
时间:2024-08-02 07:32:37编辑:思创君




The parents were unable to use the new mobile phone.


The teachers were unable to utilize the new mobile phone.


We should utilize our aquatic resources.



utilize和use的区别是:读音不同。utilize英 [ˈjuːtəlaɪz] 美 [ˈjuːtəlaɪz] vt.使用;利用;运用;应用。use  英 [juːs]     美 [juːs]    n. 使用;用法;使用权;运用。v. 利用;对待;使用。use是日常用语,基本意思是“用”“使用”,多指一种比较明显地、物质地消耗,有时也可指不含或含有很少的消费、消耗的意思,强调目的性与实际效益。use是及物动词,接名词、代词作宾语。也可接由as短语或动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。use偶尔可接人作宾语,意为“利用某人”,即把某人作为手段或工具。used to仅用于一般过去时,表示过去常常发生的事,否定式为used not to或did not use to。


常用英语单词100个如下:foot脚、head头、face脸、hair头发、nose鼻子、mouth嘴、eye眼睛、ear耳朵、arm手臂、hand手、finger手指、leg腿、tail尾巴、red红、blue蓝、yellow黄、green绿、white白、black黑、pink粉红、purple紫、orange橙、brown棕、pen钢笔、pencil铅笔。pencil-case铅笔盒、ruler尺子、book书、bag包、comic book漫画书、post card明信片、newspaper报纸、schoolbag书包、eraser橡皮、crayon蜡笔、sharpener卷笔刀、story-book故事书、notebook笔记本、Chinese book语文书、English book英语书。math book数学书、magazine杂志、dictionary词典、cat猫、dog狗、pig猪、duck鸭子、rabbit兔、horse马、elephant大象、ant蚂蚁、fish鱼、bird鸟、eagle鹰、beaver海狸、snake蛇、mouse老鼠、squirrel松鼠、kangaroo袋鼠、monkey猴、panda熊猫、bear熊。lion狮子、tiger老虎、fox狐狸、zebra斑马、deer鹿、giraffe长颈鹿、goose鹅、hen母鸡、turkey火鸡、lamb小羊、sheep绵羊、goat山羊、cow奶牛、donkey驴、squid鱿鱼、lobster龙虾、shark鲨鱼、seal海豹、spermwhale抹香鲸、killer whale虎鲸。friend朋友、boy男孩、girl女孩、mother母亲、father父亲、sister姐妹、brother兄弟、uncle叔叔;舅舅、man男人、woman女人、Mr.先生、Miss小姐、lady女士、mom妈妈、dad爸爸、parents父母、grandparents祖父、pen pal笔友。


了解英语常用单词不仅能帮助英语学习者提高词汇技能,还能提升日常交流的自信心。但我们需要注意的是,不要指望掌握这些词汇就能说出流利的英语,而应让它们作为一种资源,帮助我们在更快提高英语技能。下面,我们一起来看看你是否也经常使用这些单词吧。1. All· Everyone in a group.· 所有人;全部· All the children did their homework.· 所有学习都做了作业。2. And· A conjunction that joins parts of speech together in a sentence.· 句子中把不同词类连接在一起的连接词。· She jumped, jogged, and danced in gym class.· 她在体育课上又跳又慢跑还跳舞。3. Boy· A male child.· 男孩。· The little boy asked his mother if she would buy him candy.小男孩问妈妈是否会给他买糖果。4. Book· A long text of words that people read.· 人们阅读的长篇文本。· The college student had to read a 500-page book for English class.· 大学生为了上英语课必须读一本500页的书。5. Call· To yell out or speak loudly; to contact someone by phone.· 大声喊叫或说话;用手机联系某人。· The girl called out to her brother so he would wait for her.· 女孩对着她哥哥大喊,让他等她。6. Car· A four-wheeled vehicle that transports people from one place to another.· 把人从一个地方运送到另一个地方的四轮交通工具。· He drove the car from school to work.他从学校开车到单位上班。7. Chair· A piece of furniture that can hold one person.· 可容纳人的家具。· My mother is the only one allowed to sit in the big chair in the living room.· 我妈妈是唯一一个被允许坐在客厅的大椅子上的人。8. Children· Young people who have not yet reached adulthood.· 未成年的年轻人。· The children didn't listen to what their parents told them.· 小孩们不听父母的话。9. City· A place where many people live.· 许多人聚居的地方。· New York is the biggest city in the United States.· 纽约是美国最大城市。10. Dog· An animal that many people have as a household pet.· 很多人的家庭宠物。· My dog likes to play with bones.· 我的狗喜欢玩骨头。11. Door· A passageway from which you can enter or exit a room or a building.· 让你进入或离开某间房间或某个建筑物的通道。· The students rushed through the classroom door just before the bell rang.· 学生们在响铃之前冲进了教室。Enemy· The opposite of a friend. A competitor or rival.· 竞争者或对手,反义词:朋友。· The hero of the story killed his enemy with a sword.这个故事的主人公用剑杀死了他的敌人12. End· To finish something or come to a conclusion.· 完成某事或者得出结论。· The end of the book was a happy one.· 这本书的结尾令人愉快。13. Enough· To have more than one needs of something.· 拥有的比需求的多。· Most Americans have enough food to eat, but that's not true in other countries.· 大多数美国人有足够食物,但有些国家却并非如此。14. Eat· To consume food.· 消耗食物。· The children liked to eat apples and bananas after school.· 小孩们放学后都喜欢吃苹果和香蕉。15. Friend· The opposite of an enemy. Someone on your side and with whom you enjoy spending time.· 经常和你在一起并且你喜欢在一起的人,反义词:敌人。· The girl played with her friend in the yard until her mother told her to come inside.在女孩妈妈叫她进屋之前,她一直和朋友在院子里玩。


utility是没有动词的,名词的意思是“效用;实用;公用事业(费)”,形容词的意思是“多效用的;多功能的”,比如I have always doubted the utility of these conferences on disarmament.我一直怀疑这些裁军会议的效用;Their research project has limited practical utility.他们的研究项目实用价值很有限。 扩展资料 utility是没有动词的,名词的`意思是“效用;实用;公用事业(费)”,形容词的意思是“多效用的;多功能的”,比如I have always doubted the utility of these conferences on disarmament.我一直怀疑这些裁军会议的效用。

