
时间:2024-08-04 05:04:32编辑:思创君


Supreme 至高无上

Oh it seemed forever stopped today 哦,今天似乎一切都永远的停止了
All the lonely hearts in London 伦敦里所有孤独的心
Caught a plane and flew away 搭上飞机,飞走了
And all the best women are married 所有好女人都结婚了
All the handsome men are gay 所有潇洒的男士都是同性恋
You feel deprived 你感觉很匮乏

Yeah are you questioning your size 你质疑自己的尺寸吗
Is there a tumour in your humour 你的体内有肿块吗
Are there bags under your eyes 你的眼睛有眼袋吗
Do you leave dents where you sit 你会在坐过的地方留下凹痕吗
Are you getting on a bit 你又长胖一点了吗
Will you survive 你想幸存吗
You must survive 你必须活下来

When there's no love in town 当这个城镇没有爱时
This new century keeps bringing you down 这个新的世纪带给你沮丧
All the places you have been 所有你去过的地方
Trying to find a love supreme 拼命找寻至高无上的爱
A love supreme 至高无上的爱

Oh what are you really looking for 哦,你真正寻找的是
Another partner in your life to abuse and to adore 你生命中用来辱骂与喜爱的另一半
Is it lovey dovey stuff 它是爱人的填充物吗
Do you need a bit of rough 你需要粗鲁一点吗
Get on your knees 跪下

Yeah turn down the love songs that you hear 将你听的那首情歌声音关小
Cause you can't avoid the sentiment 因为你无法避免伤感
That echoes in your ear 你耳里的回音
Saying love will stop the pain 不停地说,爱会让痛楚停止
Saying love will kill the fear 爱会击败恐惧
Do you believe 你相信吗
You must believe 你必须相信
When there's no love in town 当这个城镇没有爱时
This new century keeps bringing you down 这个新的世纪带给你沮丧
All the places you have been 所有你去过的地方
Trying to find a love supreme 拼命找寻至高无上的爱
A love supreme 至高无上的爱

I spy with my little eye 我用自己的小眼睛侦察
Something beginning with 有些事情开始了
Got my back up 得到了我的支持
And now she's screaming 如今,她在尖叫着
So I've got to turn the track up 因此我必须找到踪迹
Sit back and watch the royalties stack up 休息一下,看着版税堆加
I know this girl she likes to switch teams 我知道这个女孩她喜欢变卦
And I'm a fiend but I'm living for a love supreme 我是个魔鬼,但我却期盼至高无上的爱

Come and live a love supreme 来吧,经历至高无上的爱吧
Don't let it get you down 别让它令你沮丧
Everybody lives for love 每个人都期盼爱


【Supreme 至高无上 】 Oh it seemed forever stopped today 哦,今天似乎一切都永远的停止了 All the lonely hearts in London 伦敦里所有孤独的心 Caught a plane and flew away 搭上飞机,飞走了 And all the best women are married 所有好女人都结婚了 All the handsome men are gay 所有潇洒的男士都是同性恋 You feel deprived 你感觉很匮乏 Yeah are you questioning your size 你质疑自己的尺寸吗 Is there a tumour in your humour 你的体内有肿块吗 Are there bags under your eyes 你的眼睛有眼袋吗 Do you leave dents where you sit 你会在坐过的地方留下凹痕吗 Are you getting on a bit 你又长胖一点了吗 Will you survive 你想幸存吗 You must survive 你必须活下来 When there's no love in town 当这个城镇没有爱时 This new century keeps bringing you down 这个新的世纪带给你沮丧 All the places you have been 所有你去过的地方 Trying to find a love supreme 拼命找寻至高无上的爱 A love supreme 至高无上的爱 Oh what are you really looking for 哦,你真正寻找的是 Another partner in your life to abuse and to adore 你生命中用来辱骂与喜爱的另一半 Is it lovey dovey stuff 它是爱人的填充物吗 Do you need a bit of rough 你需要粗鲁一点吗 Get on your knees 跪下 Yeah turn down the love songs that you hear 将你听的那首情歌声音关小 Cause you can't avoid the sentiment 因为你无法避免伤感 That echoes in your ear 你耳里的回音 Saying love will stop the pain 不停地说,爱会让痛楚停止 Saying love will kill the fear 爱会击败恐惧 Do you believe 你相信吗 You must believe 你必须相信 When there's no love in town 当这个城镇没有爱时 This new century keeps bringing you down 这个新的世纪带给你沮丧 All the places you have been 所有你去过的地方 Trying to find a love supreme 拼命找寻至高无上的爱 A love supreme 至高无上的爱 I spy with my little eye 我用自己的小眼睛侦察 Something beginning with 有些事情开始了 Got my back up 得到了我的支持 And now she's screaming 如今,她在尖叫着 So I've got to turn the track up 因此我必须找到踪迹 Sit back and watch the royalties stack up 休息一下,看着版税堆加 I know this girl she likes to switch teams 我知道这个女孩她喜欢变卦 And I'm a fiend but I'm living for a love supreme 我是个魔鬼,但我却期盼至高无上的爱 Come and live a love supreme 来吧,经历至高无上的爱吧 Don't let it get you down 别让它令你沮丧 Everybody lives for love 每个人都期盼爱


Supreme 至高无上 Oh it seemed forever stopped today 哦,今天似乎一切都永远的停止了 All the lonely hearts in London 伦敦里所有孤独的心 Caught a plane and flew away 搭上飞机,飞走了 And all the best women are married 所有好女人都结婚了 All the handsome men are gay 所有潇洒的男士都是同性恋 You feel deprived 你感觉很匮乏 Yeah are you questioning your size 你质疑自己的尺寸吗 Is there a tumour in your humour 你的体内有肿块吗 Are there bags under your eyes 你的眼睛有眼袋吗 Do you leave dents where you sit 你会在坐过的地方留下凹痕吗 Are you getting on a bit 你又长胖一点了吗 Will you survive 你想幸存吗 You must survive 你必须活下来 When there's no love in town 当这个城镇没有爱时 This new century keeps bringing you down 这个新的世纪带给你沮丧 All the places you have been 所有你去过的地方 Trying to find a love supreme 拼命找寻至高无上的爱 A love supreme 至高无上的爱 Oh what are you really looking for 哦,你真正寻找的是 Another partner in your life to abuse and to adore 你生命中用来辱骂与喜爱的另一半 Is it lovey dovey stuff 它是爱人的填充物吗 Do you need a bit of rough 你需要粗鲁一点吗 Get on your knees 跪下 Yeah turn down the love songs that you hear 将你听的那首情歌声音关小 Cause you can't avoid the sentiment 因为你无法避免伤感 That echoes in your ear 你耳里的回音 Saying love will stop the pain 不停地说,爱会让痛楚停止 Saying love will kill the fear 爱会击败恐惧 Do you believe 你相信吗 You must believe 你必须相信 When there's no love in town 当这个城镇没有爱时 This new century keeps bringing you down 这个新的世纪带给你沮丧 All the places you have been 所有你去过的地方 Trying to find a love supreme 拼命找寻至高无上的爱 A love supreme 至高无上的爱 I spy with my little eye 我用自己的小眼睛侦察 Something beginning with 有些事情开始了 Got my back up 得到了我的支持 And now she's screaming 如今,她在尖叫着 So I've got to turn the track up 因此我必须找到踪迹 Sit back and watch the royalties stack up 休息一下,看着版税堆加 I know this girl she likes to switch teams 我知道这个女孩她喜欢变卦 And I'm a fiend but I'm living for a love supreme 我是个魔鬼,但我却期盼至高无上的爱 Come and live a love supreme 来吧,经历至高无上的爱吧 Don't let it get you down 别让它令你沮丧 Everybody lives for love 每个人都期盼爱


There's no earthly way of knowing
What was in your heart
When it stopped going
The whole world shook
A storm was blowing through you
Waiting for God to stop this
And up to your neck in darkness
Everyone around you was corrupted
Saying somethin'
There's no dignity in death
To sell the world your last breath
They're still fighting over
Everything you left over
I saw you standing at the gates
When Marlon Brando passed away
Marlon Brando死去的时候我看到你站在门边
You had that look upon your face
Advertising space
No one learned from your mistakes
We let our profit s go to waste
All that's left in any case
Is Advertising space
Through your eyes
The world was burning
Please be gentle
I'm still learning
You seemed to say
As you kept turning up
They poisoned you with compromise
At what point did you realise
Everybody loves your lies
But you ahahh
Special agent for the man
Through watergate and vietnam
No one really gave a damn
Did you think the CIA did
I've seen your daughter
Man shes cute
I was scared but I wanted to
Boy she looks a lot like you


Supreme 至高无上
Oh it seemed forever stopped today 哦,今天似乎一切都永远的停止了
All the lonely hearts in London 伦敦里所有孤独的心
Caught a plane and flew away 搭上飞机,飞走了
And all the best women are married 所有好女人都结婚了
All the handsome men are gay 所有潇洒的男士都是同性恋
You feel deprived 你感觉很匮乏
Yeah are you questioning your size 你质疑自己的尺寸吗
Is there a tumour in your humour 你的体内有肿块吗
Are there bags under your eyes 你的眼睛有眼袋吗
Do you leave dents where you sit 你会在坐过的地方留下凹痕吗
Are you getting on a bit 你又长胖一点了吗
Will you survive 你想幸存吗
You must survive 你必须活下来
When there's no love in town 当这个城镇没有爱时
This new century keeps bringing you down 这个新的世纪带给你沮丧
All the places you have been 所有你去过的地方
Trying to find a love supreme 拼命找寻至高无上的爱
A love supreme 至高无上的爱
Oh what are you really looking for 哦,你真正寻找的是
Another partner in your life to abuse and to adore 你生命中用来辱骂与喜爱的另一半
Is it lovey dovey stuff 它是爱人的填充物吗
Do you need a bit of rough 你需要粗鲁一点吗
Get on your knees 跪下
Yeah turn down the love songs that you hear 将你听的那首情歌声音关小
Cause you can't avoid the sentiment 因为你无法避免伤感
That echoes in your ear 你耳里的回音
Saying love will stop the pain 不停地说,爱会让痛楚停止
Saying love will kill the fear 爱会击败恐惧
Do you believe 你相信吗
You must believe 你必须相信
When there's no love in town 当这个城镇没有爱时
This new century keeps bringing you down 这个新的世纪带给你沮丧
All the places you have been 所有你去过的地方
Trying to find a love supreme 拼命找寻至高无上的爱
A love supreme 至高无上的爱
I spy with my little eye 我用自己的小眼睛侦察
Something beginning with 有些事情开始了
Got my back up 得到了我的支持
And now she's screaming 如今,她在尖叫着
So I've got to turn the track up 因此我必须找到踪迹
Sit back and watch the royalties stack up 休息一下,看着版税堆加
I know this girl she likes to switch teams 我知道这个女孩她喜欢变卦
And I'm a fiend but I'm living for a love supreme 我是个魔鬼,但我却期盼至高无上的爱
Come and live a love supreme 来吧,经历至高无上的爱吧
Don't let it get you down 别让它令你沮丧
Everybody lives for love 每个人都期盼爱

左溢 supreme歌词

Oh it seemed forever stopped today 哦,今天似乎一切都永远的停止了
All the lonely hearts in London 伦敦里所有孤独的心
Caught a plane and flew away 搭上飞机,飞走了
And all the best women are married 所有好女人都结婚了
All the handsome men are gay 所有潇洒的男士都是同性恋
You feel deprived 你感觉很匮乏

Yeah are you questioning your size 你质疑自己的尺寸吗
Is there a tumour in your humour 你的体内有肿块吗
Are there bags under your eyes 你的眼睛有眼袋吗
Do you leave dents where you sit 你会在坐过的地方留下凹痕吗
Are you getting on a bit 你又长胖一点了吗
Will you survive 你想幸存吗
You must survive 你必须活下来

When there's no love in town 当这个城镇没有爱时
This new century keeps bringing you down 这个新的世纪带给你沮丧
All the places you have been 所有你去过的地方
Trying to find a love supreme 拼命找寻至高无上的爱
A love supreme 至高无上的爱

Oh what are you really looking for 哦,你真正寻找的是
Another partner in your life to abuse and to adore 你生命中用来辱骂与喜爱的另一半
Is it lovey dovey stuff 它是爱人的填充物吗
Do you need a bit of rough 你需要粗鲁一点吗
Get on your knees 跪下

Yeah turn down the love songs that you hear 将你听的那首情歌声音关小
Cause you can't avoid the sentiment 因为你无法避免伤感
That echoes in your ear 你耳里的回音
Saying love will stop the pain 不停地说,爱会让痛楚停止
Saying love will kill the fear 爱会击败恐惧
Do you believe 你相信吗
You must believe 你必须相信

When there's no love in town 当这个城镇没有爱时
This new century keeps bringing you down 这个新的世纪带给你沮丧
All the places you have been 所有你去过的地方
Trying to find a love supreme 拼命找寻至高无上的爱
A love supreme 至高无上的爱

When there's no love in town 当这个城镇没有爱时
This new century keeps bringing you down 这个新的世纪带给你沮丧
All the places you have been 所有你去过的地方
Trying to find a love supreme 拼命找寻至高无上的爱
A love supreme 至高无上的爱

