒险电影《罗宾汉与玛莉安》。1980年8月14日,出演的爱情喜剧片《哄堂大笑》上映。1987年2月23日,出演的电视电影《窃贼之爱》上映。1989年12月22日,客串出演的奇幻爱情电影《直到永远》上映。1993年,出演的纪录片《世界花园和奥黛丽·赫本》播出。1993年1月20日,奥黛丽·赫本因结肠癌在瑞士洛桑病逝,享年63岁。


分类: 娱乐/明星 >> 欧美明星



1948年,赫本与母亲(父母于1938年离异)迁至英国伦敦,进入著名的marie rambert`s学校学习芭蕾舞,并开始在一些音乐剧担任角色。1951年,赫本在意大利演出,坐在台下的法国著名女作家高莱特夫人一眼便认定她是自己作品《金粉世界》中“姬姬”一角的化身,便邀请她到纽约好莱坞出演这个角色,这令赫本在好莱坞一举成名,并为她开启了美国之门。


从50年代到60年代,赫本完成自身的转型,结束了她幻想的纯洁世界生活阶段,逐渐从虚幻世界走到了现实生活中。1954年9月,赫本与美国著名男演员mel ferrer结婚。在事业上,她开始尝试饰演不同类型的角色。她主演了许多影片,如《战争与和平》(1956年)、《甜妞儿》(1957年)、《黄昏之恋》(1957年)、《绿厦》(1957年)、《孩子们的时刻》(1962年)、《谜中谜》(1963年)《巴黎假期》(1964年)、《窈窕淑女》(1964年),其中那些仪态万方、典雅淳厚的女性形象,给人印象最为深刻。

她的表演质朴而富于 *** 。在她主演的影片《龙凤配》(1954年)、《修女传》(1959年)、 《蒂凡尼的早餐》(1961年)和《等到天黑》(1967年)中,赫本表现出色,四次获得奥斯卡最佳女演员奖提名。

60年代后期她曾长期息影,激流勇退的原因,可能是她意识到今后不可能有更大的发展,她必须接受自己不复年轻的事实,而实际上,她也需要时间来抚养她的孩子。1976年,赫本与第二任丈夫andrea dotti的婚姻发生危机,这成为赫本冒险复出影坛的原因之一。同年,她在影片《罗宾和玛丽安》中露面,紧接在又拍摄了《血统》(1979年)、《哄堂大笑》(1981年)两部影片,但赫本的复出并未能得到预期的效果,均不成功,这使赫本决定从此息影。


