waiking in the sun

时间:2024-11-28 18:12:08编辑:思创君

walking in the sun歌词

Walking in the sun in around and around
I can believe love is at around
Walking in the sun in around and around and around
Walking in the sun in around Sun in around and around
And the lander or chorer check to want a stair
How too fun the better place
Every boys and girls are looking for a chance
And the music starts to play
WOO.......Get to be this way
WOO.......You are one for me
Walking in the sun in around and around
I can believe love at is around
Walking in the sun in around and around and around
Look at try for me
Walking in the sun in around and around
Walking in the sun in around and around
Walking in the sun in around Sun in around and around...
With two chances together body in the sex
bady you need tell know me
Every boys and girls are looking for a man
To remember everyday
WOO.......Get to be this way
WOO.......You are one for me
Walking in the sun in around and around
I can believe love at is around
Walking in the sun in around and around and around
Look at try for me
Walking in the sun in around and around
I can believe love at is around
Walking in the sun in around and around and around
Look at try for me
Walking in the sun in around and around
Walking in the sun in around and around
Walking in the sun in around and around
Walking in the sun in around Sun in around and around

walking in the sun的歌词是什么意思要中文的

walking in the sun的意思是走在阳光下,在阳光下来回漫步。整首歌的中文翻译如下:Do you remember the things we used to say?(还记得吗?那些我们曾经说过的事)。I feel so nervous when I think of yesterday (一想到昨天我就如此的不安)。How could I let things get to me so bad? (为什么那些事情令我如此神伤)。How did I let things get to me?(为什么它们在我脑海)。Like dying in the sun (就像在阳光下逝去一样),Like dying in the sun (在阳光中慢慢逝去)。Like dying in the sun (阳光下逝去),Like dying (逝去)。Like dying in the sun (就像在阳光下逝去一样),Like dying in the sun (在阳光中慢慢逝去)。Like dying in the sun (阳光下逝去),Like dying(逝去)。Will you hold on to me (扶住我好吗),I am feeling frail (我感觉如此脆弱)。Will you hold on to me (扶紧我好吗),We will never fail (我们永远不离不弃)。I wanted to be so perfect you see (我曾经想要变得像你眼中的那样完美)。I wanted to be so perfect (想要变得如此完美),Like dying in the sun (就象在阳光下逝去一样)。Like dying in the sun (在阳光中慢慢逝去),Like dying in the sun (阳光下逝去)。Like dying (逝去),Like dying in the sun (就象在阳光下逝去一样)。Like dying in the sun (在阳光中慢慢逝去),Like dying in the sun (阳光下逝去) 。Like dying(逝去) 。扩展资料:《walking in the sun》是由英国乐队Travis演唱的一首歌曲。收录于Travis2004年11月1日发行的专辑《Singles》中。专辑包括16首乐队曾经发行过的单曲,以及一首全新创作“Walking In The Sun”,轻快的节奏配上优美的 吉他和弦,紧扣心门。在10月18日率先推出。乐队成员Clint Black接受采访时说:“这张专辑花费了我们将近两年的时间,我们都特别期待这张专辑,希望歌迷和我们一样喜欢它。”。另外还有一个人唱了《walking in the sun》同名歌曲。Born Crain是来自 比利时的创作才子,选秀出身,签约日本avex唱片公司。2005年出道,2006年第一张专辑获得了本国的金唱片奖。在吉他大行其道的欧美流行乐坛,号称是继Daniel Powter之后的又一钢琴男。曲风略显乖张,日本版的专辑里附上了专辑同名曲的音乐录影带。

walking in the sun什么意思啊?帮忙找下中文歌词,谢谢

walking in the sun



Walking in the Sun in around and around
I can believe love at is around
Walking in the Sun in around and around and around
Walking in the Sun in around and around and around
And the lander or chorer check to want a stair
How too fun the better place
Every boys and girls are looking for a chance
And the music starts to play
wow........Get to be this way
wow........You are one for me
Walking in the Sun in around and around
I can believe love at is around
Walking in the Sun in around and around and around
Look at try for me
Walking in the Sun in around and around
Walking in the Sun in around and around
Walking in the Sun in around and around and around...
With two changes together body in the sex
bady you need tell know me
Every boys and girls are looking for a manner
To remember everyday

上一篇:pale rider
