
时间:2024-11-07 05:31:14编辑:思创君


bay是一个英语单词。名词、动词,作名词时意思是“海湾;狗吠声”,作及物动词时意思是“向…吠叫”,作不及物动词时意思是“吠叫;大声叫嚷”。例句:1、Beyond all but one bay of emerald.远处只见绿宝石颜色的海湾。2、But then we burst out to the Bay of Angels.然后,我们终于冲出人群来到了天使湾。3、Her one ambition was to see italy and the bay of naples .她唯一的志向是,到意大利和那不勒斯湾去游行。


  英语单词bay的中文意思   英 [be] 美 [be]   第三人称单数:bays第三人称复数:bays现在分词:baying过去分词:bayed过去式:bayed   名词 湾,海湾; 犬吠声; 月桂树; 吊窗,凸窗   不及物动词 (尤指猎犬等)吠,叫,咆哮; 筑堤遏(水); 穷追,使陷入绝境; 阻止(敌人)不使前进   形容词 赤褐色的,栗色的   及物动词 向…吠叫   不及物动词   1.Dogs sometimes bay at the moon.   狗有时会朝着月亮吠叫。   名词   1.There is a storage bay in the house.   屋内有一隔开的储藏间。   2.We heard the distant bay of the hounds.   我们听到远处一群猎犬的吠声。   3.In a small bay big waves will never build up .   在小的港湾里,永远也不会形成大的波涛。   英语单词bay的词典解释   1.湾;海湾   A bay is a part of a coast where the land curves inwards.   e.g. ...a short ferry ride across the bay.   乘渡船横渡海湾的短途旅行   e.g. ...the Bay of Bengal.   孟加拉海湾   2.(建筑物的)开间,隔间   A bay is a partly enclosed area, inside or outside a building, that is used for a particular purpose.   e.g. The animals are herded into a bay, then butchered...   动物们被赶到一个隔间里,然后进行宰杀。   e.g. The car reversed into the loading bay.   汽车倒入装卸间。   3.(飞机或船只的`)货舱,分隔舱   On an aircraft or ship, a bay is a section that is used for carrying cargo or equipment.   e.g. the cargo bays of aircraft.   在飞机的货舱里   4.(建筑物的)凸出部分;(尤指)飘窗,凸窗   A bay is an area of a room which extends beyond the main walls of a house, especially an area with a large window at the front of a house.   5.(马)棕红色的   A bay horse is reddish-brown in colour.   6.大声疾呼;强烈要求   If a number of people are baying for something, they are demanding something angrily, usually that someone should be punished.   e.g. The referee ignored voices baying for a penalty.   裁判对要求判罚点球的叫喊声不予理睬。   e.g. Opposition politicians have been baying for his blood.   反对派的政治家们一直呼吁对其严惩。   英语单词bay的双语例句   1.Additional rooms will be provided at a hotel in Xinglong, 15 km inland from Shimei Bay.   其余的房间将会安排在距离石梅湾15公里的兴隆的酒店。   2.We're heading to Shimei Bay for the first time this season! Should be at leasthead-high.   我们将去石梅湾开始本季首次东海岸的冲浪之行,浪至少将高及头顶   3.Hong Kong China Resources Group Shimei Bay to participate in the development of the overall development plans in the next 10 years time, in batches of about 50 billion of funds.   香港中国资源集团石梅湾参与发展的总体发展计划在未来10年时间,分批约50亿美元的资金。   4.Shimei Bay Tourism Resort District: Shimei Bay Tourism Resort scope of the overall planning area of 12 square kilometers.   石梅湾旅游度假区:石梅湾旅游度假范围的总体规划面积12平方公里。   5.Do you know where the Bay of Tokyo is?   你知道东京湾在哪儿吗?   6.Now he has a wife and a private office in a fancy apartment building near ritzy Tokyo Bay.   现在他结了婚,在奢华的东京湾地区一所高档住房里有自己的私人工作室。   7.If you and your second half are in the mood for love, and there is no time to head for Kyoto or Okinawa, then try a cruise around Tokyo Bay.   如果你和你的第二个一半在花样年华,也没有时间前往京都或冲绳,然后尝试围绕东京湾游船。   bay的中文意思   可数名词:   1.湾,海湾   2.(建筑物的)开间,隔间   3.(可供车辆短暂停靠的)停车间,停车处   4.红棕色的马   不及物动词:   1.(猎犬)不停地吠叫   2.强烈要求   3.要挟   4.穷追问题的答案   adj.(马)红棕色的   单词分析   这两个名词均有“海湾”之意。   bay指海岸线上一大块凹入的地方,是港口的所在地。   gulf一般比bay大,但比sea小。指大片深入到陆地中,由海岸围绕成半圆形的海水区域。   英语解释   bark with prolonged noises, of dogs   an indentation of a shoreline larger than a cove but smaller than a gulf   (used of animals especially a horse) of a moderate reddish-brown color   small Mediterranean evergreen tree with small blackish berries and glossy aromatic leaves used for flavoring in cooking; also used by ancient Greeks to crown victors   utter in deep prolonged tones   a compartment on a ship between decks; often used as a hospital   the sound of a hound on the scent   a horse of a moderate reddish-brown color   a small recess opening off a larger room   a compartment in an aircraft used for some specific purpose   相似短语   be at bay受困 被围 走投无路   bay for大声叫嚷,大声疾呼   at bay(猎物)被围困,被迫作困兽之斗   bay the moonv. 吠月,徒劳   bay windown. 飘窗,凸窗 为房间采光和美化造型而设置的突出外墙的窗。一般的飘窗可以呈矩形或梯形,从室内向室外凸起。飘窗的三面都装有玻璃,窗台的高度比起一般的窗户较低。这样的设计既有利于进行大面积的玻璃   stand at bay被围困,走投无路;背水一战   back bay后湾   bay bar湾口沙洲,湾内沙坝   bay head湾头   bay ice湾冰


bay是一个英语单词,名词、动词,作名词时意思是“海湾;狗吠声”,海湾作及物动词时意思是“向…吠叫”作不及物动词时意思是“吠叫;大声叫嚷”。短语搭配Thunder Bay桑德贝 ; 桑德湾 ; 雷湾 ; 雷湾市South Bay南湾 ; 南部海湾 ; 南部海滩 ; 南泥湾Chesapeake Bay切萨皮克湾 ; 切萨皮克海湾 ; 千诗碧可 ; 乞沙比亚双语例句1、Beyond all but one bay of emerald.远处只见绿宝石颜色的海湾。2、But then we burst out to the Bay of Angels.然后,我们终于冲出人群来到了天使湾。3、Her one ambition was to see italy and the bay of naples .她唯一的志向是,到意大利和那不勒斯湾去游行。

