
时间:2024-12-04 10:50:57编辑:思创君


分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习

一般美国家庭中,孩子们称父母为Dad,Mom,Daddy,Mommy,Pa,Ma等。兄弟姐妹之间则一律直呼其名。有时也会听到哥哥弟弟称姐妹们为Sis。对爸爸妈妈的父母统称grandparents。实在需要说明时,可以说paternal/maternal grandparents或grandparents on my mother's side/on my father's side。另外,常听人称祖母为Nana,同中文的“奶奶”很接近,据说是来自“奶妈”“保姆”(Nanny)一词。

对父母的兄弟姐妹的孩子们,一概称Cousin,属于first cousin。而second cousin是指远房堂兄弟姐妹或远房表兄弟姐妹(即父母的堂表兄弟姐妹的子女),同属一个曾祖父母的血缘关系。不管多复杂的关系,在美语里,也只能说“This is my second cousin."

对父母的兄弟姐妹,称Uncle和Aunt。后面一般都带上他们的名字,比如Uncle Jim或Aunt Betty等。所以,在美国,别指望同事和朋友的孩子们经常叫你“叔叔、阿姨”。

nuclear family:核心家庭,只包括父母和子女的家庭


single parent family:单亲家庭,家里只有父亲或者只有母亲


blended family:混合家庭,父母都是再婚,双方的孩子住在一起的家庭


DINK:丁克家庭,英文double ine, no kids的缩写,只有夫妻两人,不生孩子的家庭


adopted child:被领养的孩子


host family:寄宿家庭,指留学生特别是交换学生住在当地人家里的家庭


寄宿家庭:这种存在了很多年的“美国寄宿家庭项目”(American Host Family program)是美国的一些学校为留学生特别是交换学生提供的在美国家庭生活的机会,时间上从几天到几年不等。很多寄宿家庭与留学生建立起密切的关系,甚至会以“父母”相称,“父母”也会经常自豪地谈论自己的异国“儿女”。CCTV曾播放“留 *** 童——中国最早的官派留学生”的专题节目,其中就有很多1872~1875年大清王朝的留美“幼童”与他们的美国寄宿家庭几代人延续长达一个世纪的感人故事。



Generally American family, the children call the parents is a Dad, Mom, Daddy, Mommy, Pa, Ma e.Of the brothers sister then keeps shout all its.Sometimes will also hear elder brother's younger brother call the sisters is a Sis.Know together as grandparents to the parents of father's mother.Can say the paternal/maternal grandparents or grandparents on my mother's side/on my father's side while needing to be explain really.Often hear a person call the grandmother is a Nana moreover, together"grandmother" of Chinese nears to very much, iting is said to be from"wet nurse"'s"babysitter"(Nanny)'s one phrase.

Call Cousin all to the children of the parents' brothers sister, belong to first cousin.But the second cousin mean the far building cousin sister or the far building cousin's younger brother's sister(namely parental hall the sons and daughters of cousin's younger brother's sister), belong to the same a great-grandparents of blood relationship relation.Ignore to have another a plicated relation, in the American English, also can say"This is my second cousin."

Call the Uncle and Aunt to the parents' brothers sister.The behind all takes generally up their name, for example the Uncle Jim or Aunt Betty e.So, don't hope the children of the colleague and friend to usually call your"uncle,aunt" at the United States.

Nuclear family:The core family, the family that include parents and sons and daughters

Core family:This is the more widespread family type now, the parents live together with their sons and daughters.Ising different for only sons and daughters much with Chinese contemporary family BE, the family of the United States may have o or more kids, particularly the family that believes to teach, the sons and daughters is more, because they think the sons and daughters are what God gives, can't refuse at will.Kid and parentses are more is a kind of equal relation, for example the kid want to do household chores and have already pared stronger independence consciousness, the parents will not spoil a kid e.

Single parent family:Singleparent family, only father onlies have a mother perhaps in home

Singleparent family:According to the covariance, 20 century 24% nonage in end the United States the life is in have no the father's family, the reason that is among them certainly is various:After divorce the kid have another is bring up by the mother,a great deal of emergence,the test-tube baby's emergence e of the unwed mother.

Blended family:Hybrid family, the parents all re-marry, both parties' kid lives together of family

Hybrid family:The United States each o rightnesses of hu *** and and wife of matrimonies win and there will be a rightness of occurrences 婚 to change, the ascension of the divorce rate causes to appear more hybrid families, o persons who divorce all have an own kid, both parties set up a new big family with eachly from original kid's team after get married.

DINK:The D gram family, English double ine, the abbreviation of the no kids, onlies have o hu *** and and wife, don't give birth to the kid's family

D gram family:In recent years this a kind of family mode that is newly arisen, only have o hu *** and and wife, but don't give birth to a kid.Choose and don't give birth to a kid to have unexpectedly in 35 years old following young hu *** and and wife in the United States according to the inquisition to many 25%.

Adopted child:Kid been get to keep

Get the adopted son female's family:The multinational of the United States get to keep a policy more perfect, so the flourishing nation gets to keep a kid from the foreign special right and wrong in the United States not unusual.The American values very much generally to the cultural education that gets to keep a kid to carry on them a birth a nation, a lot of Americans will lead to keep of the kid return to their original national visit tour.

Host family:Lodge at a family, point student abroad especially exchange student to live at the family of the native son homes

Homestay:The personage, who lodge at, go abroad to study abroad or visit, lives at local family

Lodge at a family:This kind of"the United States lodge at the family item"(the American Host Family program) that existed many years is a little bit American schools for student abroad especially the exchange student provide of at American home life of opportunity, wait from from several days to several years on time.A lot of boarding families and student abroad build up rising a close relation, even will be fit together with"parents", "parents" will also usually discuss own foreign country"children" proud ofly.The CCTV has ever broadcast the special subject program of"study in U.S. young child-China the earliest official student abroad", having a lot of 1872~s among them in 1875 study in U.S."young child" of the big and pure dynasty and their United States to lodge at the feeling person's story that a few persons of family continued a century.




シルバーバレット作词:ぺぺろんP 作曲:ぺぺろんP 编曲:ぺぺろんP 呗:GUMI(Whisper·Power)翻译:gousaku 君を撃ち抜いたその弾丸は 击穿你的那颗子弹 kimi wo uchi nuita sono dangan wa やがて土に堕ちるだろう 最终也将跌落在地吧 yagate tsuchi ni ochiru darou どこに飞んでいくかも分からない不知会否飞向某处 dokoni tonde ikukamo wakaranai 哀しい谁かの叫び声 不知何人悲痛的叫喊 kanashii dareka no sakebi koe 君が倒れる音を闻きながら 一边听著你倒地的声响 kimi ga taoreru oto wo kiki nagara そっとこの手をポケットにしまい込んだ 轻轻将手藏入袋中sotto kono te wo poketto ni shimai konda不思议と感情は无くて 毫不动情真是不可思议 fushigi to kanjou wa nakute ただその映像(ビジョン)を见ていたんだ 仅仅是看著那影像(vision) tada sono bijon wo mite itanda それだけは悔しくて 只有这点让人心怀悔恨sore dake wa kuyashikute 悪者を一人决めてしまえば 只要擅自决定了恶人是谁 warumono wo hitori kimete shimaeba シンプルな理由に向き合えるから 就能直面那简单的理由了 shinpuru na riyuu ni muki aerukara 仆たちはその指をトリガーにかけた 我们因此将手指扣上扳机bokutachi wa sono yubi wo toriga^ ni kaketa 君を撃ち抜いたその弾丸は 击穿你的那颗子弹 kimi wo uchi nuita sono dangan wa やがて土に堕ちるだろう 最终也将跌落在地吧 yagate tsuchi ni ochiru darou どこに飞んでいくかも分からない 不知会否飞向某处 dokoni tonde ikukamo wakaranai 哀しい谁かの叫び声 不知何人悲痛的叫喊kanashii dareka no sakebi koe 仆が撃ち出したこの弾丸は 我所射出的这颗子弹 boku ga uchi dashita kono dangan wa やがて谁かを伤つけて 最终也将伤害到谁 yagate dareka wo kizutsukete どこか知らない场所でまた堕ちる 跌落在不知名的某处 dokoka shiranai basho de mata ochiru 仆の罪に涂(まみ)れたまま 依旧沾满了我的罪恶boku no tsumi ni nuri mamireta mama 君は仆じゃない 你不是我 kimi wa boku janai 仆は君じゃない、それだけで 我也不是你,仅仅因为如此 boku wa kimi janai , sore dakede こんなにも违ってゆく 相差却愈发遥远konna nimo chigatte yuku 悪者を探し出そうとすればキリが无くて 本想找出恶人结果却是没完没了 warumono wo sagashi dasou to sureba kiri ga nakute 君の心を终わらせる 为了给你的心做个了结 kimi no kokoro wo owaraseru そのためのトリガーを引いた 我扣下了扳机sono tame no toriga^ wo hiita 君を撃ち抜いたその弾丸は 击穿你的那颗子弹 kimi wo uchi nuita sono dangan wa やがて土に堕ちるだろう 最终也将跌落在地吧 yagate tsuchi ni ochiru darou どこに飞んでいくかも分からない 不知会否飞向某处 dokoni tonde ikukamo wakaranai 哀しい谁かの叫び声 不知何人悲痛的叫喊kanashii dareka no sakebi koe 仆が撃ち出したこの弾丸は 我所射出的这颗子弹 boku ga uchi dashita kono dangan wa やがて谁かを伤つけて 最终也将伤害到谁 yagate dareka wo kizutsukete どこか知らない场所でまた堕ちる 跌落在不知名的某处 dokoka shiranai basho de mata ochiru 仆の罪を背负ったまま 依然背负著我的罪孽boku no tsumi wo seotta mama この指が腕が体が心が 这手指这臂膀这身体这心脏 kono yubi ga ude ga karada ga kokoro ga 铳口が撃鉄が全てが望んでいる这枪口这击铁这一切都怀著渴望 juukou ga gekitetsu ga subete ga nozon deiru 君が仆が世界が密かな终わりを 不论是你是我还是这世界 kimi ga boku ga sekai ga hisoka na owari wo 知っていた 都已知晓那秘密的终结 shitteita 君を撃ち抜いたその弾丸は 击穿你的那颗子弹 kimi wo uchi nuita sono dangan wa やがて土に堕ちるだろう 最终也将跌落在地吧 yagate tsuchi ni ochiru darou どこに飞んでいくかも分からない 不知会否飞向某处 dokoni tonde ikukamo wakaranai 哀しい谁かの叫び声 不知何人悲痛的叫喊 kanashii dareka no sakebi koe 仆が撃ち出したこの弾丸は 我所射出的这颗子弹 boku ga uchi dashita kono dangan wa やがて谁かを伤つけて 最终也将伤害到谁 yagate dareka wo kizutsukete どこか知らない场所でまた堕ちる 跌落在不知名的某处 dokoka shiranai basho de mata ochiru 仆の罪に涂(まみ)れたまま依旧沾满了我的罪恶boku no tsumi ni mamireta mama

