Light House 歌词
歌曲名:Light House歌手:Nothing's Carved In Stone专辑:Spirit InspirationLighthouseNothing's Carved In Stone作:Nothing's Carved In Stone作曲:Nothing's Carved In StoneFindThe guiding lightMy memory so greyI'm trying not to fall awayThe guiding lightBegins to shine on at nightShining on my seaI know this lighthouse will cast a light deepFallBelow the groundDrop in the frozen seaLet go of all my fear, yeahFoundIn guiding light it showedWhat do I wantI'm trying not to fall awayFallBelow the groundDrop in the frozen seaLet go of all my fearand see me know me and nowFallBelow my mindDrop in the frozen seaLet go of all my fearand see me know me and nowTell me pleaseTell me whyTell me howTell me nowTell me pleaseTell me whyTell me howTell me how towhen towhat totell meFallThe guiding lightMy memory so greyWhat do I wantI'm trying not to fall awayAll is mine
火车:优点——运输能力大,价格便宜,可以日夜不停的开缺点——受铁路线限制,路线和班次不自由汽车:优点——数量多,线路自由,最便捷缺点——成本略高,不适合长时间乘坐轮船:优点——运能最大,成本最低缺点——速度慢飞机:优点——速度最快,远程运输速度优势最为明显缺点——成本昂贵,乘坐不方便火车:铁路列车,简称机车,俗称动车组火车,是指在铁路轨道上行驶的车辆,通常由多节车厢所组成。人类历史上最重要的机械交通工具,早期称为蒸汽机车,有独立的轨道行驶。铁路列车按载荷物,可分为运货的货车和载客的客车,亦有两者一起的客货车。汽车:即本身具有动力得以驱动,不须依轨道或电力架设,得以机动行驶之车辆。广义来说,具有四轮行驶的车辆,普遍多称为汽车。轮船:轮船推进方式的发展经历了两种方式,一种是原始的以人力踩踏木轮推进,一种是现代的以机械化螺旋浆推进。现代轮船指用机械发动机推动的船只,多用钢铁制造。原始的轮船是以人力踩踏木轮推进,近代轮船是以蒸汽推动外部明轮轮桨的蒸汽船,现代轮船多用涡轮发动机。飞机:指具有机翼、一具或多具发动机的靠自身动力驱动前进,能在太空或者大气中自身的密度大于空气的航空器。如果飞行器的密度小于空气,那它就是气球或飞艇。如果没有动力装置,只能在空中滑翔,则被称为滑翔机。飞行器的机翼如果不固定,靠机翼旋转产生升力,就是直升机或旋翼机 。固定翼飞机是最常见的航空器型态。动力的来源包含活塞发动机、涡轮螺旋桨发动机、涡轮风扇发动机或火箭发动机等等。
To the Lighthouse 歌词
歌曲名:To the Lighthouse歌手:Patrick Wolf专辑:LycanthropyTo The LighthousePatrick WolfLycanthropyTo The LighthouseArtist: Patrick WolfAlbum: LycanthropyYear: 2003The day our house collapsedI went down stream.Ifollowed the swansLike i follow my dreams.oh!i was living on borrowed time in aborrowed house for a borrowed need of help i came to your door.saw the spike of the railings fromthe 28/3rd floor.singing"build your castle, stop collecting stonesand the river bed shall not be yoru home"To the lighthouse my friend!Ibless your words and educationTo the lighthouse my friend.just go! just go!To the lighthouse my friend.I am sorry that you came to find"great great mindsagainst themselvesconspire'now the bombs drop around our feet,do we throw them backor bow and greet them.everyone now, is so terrifyedof the glowing darkand those orange skies.sing it:'build your castle, stop throwing stonescos' those fire birds arecoming down on our homes"To the lighthouse my friendsit cannot even be a questionTo the lighthouse my friendswe must go, we must goTo the lighthouse my friendsit cannot even be a questionTo the lighthouse my friendswe must go, we must go"great great mindsagainst themselvesconspire'