服装搭配 英文

时间:2024-10-10 05:33:57编辑:思创君


问题一:服装搭配用英文怎么说? (the工right/fashionable) dress collocation
clothing collocation

问题二:服装搭配用英文怎么说 dressing match
costume match

问题三:服饰搭配用英文怎么说? dressing match
costume match

问题四:服饰搭配用英文怎么说 服饰搭配
Dress collocation
Dress collocation

问题五:服装搭配用英文应该怎么说? garment collocation

问题六:搭配的英文????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! match fix

问题七:服装搭配师的英文怎么说 clothing designer

问题八:你的裤子和你的衣服搭配得很好英语怎么翻译 Your trousers match your coat/clothes/overcoat very well.

问题九:你的裤子和与你的衣服搭配得好用英文怎么说,Your trousers goes ― ―your your trousers goes nice with your clothes


穿搭英文是Wear and match。例句:1、你会采取某种行为、选择某种穿搭或摆出某些态度来让自己被同龄人接纳。You will adopt a certain type of behavior, dress, or attitude in order to be accepted as part of a group of your "peers".2、如今,《时尚先生》(Esquire)、《男人装》(FHM)、《绅士季刊》(CQ)则给读者提供了夏洛克风格的绅士范穿搭指南。More recently, Esquire, FHM, and GQ have advised readers on how to get the Sherlock look.3、霉霉最厉害的穿搭单品当属那双法奥斯托·普吉立斯(Fausto Puglisi)的豹纹靴。And the best part of her outfit has to be the Fausto Puglisi leopard print boots she's wearing.4、将成套西服拆开来穿搭(“broken suit”)的想法逐渐盛行:灰色裤子配蓝色夹克、或者是上衣与裤子的颜色深浅与纹路稍有差别。女性则干脆把“broken suit”直呼为单件装。And the idea of the "broken suit"-what women, less melodramatically, call "separates"-has come to the fore: grey trousers with a blue jacket, or perhaps a subtle difference in shade or texture between top and bottom.5、也有人每天花一整个小时去精心穿搭衣服。Some people spend 1 hour every day to dress themselves.

