you suck

时间:2024-08-13 15:06:15编辑:思创君


Suck 这个字在美国用的很多, 它就是指很烂, 很差,糟糕透了的意思。扩展资料第三人称单数: sucks 现在分词: sucking 过去式: sucked 过去分词: suckedsuck 相关例句及物动词1. The boat was sucked down into the whirlpool.船被漩涡吞没了。2. The baby is sucking its finger.婴儿在吮吸手指。3. Plants suck up moisture from the earth.植物从地里吸收水分。不及物动词1. The old man sucked at his pipe.老人吸着烟斗。名词The baby took one suck at the milk bottle and pushed it away.婴儿吸了一下奶瓶就将它推开了。suck 双语例句1. New version sucks man, u ppl suck..新版本吸收人尿激酶脂肪酶吸。。2. Nevertheless, sth should be done and suck in the experience and if it hurts it's probably worth it但是不管怎么样,有事件还是需要去体会的,即便有些损伤但是也值得。3. If you get to heat level 5 your day will suck.如果你的热度达到了5,事情就麻烦了。4. All you do is sit around and suck blood all day!你就会呆在那里吸一整天的血!5. I have a dream that one day my Great China`s oil wells have a free suck around the Nansha Islands!我有一个梦想,我梦想有一天我大中华的渔船能在钓鱼岛海域自由捕捞!6. He hates to suck around.他讨厌谄媚。参考资料:牛津词典--suck释义


suck是吮吸的意思,it一般代词它, suck是糟糕的意思 suck it一般为真糟糕。另外suck, 本身是吸的意思。所以“suck it”意思是糟糕透了,非常不好的意思。读音:sa ke yi te拓展资料:1、why don't u just suck it.你管得着吗?2、I swear to God I will suck it. 我向上帝发誓我会吹的。3、You let him suck it out, small amounts only. 让他吸下去,少量就够了。suck 吮吸,吸食,吸吮,抽吸,吸取来自古英语 sucian,吮吸,来自 Proto-Germanic*sukana,吮吸,来自 PIE*sug,吸,来自 PIE*seue, 汁液,液体,词源同 soak,soup.引申诸相关词义。参考资料:suck-百度百科

You suck这英语是什么意思

You suck的意思:你失败,你好衰,你很逊。重点词汇:1、you英 [ju] 美 [jə] pron.你;大家;你们,您们;各位。2、suck英 [sʌk] 美 [sʌk] vt.吮吸;吸取;吸入;卷进入。vi.通过吸吮的动作产生声音;巴结。You suck的用法示例如下:1、When you suck ass as a partner. 自己当个伴侣这么差劲。2、I have to say, you really do suck. 我不得不说,你实在逊毙了。扩展资料:同义词:1、be inferior英 [bi: inˈfiəriə] 美 [bi ɪnˈfɪriɚ] 逊色。I would not wish to be inferior to others. 我不希望自己比别人差。2、badly英 [ˈbædli] 美 [ˈbædli] adv.非常,在很大程度上;坏,拙劣地;差劲。"Well, I admit that the wheat turned out badly," he said. 是的,我承认小麦是出人意料的差劲。他说。

“you sucks”是什么意思?

意思:你很烂。重点词汇:sucks吸,吮( suck的第三人称单数 ); 舐,吮吸双语例句:1 So dont ask why you life sucks. 难道你自己还不知道原因?2The party you did last night sucks. 昨晚你办的派队糟糕透了。3 Maybe you should explain what sucks about China, and in what way Japan "owns" them? 也许你要解释什么就抽掉了中国、日本以何种方式“拥有”吗?4If you think my Chinese sucks please also teach me. 如果您觉得我中文太烂我也会虚心听您指教。5 When you think your life sucks, just think to yourself about how many people have it worse. 如果你觉得自己的生活不如人意,想想世界上有多少人过得比你更悲惨吧!6 So what do we people do when you tell them your life sucks? 所以,当你告诉别人我的生活糟透了的时候,人们会有什么反应呢?7Why would you settle for work that sucks the life out of you, even for higher pay, when you deeplydesire to be inspired and energized? 如果你真正的理想不能被鼓励和激活,那你为什么还要因为薪水而让这份工作毁掉你的生活?8 You can't help yourself because yourself sucks. 你帮助不了自己,因为你自己烂透了。

