Eternal reality

时间:2024-10-16 08:18:33编辑:思创君


格列佛游记经典语句英汉互译如下:1、In astronomy, we will find how wonderful!We can see live their own predictions become a reality;We can observe the operation of the comet and reproduce, as well as all kinds of sports stars. 在天文学上,我们将会有多么奇妙的发现!我们活着就可以看到自己的预言成为事实;我们可以观察到彗星的运行和再现,以及日月星辰的种种运动变化。2、So the question is not whether a person can be eternal youth, health and happiness forever, but in his old age in a variety of common adverse conditions, how to survive his eternal life.所以问题不在于一个人是否能永葆青春,永远健康幸福,而在于他在老年所具备的种种常见的不利条件下,如何来渡过他那永恒的生命。3、Blindness can give you courage because you can see no danger.盲目可以使你增加勇气,因为你看不到什么危险。4、Great contribution is nothing in the eyes of aking, if you refuse to meet his expectations for a moment, even if you havedone great work before will not be forgiven.伟大的功绩在君王眼里算什么,如果你一时拒绝满足他的奢望,即便你以前立过大功也决不会得到宽恕。5、We must take pains and be self-righteous inmatters which have the least to do with us, in matters which are not suitablefor our nature or for our study.对于和我们最无关系的事情,对于不适合我们的天性或者不适于我们研究的事情,我们却偏偏要煞费苦心,偏偏要自以为是。《格列佛游记》介绍:《格列佛游记》是英国作家乔纳森·斯威夫特(又译为江奈生·斯威夫特)创作的一部长篇游记体讽刺小说,首次出版于1726年。作品以里梅尔·格列佛(又译为莱缪尔·格列佛)船长的口气叙述周游四国的经历。通过格列佛在利立浦特、布罗卜丁奈格、飞岛国、慧骃国的奇遇,反映了18世纪前半期英国统治阶级的腐败和罪恶。还以较为完美的艺术形式表达了作者的思想观念,作者用了丰富的讽刺手法和虚构的幻想写出了荒诞而离奇的情节,深刻地反映了当时的英国议会中毫无意义的党派斗争,统治集团的昏庸腐朽和唯利是图,对殖民战争的残酷暴戾进行了揭露和批判;同时它在一定程度上歌颂了殖民地人民反抗统治者的英勇斗争。格列佛游记》1726年在英国首次出版便受到读者追捧,一周之内售空。出版几个世纪以来,被翻译成几十种语言,在世界各国广为流传。在中国也是最具影响力的外国文学作品之一,被列为语文新课程标准必读书目。


格列佛游记20句英文短句如下:一、1-5句:I decided to get up;My hair is long and thick;I felt from my armpit;I can only look up;I heard the noise of the people around me。二、6-10句:I could see nothing but the sky;After a while;My eyes look as much as possible;At the same time;I was so surprised。三、11-15句:But they soon came back again;I pulled hard;In a blink of an eye;This burst of arrows later;I put my left arm up to the front。四、16-20句:Some also fell on my face;I heard someone shouted loudly;Although I don't think;I loosened the rope ;I was wearing a leather vest。

