骨架的英语是:skeleton一、skeleton发音及释义美音:['skelɪtn] ,英音:['skelɪtn]n. 骨骼,骨架;梗概,提纲;骨瘦如柴的人(或动物);(建筑物、桥梁等的)框架,骨架;(维持转运所需的)最少人员,基干人员;钢架雪车人体骨架二、词组短语1、human skeleton 人体骨架2、skeleton structure 骨架构造3、skeleton staff 基干人员三、例句1、The human skeleton consists of 206 bones.人的骨骼由206块骨头组成。2、The skeleton has been dated at about 2000 BC.这骨架的年代为公元前2000年左右。3、In this case, we have a few options for what kind of application skeleton to create.在这种情况下,我们有几个选择来创建什么样的应用程序框架。
骨架用英语怎么说,骨架的英文,骨架的意思骨架基本解释skeleton framework bone carcass BOBBIN backbone Armature 骨架的英文和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释热门查询outjarhomadescribeconductedschoolbagfightermarry依旧bearerdisappointclearer来势汹汹obscurewhile是什么意思mountainsskincare近期查询afatherhelpfulimpersonatorappearing
英 [ˈskelɪtn] 美 [ˈskelɪtn] n.骨骼;骨架;骨骼标本;骨瘦如柴的人(或动物);(建筑物等的)骨架,框架;梗概;最少人员,基干人员adj.骨瘦如柴的;(计划,组织或结构等)基本的[usually sing.] (建筑物等的)骨架,框架the main structure that supports a building, etc.同义词: frameworkOnly the concrete skeleton of the factory remained.厂房只剩下混凝土骨架了。[usually sing.] 梗概;提纲;提要;轮廓the basic outline of a plan, piece of writing, etc. to which more details can be added laterExamples were used to flesh out the skeleton of the argument.通过例证使干巴巴的论点充实起来。~ staff, crew, etc.(维持运转所需的)最少人员,基干人员the smallest number of people, etc. that you need to do sth
skeleton什么意思介绍如下:英/ˈskelɪtn/。美/ˈskelɪtn/。n.骨骼;骨架;骨骼标本;骨瘦如柴的人(或动物);(建筑物等的)骨架,框架;梗概;最少人员,基干人员。adj.骨瘦如柴的;(计划,组织或结构等)基本的。复数: skeletons。The outer one third has a cartilaginous skeleton. 外部1/3为软骨性骨骼。The doctor said, "Stethoscope, go!" The dog built a human skeleton. 医生说道:“听诊器,上!”这只狗搭了一个人体骨骼。Study of the Computer System Based of the Individual Identification of Skeleton 骨骼个体识别系统的研究He said the skeleton could also provide information. 他说,骨骼也可提供资料。Research on Skeleton Modeling Method for Virtual Human Based on Multi-rigid-body System Theory .虚拟人骨骼结构的多刚体系统建模方法研究。