求《史密斯夫妇》 200词影评
John and Jane have been married for five or six years and pretty much have the American ideal; they live in a big home in a nicely white and middle-class suburb, they both drive nice cars and both have very good careers. Sure they have problems in their marriage but outwardly they look great and they are getting counselling for the lack of spark anyway. The real problems probably come from the fact that, unbeknownst to one another, he is not really a building contractor and she is not really a computer expert, really they are both professional killers working for different companies. This is all well and good until they both get sent to do the same job and narrowly miss killing one another. Discovering the other's secret identity, they both assume that the other is only in the marriage to get information and mark the other so neither has a choice but to try and kill the other first.
From the plot summary alone you've probably got the idea that this is not the film to come for if you are in a cerebral mood. The plot is rather silly to say the least, the action OTT and the whole thing is utterly unconvincing and unengaging. However it is all rather fun and entertaining in a big, dumb, noisy summer blockbuster sort of a way. On this level it is possible to just take it as it comes, ignore the lack of substance and be taken in by the slick style with which it is all carried off. It helps that all those involved know to deliver it with their tongues in their cheeks, so it never looks stupid, it knows it is silly but it also knows that it is entertaining and, in the summer market, that is all it is required to be doing. The result is that it all moves forward quickly and constantly with an air of slick confidence that produces funny lines and plenty of big noisy action.
Of course it is not the film to bring your brain to, because if you think about it you have lost the point and will no enjoy it. I found myself thinking once or twice and forced myself to just get lost in the film as a product that than a story. I thought about how the characters were more about the celebrities than the writing, but this didn't matter because that was part if the appeal of the film. I thought about how the action lacked any tension or anything to really hook me in, but that was mainly because the film and characters had no substance below the slick exterior, so the action matched that approach. I also found some of the scenes of violence a bit hard to take - was I the only one who watched this married couple punching and shooting each other and thought how the real sufferers of domestic violence would not appreciate such a sensual and funny look at the subject? Like I said though, I nipped these thoughts in the bud because the film is not about the detail, it is about the glossy finish - the engine of this car might have been a couple of badgers on a treadmill, but the bodywork had definitely been "pimped"!
With such a glossy vehicle, it was important to have a couple of really sexy stars who have chemistry to carry off the silly nonsense. Fortunately the stars are textbook for that type of stuff. Pitt has been slickly moving through Ocean's 11/12 and Jolie is sexy/sassy personified. Individually they keep the quips coming, never take it seriously at any point and manage to make knife wounds, bruises and wounds sexy and cool. Together they both seem to get the joke and their slick deliveries go really well together; I could not care less about the whole "are they/aren't they" gossip column nonsense but they really did make this product work by turning up the "slick" quotient to 11. For me personally though I felt that Vaughn stole the show by doing his usual stuff - he is consistently funny and his rougher character made for a really nice contrast to the endlessly slick delivery in every other section.
It is all nonsense of course and I had started to forget it the moment I left the cinema, but it does what it sets out to do pretty well; not to make you think, not to provide realism, not to be tense, not to engage your emotions but simply to provide a slick, funny film that lives entirely on the surface and never stops moving in case you notice this. This it all does well and, for all the problems with it, it is indeed sexy, smart, funny, noisy and enjoyable. Not great by any means but will certainly keep the target audience happy.
穿越时空电视剧有:双世宠妃、回到明朝当王爷之杨凌传、太子妃升职记、薛定谔的猫、寻找前世之旅等。1、双世宠妃《双世宠妃》是由企鹅影视出品,余洲影视承制的古装穿越爱情剧,该剧由元德执导, 杨十夜担任编剧,赵洁、杨朔担任总制片人,邢昭林、梁洁、孙艺宁、辛瑞琪、钟祺、王瑞昌等主演。该剧改编自梵缺的小说《爆笑宠妃:爷我等你休妻》,讲述了梁洁饰演的尚书千金曲檀儿,意外邂逅东岳国万人瞩目的八王爷墨连城,二人历经波折,由猜忌、试探再到信任、相爱,终成欢喜冤家的爱情故事。2、回到明朝当王爷之杨凌传《回到明朝当王爷之杨凌传》是由慈文传媒、东阳紫风影视制作有限公司、天猫、优酷联合出品,蒋劲夫、袁冰妍、刘芮麟、柳岩等人主演的穿越爱情剧。该剧讲述了杨凌从一个普通秀才,成为了大明王朝的异姓王爷,实现了其跌宕起伏而又波澜壮阔的传奇人生的故事。3、太子妃升职记《太子妃升职记》是北京乐漾影视传媒有限公司承制的古装穿越网络剧,由甘薇监制,侣皓吉吉执导,张天爱、盛一伦、于朦胧、江奇霖、郭俊辰等主演。该剧改编自鲜橙的同名小说,讲述了男儿心女儿身的太子妃热血闯荡皇宫,一路顺利升职的故事。剧集于2015年12月13日起在乐视网更新,哔哩哔哩弹幕网跟更。4、薛定谔的猫《薛定谔的猫》是北京光和木星影业有限公司、腾讯视频、北京影行天下文化传播有限公司共同出品的一部校园青春音乐网剧,由唐韬执导,多尔编剧,马瑞男、苏诗丁、孙天宇、周梓琦、黄霄云、蒲悦、梁振锋、斌巴才仁主演。该剧讲述了年轻律师薛士奇意外得到了一部神秘手机而穿越到另一个平行时空,变成一所高中音乐老师而产生的一系列啼笑皆非、热血励志同时又脑洞大开的青春校园故事。5、寻找前世之旅《寻找前世之旅》是由高林豹执导,马可、付辛博领衔主演,周雨彤、聂子皓、那家威等联合主演的玄幻穿越剧。该剧改编自vivibear的同名系列小说,讲述了由司音抚养成人的叶隐受人委托,为其化解现世之劫,在任务中碰到了血族王子亚隆,三人展开一段跨越千年的爱情故事 。第一季于2017年1月16日在爱奇艺播出,第二季于2017年2月20日在爱奇艺播出。