
时间:2024-09-04 17:16:40编辑:思创君


素食主义者英文是vegetarian。素食主义者vegetarian;音标:美/ˌvedʒəˈteriən/英/ˌvedʒəˈteəriən/。词典释义vegetariann.素食主义者;食草动物;adj.素食的;素的。vegann.严格的素食主义者;adj.严格的素食主义的。造句:1.他是个素食主义者,而且过于讲究。He was a vegetarian, and a fussy one to boot.2.你认为我应该提前告诉她我是素食主义者吗?Do you think I should tell her in advance that I'm a vegetarian?3.这两位素食主义者,想让我们放弃食用汉堡包和金枪鱼,而吃“花菜”吗?Do these two vegetarians want us to give up our hamburgers and tuna and eat cauliflower?4.我与艾玛·马里斯同为环保主义者、动物保护倡导者和长期的素食主义者,在动物园的问题上,我完全可以和她站在同一阵营。As a fellow environmentalist,animal-protection advocate and longtime vegetarian,I could properly be in the same camp as Emma Marris on the issue of zoos.5.为什么人们决定成为素食主义者?Why do people decide to be vegetarian?


素食者翻译如下:vegetarian短语Vegetarian gelatin 甜点爱玉;World Vegetarian Day 世界素食日;Vegetarian Sweet and Sour 素咕噜肉 ; 素咕哝肉;International Vegetarian Union 国际素食联盟 ; 国际素食协会 ; 国际素食者联盟 ; 按照国际素食协会;Vegetarian Recipes 素食食谱 ; 素食篇;Vegetarian Chicken with Day Lily 黄花荤鸡;Vegetarian Bun 香菇素菜包 ; 素食包;Vegetarian Pancake 馅饼;双语例句She is an avowed vegetarian. 她公开声明自己是素食者。Is she a vegetarian? 她是素食者吗?Are you vegetarian? 你只吃素食吗?He was a vegetarian, and a fussy one to boot. 他是个素食主义者,而且过于讲究。A growing number of people are going vegetarian. 越来越多的人开始吃素了。He's always spouting off about being a vegetarian. 他老把自己吃素挂在嘴边。There are plenty of vegetarian dishes to choose from. 有许多道素菜可供选择。

