
时间:2024-08-10 14:01:38编辑:思创君


A song of the same coast, wave me is a pair of lover. Love let us close air date, but that we separated phase. I came here with the blue Danxia, as is the white sands and spray spread coast as one; I use my body to make it the cooling of the heart, don't be too hot. Early in the morning, I in the lover's ear emits exchange solemn vows and pledges, so he took me in his arms; in the evening, I love the prayer song, so he will be my kiss. I am stubborn, impatient; my lover but perseverance and patience. The tide comes, I gave him a hug; the tide receded, I fell at his feet. There have been many times, when the mermaid from the sea out of the sea, sitting on the reef look up at the stars, I danced around them; there have been many times, when there are pretty girls valentine to talk of his bitter for love, I accompanied him sigh deeply, help he will fall out; how many times have I, the same table reef and drink, it was not to turn a hair with it, I laughed, it was without a smile. I'm Ceng Conghai up too much in human body, so they take escape from death; I from submarine stole many pearls, as a gift to beauty beauty. The dead of the night, all dreams to sleep, but I had insomnia; sometimes sing, sometimes sigh. Alas! Let me wan-looking sleepless. Even though I was in love, but love is awake. This is my life; this is my life's work. In two, the song I am dotted line, God took me from the vault of heaven and earth, nature then takes me to decorate the innumerable mountains and valleys. I is a dazzling pearl, from the goddess Astarte crown fall down, so the morning 's daughter took me to steal, to set green earth. I cry, mountains and rivers are in joy; I fall down, and looked up, straighten the waist, just a smile. The field and the cloud are a pair of lover, I am a messenger between them Teaser: the thirst, I went to lift; the sick, I go. The voice of thunder sword, in order to clear the way for me; the rainbow, declaring the end of my trip. Same is true of life on earth: start to lord it over others material under the iron heel, ending in the death quietly embrace. I am rising from the lake, flying wings through ether. Once I saw the beautiful gardens, fell down, kissing the flowers of the lips, hold verdure, makes the grass more Qingrun charming. In the silence, I use the slender fingers gently tapped the window glass, so that constitute a percussion sound of music, inspire the hearts of those sensitive. I am the sigh of the sea, the sky's tears, are the fields smile. This love is near: it is the feelings the sigh of the sea, is thought to sky's tears, is the soul of the fields smile. In three, the song I love is the wizard, is the spirit of wine, is the soul of the food. I'm a rose, when dawn, open your heart, so the girl put me off the branches, kiss me, I put on her chest. I am a happy home, is the source of joy, comfort is a start. I am the girl lips give a pleasant smile of a woman, the boy saw me, suddenly the fatigue and distress are left to be flung to the four winds, to make your life become a wonderful dream stage. I will give inspiration to poets, painters to guide me, I was a musician. I was a child looking back smile, loving mother sees, can not help but prostrate oneself in worship, praise God, thank heaven. I borrowed the body of Eve, Adam appear in front of him, and I become like slaves in general; I'm Solomon king, turned into a beauty to go, so he became a philosopher and poet. I asked Helen smiled, and Troy became the ruins; I give Claire batra crown, and the Nile Valley becomes is a song and laughter everywhere, exuberant. I is the creator, the vicissitudes of arranged by me, I am God, of vital importance to me. I gently, than the rich violet; I rude, more than wild storms. People ah! I am the truth, I am the truth, you want to make this point in my mind. In four, flower song I is the nature of the discourse, nature, and back, hide it in your heart, then said again ... ... I am the star from the sky to fall in, with green grass. I am the elements of woman: winter will I be open; spring makes me; let me grow up in summer; autumn I faint to sleep. I am between relatives and friends exchanges gifts; I was the wedding crown; I was living the last offering gift. Early in the morning, my morning a welcome light; evening, I and Gunma together to see it off. In the field I sway, the wilderness scenery more beautiful; I in the breeze breeze breathing, so that both fragrant and beautiful. I sleep, night sky million sparkling eyes watch over me; when I woke up, day was an enormous eye gaze upon me. I drink the dew into wine; listen bird singing, singing; I stroll about and start dancing, grass to clap for me. I always look up to high, bright feel excited; I never alone, also indulge in self-admiration. While these philosophies, humans did not fully understand. In five, the song of happiness with my lover be deeply attached to each other. I want to see him, he is infatuated with me. However, unfortunately! In this love in another third, make me painful, so he tortured. The name" material" to become powerful and intransigent rival, follow us, closely; she like snakes, to keep us apart. I am in the wilderness, lake, trees for my lovers, but couldn't see him. Because the material has charmed his mind, brought him into the city, went to the lead a voluptuous life, play the gangster. I in the knowledge and wisdom of the palace and take him to find, but couldn't find it, because the material -- that too vulgar to be endured woman had led him into the castle of individualism, make him fall into the quagmire of sensual pleasures. I am contented fields and sought him, but I could not find him, because I love rival has put him in a greedy cave, make him desire to fill. Dawn Zhaoxia, pan for gold, I will call him, but he did not hear, because of past love makes him difficult to open the eyes; at night, all sounds are still., Qunfang sleeping, I play with him, but he ignored me, because a vision of the future to occupy his whole mind. I love my lover, my pursuit in his work, but he can only in the creator's works can be found in me. He wanted to use the skull to build glory mansion, in Jinshan silver heap with me; but I can in the feelings of the bank, the creator built rustic cottage and he can have a joyous gathering. He wants to be a tyrant, the executioner before I kiss; I just let him in pure silk in quietly and I kissed your lips. He make every attempt to seek media contact us, and I ask matchmaker is upright labor -- good job. I love from my rival learned more than make a hullabaloo about, noisy; but I will teach him: from his heart in the outflow of tears a soothing, rely through one's own efforts, refine on sigh. My love belong to me, I belong to him.
Features essays


1、浪之歌我同海岸是一对情人。爱情让我们相亲相近,空气却使我们相离相分。我随着碧海丹霞来到这里,为的是将我这银白的浪花与金沙铺就的海岸合为一体;我用自己的津液让它的心冷却 一些,别那么过分炽热。清晨,我在情人的耳边发出海誓山盟,于是他把我紧紧抱在怀中;傍晚,我把爱恋的祷词歌吟,于是他将我亲吻。我生性执拗,急躁;我的情人却坚忍而有耐心。潮水涨来时,我拥抱着他;潮水退去时,我扑倒在他的脚下。曾有多少次,当美人鱼从海底钻出海面,坐在礁石上欣赏星空时,我围绕她们跳过舞;曾有多少次,当有情人向俊俏的少女倾诉自己为爱情所苦时,我陪伴他长吁短叹,帮助他将衷情吐露;曾有多少次,我与礁石同席对饮,它竟纹丝不动,我同它嘻嘻哈哈,它竟面无笑容。我曾从海中托起过多少人的躯体,使他们死里逃生;我又从海底偷出多少珍珠,作为向美女丽人的馈赠。夜阑人静,万物都在梦乡里沉睡,惟有我彻夜不寐;时而歌唱,时而叹息。呜呼! 彻夜不眠让我形容憔悴。纵使我满腹爱情,而爱情的真谛就是清醒。这就是我的生活;这就是我终身的工作。2、雨之歌我是根根晶亮的银线,神把我从天穹撒下人间,于是大自然拿我去把千山万壑装点。我是颗颗璨璀的珍珠,从阿施塔特女神王冠上散落下来,于是清晨的女儿把我偷去,用以镶嵌绿野大地。我哭,山河却在欢乐;我掉落下来,花草却昂起了头,挺起了腰,绽开了笑脸。云彩和田野是一对情侣,我是他们之间传情的信使:这位干渴难耐,我去解除;那位相思成病,我去医治。雷声隆隆闪似剑,在为我鸣锣开道;一道彩虹挂青天,宣告我行程终了。尘世人生也是如此:开始于盛气凌人的物质的铁蹄之下,终结在不动声色的死神的怀抱。我从湖中升起,借着以太的翅膀翱翔。 一旦我见到美丽的园林,便落下来,吻着花儿的芳唇,拥抱着青枝绿叶,使得草木更加清润迷人。在寂静中,我用纤细的手指轻轻地敲击着窗户上的玻璃,于是那敲击声构成一种乐曲,启迪那些敏感的心扉。我是大海的叹息,是天空的泪水,是田野的微笑。这同爱情何其酷肖:它是感情大海的叹息,是思想天空的泪水,是心灵田野的微笑。3、美之歌我是爱情的向导,是精神的美酒,是心灵的佳肴。我是一朵玫瑰,迎着晨曦,敞开心扉,于是少女把我摘下枝头,吻着我,把我戴上她的胸口。我是幸福的家园,是欢乐的源泉,是舒适的开端。我是姑娘樱唇上的嫣然一笑,小伙子见到我,霎时把疲劳和苦恼都抛到九霄云外,而使自己的生活变成美好的梦想的舞台。我给诗人以灵感,我为画家指南,我是音乐家的教员。我是孩子回眸的笑眼,慈爱的母亲一见,不禁顶礼膜拜,赞美上帝,感谢苍天。我借夏娃的躯体,显现在亚当面前,并使他变得好似我的奴仆一般;我在所罗门王面前, 幻化成佳丽使之倾心,从而使他成了贤哲和诗人。我向海伦莞尔一笑,于是特洛伊成了废墟一片;我给克蕾尔巴特拉戴上王冠,于是尼罗河谷地变得处处是欢歌笑语,生机盎然。我是造化,人世沧桑由我安排,我是上帝,生死存亡归我主宰。我温柔时,胜过紫罗兰的馥郁;我粗暴时,赛过狂风骤雨。人们啊!我是真理,我是真理啊,你们要把这一点牢记在心里。4、花之歌我是大自然的话语,大自然说出来,又收回去,把我藏在心间,然后又说一遍……我是星星,从苍穹附坠落在绿茵中。我是诸元素之女:冬将我孕育;春使我开放;夏让我成长;秋令我昏昏睡去。我是亲友之间交往的礼品,我是婚礼的冠冕,我是生者赠与死者最后的祭献。清早,我同晨风一道欢迎光明;傍晚,我又与群马一起为它送行。我在原野上摇曳,使原野风光更加旖旎;我在清风中呼吸,使清风芬芳馥郁。我微睡时,黑夜星空的千万颗亮晶晶的眼睛对我察看;我醒来时,白昼的那只硕大的独眼向我凝视。我饮着朝露酿成的琼浆,听着小鸟的鸣啭,歌唱;我婆娑起舞,芳草为我鼓掌。我总是仰望高空,对光明心驰神往。我从不顾影自怜,也不孤芳自赏。而这些哲理,人类未完全领悟。5、幸福之歌我与恋人相亲相爱。我渴慕他,他迷恋我。但是,何其不幸!在这爱情中还有一个第三者,让我痛苦,也使他饱受折磨。那个飞扬跋扈名叫"物质"的情敌,跟随我们,寸步不离;她像毒蛇一般,要把我们拆散。我在荒郊野外,湖畔,树丛中寻求我的恋人,却找不见他的踪影。因为物质已经迷住他的心窍,带他进了城,去到了那纸醉金迷,胡作非为的地方。我在知识和智慧的宫殿里把他寻找,但却找不到,因为物质——那俗不可耐的女人已经把他领进个人主义的城堡,使他堕落进声色犬马的泥沼。我在知足常乐的原野上寻求他,却找不见,因为我的情敌已经把他关在贪婪的洞穴中,使他欲壑难平填。拂晓,朝霞泛金时,我将他呼唤,他却没听见,因为对往昔的眷恋使他难睁睡眼;入夜,万籁俱寂,群芳沉睡时,我同他嬉戏,他却不理我,因为对未来的憧憬占据了他整个心绪。我的恋人爱恋我,在他的工作中追求我,但他只能在造物主的作品中才能找到我。他想在用弱者的骷髅筑成的荣耀的大厦里,在金山银堆中同我交往;但我却只能在感情的河岸上,在造物主建起的淳朴的茅舍中才能与他欢聚一堂。他想要在暴君,刽子手面前将我亲吻;我却只让他在纯洁的花丝中悄悄地亲吻我的双唇。他千方百计寻求媒介为我们撮合,而我要求的媒人却是正直无私的劳动——美好的工作。我的恋人从我的情敌那里学会了大喊大叫,吵闹不止;我却要教会他:从自己的心泉中流出抚慰的泪水,发出自力更生,精益求精的叹息。我的恋人属于我,我也是属于他的。扩展资料《组歌》与一般哲理诗一样,也采用拟人化手法,但又与一般哲理诗不同,它不以得出某种哲理为目标,而是最终形成一个有丰富感性内容的,难以被抽象为简单道理的形象。在《浪之歌》里,浪花对情侣海岸一往情深,爱得热烈,爱得深沉。作者借助海浪与海岸这对热恋形象,曲折表达了他对祖国忠贞不渝的情感和火热的恋情。海浪的形象是一个博爱者的形象,从中可以看到诗人自己的影子,诗人是世间种种美好事物的守护者。在《雨之歌》里,通过描述雨对海岸及世间万物的满腹爱情,刻画了一个奉献者和使者的形象,它滋润万物,也把距离遥远的事物联结起来。表现了作者对自然、生活的热爱对无私的奉献者的歌颂。作者简介因写一些较偏激的文章而被逐出黎巴嫩文坛骄子纪伯伦(1883-1931),作为哲理诗人和杰出画家,和泰戈尔一样是近代东方文学走向世界的先驱。同时,他又是阿拉伯现代小说和艺术散文的主要奠基人,20世纪阿拉伯新文学道路的开拓者之一。在短暂而辉煌的生命之旅中,纪伯伦饱经颠沛流离、痛失亲人、爱情波折、债务缠身与疾病煎熬之苦。他出生在黎巴嫩北部山区的一个农家。故乡的奇兀群山与秀美风光赋与他艺术的灵感。12岁时,因不堪忍受奥斯曼帝国的残暴统治,他随母亲去美国,在波士顿唐人街过着清贫的生活。1898年,15岁的纪伯伦只身返回祖国学习民族历史文化,了解阿拉伯社会。1902年返美后仅一年多的时间,病魔先后夺去了他母亲等三位亲人。他以写文卖画为生,与为人剪裁缝衣的妹妹一起挣扎在金元帝国的底层。1908年,他有幸得到友人的资助赴巴黎学画,并得到罗丹等艺术大师的亲授与指点。1911年他再次返美后长期客居纽约,从事文学与绘画创作,并领导阿拉伯侨民文化潮流。当他感到死神将临,决心让自己的生命之火燃烧得更加光耀,遂不顾病痛,终日伏案,直到48岁英年早逝。纪伯伦是位热爱祖国、热爱全人类的艺术家。在生命的最后岁月,他写下了传遍阿拉伯世界的诗篇《朦胧中的祖国》,他讴歌毕生苦恋的祖国:“您在我们的灵魂中——是火,是光;您在我的胸膛里——是我悸动的心脏。”爱与美是纪伯伦作品的主旋律。他曾说:“整个地球都是我的祖国,全部人类都是我的乡亲。”他反对愚昧和陈腐,他热爱自由,崇尚正义,敢于向暴虐的权力、虚伪的圣徒宣战;他不怕被骂作“疯人”,呼吁埋葬一切不随时代前进的“活尸”;他反对无病呻吟,夸夸其谈;主张以“血”写出人民的心声。文学与绘画是纪伯艺术生命双翼。纪伯伦的前期创作以小说为主,后期创作则以散文诗为主。此外还有诗歌、诗剧、文学评论、书信等。《先知》是纪伯伦步入世界文坛的顶峰之作,曾被译成二十多种文字在世界各地出版。纪伯伦的画风和诗风一样,都受英国诗人威廉·布莱克的影响,所以,文坛称他为“20世纪的布莱克”。纪伯伦的绘画具有浓重的浪漫主义和象征主义色彩,在阿拉伯画坛占有独特的地位。他毕生创作了约七百幅绘画精品,其中的大部分被美国艺术馆和黎巴嫩纪伯伦纪念馆收藏。早在1923年,纪伯伦的五篇散文诗就先由茅盾先生介绍到中国。1931冰心翻译了《先知》,为中国读者进一步了解纪伯伦开阔了文学的窗扉。近十多年来,我国又陆续出版了一些纪伯伦作品。这位黎巴嫩文坛骄子在中国有越来越多的知音。参考资料来源:百度百科--组歌

