
时间:2024-08-30 21:56:19编辑:思创君


2013高考英语高频词汇解析, 无 为大家进行详细的整理,希望考生能够有所收获。

  Starting around 7000 B.C., and for the next four thousand years, much of the Northern Hemisphere experienced temperatures warmer than at present.




  1)n.数字>千 n.成千上万;许许多多

  Thousands of spectators watched the sailing.



  one in a thousand无比优秀

  a thousand and one一千零一,无数的...

  a thousand to one一千对一

  the thousand ills that flesh is heir to人生难免的痛苦,命运...

  parts per thousand千分之一

  2.hundred, thousand和million的用法说明



  He was prepared to pay two million.


  ②但是,当这些词后面的名词有了the, these, those等特指限定词修饰时,或其后的接的是us, them 这样的人称代词时,则此时必须用介词 of。

  About three hundred of them have left there.




  The sun was shining. Thousands of people were lying on the beach.



  1)n.经验;经历 v.经历;体验;感受

  You will experience a dream of fantasy.



  experience in 有经验;有…的经验

  working experience 工作经验;工作经历

  life experience 生活经历,生活经验

  personal experience 个人经验

  valuable experience 宝贵的经验

  user experience 用户体验

  relevant experience 相关工作经验

  learning experience 学习经验

  past experience 过去的经验

  service experience 服务经验;运行经验

  by experience 凭经验;通过经验






  ⑤表示“在…方面的经验”时, experience后一般接介词in,也可接动词不定式作后置定语。


  1、It is reported that the floods have left about ______ people homeless.(07浙江)

  A.two thousand B.two-thousands

  C.two thousands D.two thousands of


◆ catch sb.doing sth; be (get) caught in sth.
◇ catch sb.doing sth.作“碰(遇)上某人正在做某事”解。例如:
The policeman caught two men fighting in the street.警察碰见两个人在街上打架。
The man was caught stealing the apples.那人偷苹果时,被当场发现。
◇ be (get) caught in sth.“遇上……而受阻”之意。例如:
I got caught in the traffic.我因交通堵塞而受阻。
I was caught in a storm on my way to school.我在去学校的路上遇到了暴雨。
◆ care about; care for; care; care to
◇ care about“关心;计较;在乎”,指由于某事重要,或因责任所在而关心计较,一般用于否定句。如: He doesn't care about his clothes.他不讲究衣着。 I don't care about going there.去不去那里,我无所谓。
◇ care for“关心;照料;喜欢;愿意”。作“关心;照料”讲,一般用于肯定句或疑问句。如: Who will care for your children when you are away﹖ 你离开期间谁照顾你的孩子? How the Party cares for us!
党是多么关心我们啊! Would you care for a walk? 你愿意去散步吗? He cares more for fine new clothes than for anything else. 他喜爱漂亮的新衣胜于其他的一切。
◇ care还可作及物动词,但其后通常接从句。如: I don't care who you are.我不管你是谁。 I don't care what you say.不论你说什么,我都不在乎。
◇ care to“愿意,欲望”,后接动词原形。如: I don’t care to go there.我不愿意去那里。
◆ carry off; carry away; carry out
◇ 表示“运走”;“掠走”,用carry off或carry away均可。但两者也有不同之处:carry off可表示“夺得”某种奖赏;carry away可表示“吸引住”。如: After destroying the village, the enemy carried off/away all the cattle. 在毁掉村子之后,敌人把牲畜都掠走了。 I carried off the first prize.我获得了头等奖。 We were carried away by her songs.她的歌声令我们浑然忘我。
◇ carry out的意思是“搬出(某物)”;“履行(计划或义务等)”。如: Would you please carry out the desk into the garden﹖ 请你把桌子搬到花园里去好吗? You must carry out your duty. 你必须履行你的职责。
◆ carry out; carry on
◇ 注意两者的区别:carry out意为“执行、实行”;carry on表示“(继续)进行、进行下去”,强调坚持。如:
The group of soldiers carried out a secret military action the other day.
Comrades in Germany were carrying on a heroic fight against war under conditions of fascism at that time.
◆ cause; reason; excuse
◇ cause意为“起因”、“原因”,指引起某种结果的必然原因,即主要事实方面的原因,常和effect连用,表示因果关系。如:
I don’t know the cause and effect.我不知道此事的前因后果。
The cause of the fire was carelessness.失火的原因是粗心大意。
◇ reason意为“理由”、“原因”,指用以解释某些已发生的事情的理由或借口,这种理由可能是也可能不是真正的理由,强调逻辑推理方面的理由。如:
There are many reasons for animals dying out.动物的绝种有许多原因。
Tell us your reason for changing the plan.告诉我们你改变计划的原因。
◇ excuse指为免受指责和推卸责任而找的“理由”、“原因” 也就是我们常说的“借口”。如:
Too much work is no excuse for absence.工作太忙不能成为缺席的理由。
I haven’t done the work well,my excuse is that I have been ill. 我没把工作做好,我的理由是我病了。
◆ cheer/greet/welcome◇ cheer意为“欢呼”,侧重表示高声呼叫以示欢迎,强调气氛的活跃,常含鼓励之意。如: The boys cheered their football team.孩子们为他们的足球队喝彩。◇ greet表示用语言、行动等“迎接”,常含“友好、热情、亲切”之意。如: We greeted our guests at the gate. 我们在大门口迎接客人。◇ welcome常表示“欢迎新人、新事、新主张”等。如: We welcome the new ideas. 我们欢迎新思想。
◆ clear away, clear up, clear off ◇ clear away表示“清除掉”、“收拾掉”、“散掉”、“消散”;clear up表示“露出(喜色)”、“(天气)放晴”、“清理”、“整理”;clear off表示“走开”、“离开”。
1) We must ____ such ideas among ourselves. 2) She ____ her desk before she moved to another school. 3) The sky looks as if it would ____ soon. 4) ____ before I call the police. 5) His face ____ when he read the letter. Key: 1) clear away 2) cleared up 3) clear up 4) Clear off 5) cleared up
◆ close;closely ◇ close, closely这两个词都可以用作副词,close表示“靠近”、“紧紧地”,closely则表示“紧密地”、“严密地”、“密切地”。如:
1) I went closer, and saw clearly a tall man in the moonlight.
2) Come close, I want to tell you something important.
3) The policeman followed the strange man closely.
4) The scientists got closely in touch with the astronauts.
◆ come up; come on; come out
◇ come up常表示位置“上升”;从水中或 土中“冒出”;芽苗等“长出”;“引起注意、被提出”等。如:
The seeds haven’t come up. 种子还没发芽。
Your question came up at the meeting.你的问题在会上被提出来讨论。
◇ come on 常用来催促别人,意为“加油、加快”,也可表示“来临、袭击”。如:
I can feel a headache coming on.我觉得头痛了。
◇ come out常表秘密等“传出、被获悉”,书籍等的“出版”;“结果是”。如:
When will her new book come out﹖ 她的新书什么时候出版?
The answer to the math problem came out wrong. 这道数学题的结果错了。
◆ complete; finish
◇ finish是普通用语,用得比较广泛,可作及物动词或不及物动词,多用来指“完成”一项任务或活动,后面可接名词、代词或-ing,不接不定式。例如:
Have you finished your work﹖ 你的工作完成了吗?
He finished writing the letter last night.这封信他是昨晚完成的。
◇ complete一般用作及物动词,用法较正式,通常用来表示完成某个计划、理想、事业、工程、建筑、书籍及作品等,后面可接名词或代词,不接-ing或不定式。例如:
He’s never completed a project on time.他从未按时完成过计划。
The bridge is not completed yet. 这座桥至今尚未完工。
◇ 表示完成学业、精细的工作、吃完某物及在被动结构中表示“一切都完了;没希望了”等意时,均用finish。例如:
He finished school in 1991.他1991年从学校毕业。
The wood-work is beautifully finished. 这件木器做得很精细。
注意:complete a book的意思是“写完一本书”;finish a book意为“看完一本书”。
◆ common ordinary general 都含“普通的”意思。
◇ common强调“常见的”、“ 不足为奇的”,
如:Colds are common in winter.感冒在冬天很常见。
Ø ordinary强调“平常的”、“平淡无奇的”,
如:His ordinary supper consists of only bread and milk. 他通常的晚餐不过是面包和牛奶。
◇ general意为“普遍的”、“一般的”,
如:This book is intended for the general reader, not for the specialist.
这本书是为一般读者写的, 不是为专家写的。
Ø normal指“正常的”、“正规的”、“常态的”,
如:the normal temperature of the human body 人的正常体温
◆ compare…with; compar…to; compared with/to
◇ compare…with意为“把……与……相比”,侧重指两者间的区别。
如:Compare this car with that one, and you will find the differences between them.
◇ compare…to…意为“把……比作……”,着重注意两者间的相似点。如:
This song compares our country to a big family.这首歌把我们的国家比作一个大家庭。
◇ compare既可以单独用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作不及物动词时,以compare with…形式出现,表示“与……相比”。如:
Living here can’t compare with living in Shanghai.在这儿生活不能和在上海(生活)相比。
If you compare the two words, you can tell the difference between them.
◇ compared with…和compared to…都可用作状语,意义基本相同,可互换。如:
Compared to/with him, you are lucky.与他相比,你是幸运的。
It was a small town then, compared to/with what it is now. 和现在比起来,那时它还是个小镇。
◆ cover; interview ◇ 两者都可用作动词,意为“采访”,cover的宾语是事情;interview的宾语是人。如: Reporters are then sent to cover the events.然后记者们就被派去采访这些事件。 He interviewed five people in the morning.他上午采访了五个人。
◆ country; nation; state; land
◇ country意为“国家;国土”,侧重指版图;疆域。如:
China is a great country with a long history.中国是一个历史悠久的伟大国家。
After many years abroad, he wanted to return to his country.在国外呆了多年后,他想回到自己的祖国。
Some parts of this country (land) are much warmer than others.该国某些地区的气候较其他地区温暖得多。
◇ nation意为“民族;国家”,侧重指人民;国民;民族。如:
The whole nation was in deep sorrow at this news.听到这一噩耗,全国人民悲痛万分。
the United Nations (UN)联合国the law of nations 国际公法
a most favored nation 最惠国
Trade between nations is much better than war.国与国之间进行贸易往来比兵戎相见好得多。
◇ state意为“国家;政府”,侧重指政权;政体。如:
In our country, railways are state-owned. 在我国铁路为国家所有。
◇ land意为“国土;国家”,带有感情色彩,多用于文学作品中。如:
This is my native land.I’ll defend it with my life! 这是我的祖国,我要用自己的生命保卫她!
◆ cross; across; crossing
◇ cross作动词用时,意思是“横过”。如:
They are crossing the river. 他们正在过河。
The idea has just crossed my mind. 这个主意是我刚才想到的。
◇ across可作介词或副词,意为“横穿,横过”。如:
They pushed the cart across the bridge. 他们推着车过桥。
The post office is across the street.邮局在街道对面。
◇ crossing意为“横穿,交叉,十字路口,人行横道”。如:
They are standing at a crossing.他们正站在十字路口。
◆ cut off; cut up; cut through ◇ cut off表示“隔绝”、“断绝”、“(电路)切断”、“剪下”、“砍掉”; ◇ cut up表示“切割开来”、“切碎”、“使难过”;◇ cut through表示“凿穿”、“穿过”、“穿透”。
1) The building ____ our view. 2) We are going to ____ the mountain to build a free way here. 3) She _____ the cake and gave each of us a piece. 4) He ____ some flowers from the bush. Key: 1) cut off 2) cut through 3) cut up4) cut off


陕西2017年高考英语阅读理解训练题及答案   30. Why do more choices of goods give rise to anxiety?   A. Professionals find it hard to decide on a suitable product.   B. People are likely to find themselves overcome by business persuasion.   C. Shoppers may find themselves lost in the broad range of items.   D. Companies and advertisers are often misleading about the range of choice.   31. By using computers as an example, the author wants to prove that .   A. advanced products meet the needs of people   B. products of the latest design fold the market   C. competitions are fierce in high-tech industry   D. everyday goods need to be replaced often   32. What is this passage mainly about?   A. The variety of choices in modern society.   B. The opinions on people’s right in different countries.   C. The problems about the availability of everyday goods.   D. The helplessness in purchasing decisions.   D   Mr William Shakespeare and the Internet   Explanation of Contents   This is the fourth edition of these pages. It is hard to believe, but once again they are new and improved. My motive in publishing these pages remains to help and stimulate others in Shakespeare studies, and especially those who might contribute their work to the Internet. The spirit of altruism (利他主义) that originally built the Internet is not quite gone, though, sadly, through the pressure of time and profit has lessened.   A major new addition to the pages is a Shakespeare Timeline, which is an online biography mounted at this site. The problems with searching for Shakespeare resources using the available Search Engines are:   ---- It is difficult to focus most searches so that you get a manageable number of relevant hits;   ---- It is impossible by simply reading an abstract(摘要) to make any distinction between the output of a Junior High School student and that of a professional researcher.   Another change in these pages over previous editions is the “What’s News” page. If you come away from these pages with the feeling that they are very useful but slightly pedantic (学究的), I will have realized my goal.   An Apology   I am continually apologizing to the many who have written me requesting revisions of the pages. We are all too busy. I simply have not had the time to dedicate to these pages that I wish. But I love the material and so have, at long last, made some time to update them.   A Reminder to Young Students   These pages contain the best links I can find to Shakespeare on the Internet. As a reminder, I would say I very much enjoy hearing from people who view and use these pages. If you want to do Shakespeare research using the web, this page is a great starting point, and I keep it as current as I can. The web is in its infancy(初期in bringing good, scholarly content to students. Don’t forget the best, if not quickest, resources are still in your library.   33. The passage is written to ________.   A. introduce the fourth edition of these pages   B. make an apology to readers   C. show off these pages to readers   D. let Shakespeare researchers buy these pages   34. When searching for Shakespeare resources using Search Engines, you ________.   A. can easily recognize what the abstract means   B. will waste some time in finding what you want   C. will often come into the “What’s News” pages   D. will find something special on your computers   35. Which of the following can best conclude the last paragraph?   A. The writer will often read letters from those who use these pages.   B. The writer of the passage is very selfish.   C. The web was just created four years ago.   D. Shakespeare researchers should first of all refer to these pages.   第二节 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。   As a teen, you’re going through big changes physically and mentally. Your interests are increasing. 36 . Here is the challenge: Kids need to explore the world in new ways, and parents need to protect them from the dangers that are all out in that world. These conflicts can easily set off fireworks in otherwise calm houses. Sometimes conflicts can’t be avoided. But by paying attention to the building blocks of successful relationships, you can work towards making home a happy and healthy place for you and your parents.   For instance, try to find a time to talk when your parents are not angry, tired, distracted or hungry. A good time to talk is when you’re all relaxed. Timing is everything. If the conversation begins to turn into an argument, you’d better calmly and coolly ask to stop the conversation for now. 37 . Listen to what your parents are saying, and repeat it back to them. This shows them that you’re listening. 38 . Respect is the building block of good communication. People who respect each other and care about each others’ feelings can disagree without getting things ugly. 39 . How do you build trust? Trust comes by actually doing what you say you’re going to do. Some teens find that doing fun activities with their parents can improve their relationships. Sometimes we forget that parents are more than rule-maker—they’re interestingpeople who like to watch movies and go shopping—just like their teenagers!   What do you do if you are trying your best, but your relationship with your parents continues to be rocky? 40 You can find supportive adults, such as a teacher or a coach, who can lend an ear. Remember you can only change your own behavior. Your parents are the only ones who can change theirs.   A. It also gives them a chance to clear things up if you’re not on the same page.   B. You can pick it up again when everyone’s more relaxed.   C. And then you’ll be able to accept what your parents say.   D. Faced with the challenge, children don’t know what to do   E. You are more likely to get along with your parents and have more independence if   your parents believe in you.   F. And your desire to take control of your own life is growing.   G. You may consider seeking outside help.   参考答案:   21-24 DBAC 25– 28 BDDC 29- 32 .BCBD 33-35 ABD 36-40 FBAEG ;

2012高考英语陕西卷完形填空翻译 要全文哦*

One sunny afternoon, a seven-year-old girl went for a walk. She crossed a large area of grassland into the woods __26__ she realized that she was lost.
Sitting on a rock and __27__ what to do, she began crying. After a while. She__28__ to walk along a wide path lined with tall trees and thick bushes. __29__ it was getting dark, she saw a small, dark wooden house. She opened the door and __30__ stepped in. Suddenly, she heard a strange noise, and she ran out the door and back to the __31__. Cold and tired, she fell asleep near a __32__.
The girl’s parents were out and her dog, Laddy, was at home. Laddy __33__ that his mistrees(女主人)was in danger. He jumped __34__ a window, breaking the glass. He looked in the fields. But he couldn’t find his mistress anywhere. However, from the ground came a __35__ scent (气味) as he lowered his head. He __36__ the scent and walked across the grassland. Barking __37__ into the air, the dog __38__ through the woods until he found the __39__ . But the girl was not there, so he headed back to the woods. Much to his __40__ , he saw his mistress’ blue shirt in the distance. He __41__ over some bushes and saw the little stream, where the girl was __42__.
When she opened her eyes and 43 her dog standing beside her, the girl said, “you 44 me, Laddy,” and she kissed him several times. Seeing their daughter and dog coming back, the parents burst into tears of 45 . That night Laddy had a heror’s supper: a huge meal of steak
26. A. before B. since C. while D. as
27. A. wondering B. forgetting C. remembering D. regretting
28. A. preferred B. expected C. failed D. decided
29. A. When B. Until C. If D. Because
30. A. carelessly B. cautiously C. hopelessly D. unwillingly
31. A. trees B. bushes C. woods D. grasses
32. A. stream B. rock C. tree D. house
33. A. found B. sensed C. heard D. smelt
34. A. at B. through C. in D. onto
35. A. terrible B. strange C. pleasant D. familiar
36. A. missed B. discovered C. followed D. ignored
37. A. calmly B. loudly C. merrily D. gently
38. A. searched B. wandered C. looked D. travelled
39. A.window B. girl C. house D. hero
40. A. satisfaction B. disappointment C. embarrassment D. delight
41. A. jumped B. climbed C. walked D. flew
42. A. awake B. abandoned C. available D. asleep
43. A. spotted B. watched C. observed D. saw
44. A. disturbed B. comforted C. rescued D. scared
45. A. pain B. shock C. sorrow D.relief

