
时间:2024-11-13 16:57:42编辑:思创君


"Serene" 是一个形容词,意为“宁静的,平静的”。“Serenity” 是名词形式,意为“宁静,平静”。这个词常常用来描述环境,人的情绪或者风格,形容一种清静、优雅、柔和的氛围。 在日常生活中,“serene” 常用于描述风景如画的自然环境,如山水、海滨、湖泊等。例如:“The serene lake was a perfect place to relax and unwind.” (这个宁静的湖泊是一个完美的放松休息的地方。)“Serene” 也用来表达一种充满内在平静和沉着冷静的人或者情绪。例如: “Despite the chaos of the situation, she remained serene and focused on finding a solution.” (尽管局势混乱,她依然冷静内敛,专注于寻找解决方法。)在音乐、美术等艺术领域,“serene” 也常用于形容风格或作品的基调。例如:“The painting had a serene quality that left the viewer feeling calm and peaceful.” (这幅画的风格优雅恬静,让观众感到平静宁静。)总体而言,“serene” 这个词用来形容一种宁静、平静、优雅的氛围或状态,是一种非常美妙的感觉。


serena是女生名字serena (拉丁)"温和;沉著的"。serena给人两种不同的印象:可爱活泼充满惊喜的女孩, serena在中文里被称为塞丽娜。其他英文名如下:1、janisa/杰妮萨——带有“上帝的恩惠”的含义,引申为吉祥、幸福,而这也象征着幸运。yw11.com用作女孩英文名,体现出女孩子善良、懂事的气概特点。2、athena/雅典娜——来自希腊αθηρ(阿切尔)“锋利”和αινη(爱因)“赞美”。象征着智慧女孩之义,也是雅典的保护神。以此作为女孩英文名可以延伸那份勇敢与智慧,并突出孩子是一个象征幸运、吉祥的人物。3、corrine/科琳——音标为[cor-rine]简单易读的英文单词,带有“贵族的后代”寓意内涵,象征着幸运。因为此英文名带有贵族后代的含义,引申为高贵、吉祥之义。适合女孩子命名,如歌手欢子、刘璐夫妇的女儿就运用此英文名命名。4、vanessa/凡妮莎——希腊名,带有“蝴蝶,命运的宠儿”的含义,用作女孩英文名字,一种有吸引力,细心,善于分析,有灵性的。其中“命运的宠儿”包含了幸运解析,所以也满足大家对于象征幸运女孩英文名查找。5、nicole/妮可——源由希腊的名字,含义是“胜利者;人民的胜利”,引申为吉祥、幸福、幸运的含义。满足大家对于幸运英文名的查找。此外,女孩运用此英文名命名,不仅发音好听易读,而且给人一种重视感情,万事和为贵的印象特点。


Gender variables in friendship(友情中的性别差异)对照翻译如下:When I think of my good friends, I see them in cinematic terms. The camerawork is entirely different for men and women. The "movie" memories I have of female friends are open and intimate. We are talking, interested in each other in a magnetic sort of way. They look straight into my eyes, sensitive to my feelings, listening to me with deliberate attention. In comparison, memories of male friends are in an entirely different film altogether. An action or adventure movie。Not much in the way of dialog. The ritual of motion, or the sequence of action, makes up for the deficiency of dialog and honest narrative.想到我的好朋友们,我就会用看电影的眼光看待他们。对男性和女性的拍摄手法是完全不同的。我对女性朋友的“电影式”记忆是开放的、亲密无间的。我们交谈着,像磁铁般互相吸引着。她们直视我的眼睛,她们善解人意,她们用心倾听。相比较而言,我对男性朋友的记忆是完全不同的另一部影片。那是一部动作片或者冒险片。对话不多。习惯性的行动,或者说一系列的动作,弥补了对话及坦诚倾诉方面的不足。My mind retreats back to my earliest childhood friend, Donald. I was still living in Europe at the time, and near my house was an old German truck left abandoned after the war. No wheels. No windshield. No doors. But the steering wheel was intact. Donald and I continuously "flew" to America in that truck, our "airplane". Even now, I remember our daily ritual as we flew along, across Europe, across the Atlantic, on a mission of mercy. We were innocent and inseparable, the deep security that comes between best friends. Naturally, not one word of our evident feelings for one another was ever uttered; it was all done in actions.我回想起我儿时最早的朋友唐纳德。那时候我还住在欧洲,我家房子附近有一辆战后遗弃的德国旧卡车。没有轮子,没有挡风玻璃,没有车门,但是方向盘还完好无损。我和唐纳德一直开着这辆卡车,也就是我们的“飞机”,“飞往”美国。即使到现在,我还记得我们每天飞行的那个线路。我们飞过欧洲,飞越大西洋,去执行救援任务。那时候的我们单纯,形影不离,有着最好的朋友之间才有的那种高度安全感。自然,对于我们彼此间显而易见的感情,我们从未吐露过一个字,一切尽付诸行动。



  英 [ˌserəˈneɪd] 美 [ˌsɛrəˈned, ˈsɛrəˌned]

  n.(尤指男子在所爱慕的女子窗外唱的或演奏的)小夜曲; 唱[奏]小夜曲的人;



  [网络]小夜曲,月下情歌; 夜曲;

  [例句]It is against the law to serenade your girlfriend.


  [其他]第三人称单数:serenades 现在分词:serenading 过去式:serenaded 过去分词:serenaded 形近词:
serenase serenace serenata

