
时间:2024-08-15 10:04:34编辑:思创君

机器人瓦力 主题曲 很感人的那首歌 叫什么名字

歌曲:Down to Earth歌手:Peter Gabriel填词:Various Artists谱曲:Various Artists歌词Did you think that your feet had been bound你是否感觉双脚受限By what gravity brings to the ground被这重力带回地面Did you feel you were tricked你是否感觉受骗By the future you picked Well,come on down被你选择的未来,好吧,下来吧All those rules don't apply所有这些规则都不会适用When you're high in the sky当你高高的在空中So,come on down Come on down所以,下来吧,下来吧We're coming down to the ground我们正向地面降落There's no better place to go没有更好的地方可去We've got snow up on the mountains我们有白雪皑皑的山峰We've got rivers down below我们有顺势而下的溪河We're coming down to the ground我们正向地面降落We hear the birds sing in the trees我们能听见林中的鸟啼And the land will be looked after而且这土地也能被照料We send the seeds out in the breeze我们会在微风中播撒种子Did you think you'd escaped from routine你还在认为你偏离了计划By changing the script and the scene因为改写了那剧本和场景Despite all you made of it快放弃你曾经为那做的一切吧You're always afraid Of the change你总是在害怕,这改变You've got a lot on your chest因为你已经得到了很多Well,you can come as my guest好吧,你可以来当我的客人So come on down Come on down所以下来吧,下来吧We're coming down to the ground我们正向地面降落There's no better place to go没有更好的地方可去We've got snow up on the mountains我们有白雪皑皑的山峰We've got rivers down below我们有顺势而下的溪河We're coming down to the ground我们正向地面降落We hear the birds sing in the trees我们能听见林中的鸟啼And the land will be looked after而且这土地也能被照料We send the seeds out in the breeze我们会在微风中播撒种子Like the fish in the ocean像那海中的鱼儿We felt at home in the sea像那海中的鱼儿We learned to live off the good land我们学会了依赖这美丽的土地Learned to climb up a tree学会了爬上树干Then we got up on two legs But we wanted to fly学会了爬上树干,但是我们又想飞走When we messed up our homeland当我们把家园搞得乱七八糟We set sail for the sky我们制作出航向天空的帆We're coming down to the ground我们正向地面降落There's no better place to go没有更好的地方可去We've got snow up on the mountains我们有白雪皑皑的山峰We've got rivers down below我们有顺势而下的溪河We're coming down to the ground我们正向地面降落We hear the birds sing in the trees我们能听见林中的鸟啼And the land will be looked after而且这土地也能被照料We send the seeds out in the breeze我们会在微风中播撒种子We're coming down Coming down to Earth我们正在降落,向地面降落Like babies at birth Coming down to Earth像是初生的婴儿,向地面降落We're gonna find new priorities我们准备重新定义最紧要的事These are extraordinary qualities这些才是不一般的东西We're coming down to the ground我们正向地面降落There's no better place to go没有更好的地方可去We've got snow up on the mountains我们有白雪皑皑的山峰We've got rivers down below我们有顺势而下的溪河We're coming down to the ground我们正向地面降落We hear the birds sing in the trees我们能听见林中的鸟啼And the land will be looked after而且这土地也能被照料We send the seeds out in the breeze我们会在微风中播撒种子We're coming down to the ground我们正向地面降落There's no better place to go没有更好的地方可去We've got snow up on the mountains我们有白雪皑皑的山峰We've got rivers down below我们有顺势而下的溪河We're coming down to the ground我们正向地面降落We hear the birds sing in the trees我们能听见林中的鸟啼And the land will be looked after而且这土地也能被照料We send the seeds out in the breeze我们会在微风中播撒种子We're gonna find new priorities我们准备重新定义最紧要的事These are extraordinary qualities这些才是不一般的东西扩展资料《Down to Earth》该歌曲收录在专辑《Down to Earth》中,由Walt Disney Records公司发行于2008-06-10,该张专辑包含了1首歌曲。该歌曲其他版本1、塔玛拉演唱的《Down to Earth》,该歌曲收录在专辑《Cosmology》中,由FIL公司发行于2011-12-21,该张专辑包含了14首歌曲。2、Murray Gold演唱的《Down to Earth》,该歌曲收录在专辑《Doctor Who: Series 5》中,由Silva Screen Records公司发行于2010-11-09,该张专辑包含了63首歌曲。


链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/18xIJh-aQ2z03e0Pb5a5szg 提取码: jjgd 《机器人总动员》是2008年一部由安德鲁·斯坦顿编导的科幻动画电影。由皮克斯动画工作室进行制作,华特·迪士尼电影工作室电影公司负责发行。安德鲁·斯坦顿执导,本·贝尔特、艾丽莎·奈特和杰夫·格尔林等联袂献声配音。影片于2008年6月27日在美国上映。 故事讲述了地球上的清扫型机器人瓦力偶遇并爱上了机器人伊娃后,追随她进入太空历险的一系列故事。影片的全球票房累计超过5.3亿美元,曾获得第81届奥斯卡最佳动画长片奖

