
时间:2024-12-04 21:06:12编辑:思创君


1、在电脑网络连接的时候都会设置wifi网络的拨号和密码设置等等,所以可以通过连接中进行看到,具体的步骤:(以下步骤以win7系统 继续操作)


  wifi在如今的现代生活中无处不在,若是写成 英语 作文 ,你的观点是拥护还是?下面是我给大家整理了wifi 英语写作 范文 ,供大家参阅!   wifi英语作文篇1   In our daily life, everybody uses the wifi. I would like to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of using wifi.   As we know, the wifi is really continent for us to either search on line or play the online games. So, wifi is widely used in our daily life. However, it cannot be ignored that, there are some disadvantages of using wifi. For instances, when you use the wifi, you will have less time to communicate with your friends and make fewer friends in your life. In conclusion, using the wifi should be careful, or you will have fewer friends and feel lonely   wifi英语作文篇2   Nowadays,the Internet in our daily life is very important.WiFi is the one of it.In our daily life ,   We always use mobile phone or computer to play games or communicate to other poeple.And most of above usually need a lot of network flow.If you have WiFi,you will save your some network flow.   Aithough WiFi is very useful,it is not convenient and sometimes will give us some problem.For example,it is not exist anywhere.Some no password's WiFi may be have virus can make your phone or computer break.So we should use WiFi carefully.   wifi英语作文篇3   自己动手提升wifi的信号强度   If you often notice a weak signal from your wireless network, you might want to know why. Other than that, you also want to know how to solve it. Here's what you can do.   如果你的无线网路信号很弱,你可能会想要知道为什么。不仅如此,你可能还会想知道如何解决这个问题。以下就是我们的建议。   The key to solving weak reception is higher signal strength and less network noise. Certain devices such as cordless phones and microwaves are obvious generators of wireless network noise. So if it's all possible, keep your router as far away from these other devices and other things that could interfere.   解决问题的关键在于增强信号和减少干扰。无线电话和微波炉之类的装置很显然是干扰源,如果可以,把无线路由器放在远离这些东西的地方。   Metallic surfaces also interfere with wireless signal so try to avoid having large metallic surfaces near your wireless LAN. Wireless normally have a poor quality built-in wifi antenna that radiates signal equally well in both directions, usually referred to as omnidirectional. An omnidirectional antenna is an antenna that produces constant field strength in all directions.   金属表面也会干扰无线信号,所以尽量避免大型金属表面出现在无线局域网附近。无线通常有一个质量不太好的内置wifi天线,向所有方向辐射信号,通常称为全向天线。全向天线在所有方向上产生恒定磁场强度。   These antennas can be weak over longer distances. This is due to interference of the source signalling power it radiates in all directions. As the signal continues to travel away from its source, the signal strength begins to grow weaker.   这些天线信号随着距离增加而减弱,这是由于受到全向模式下源信号功率减弱的影响。在信号离开信号源继续传播途中,信号强度开逐渐减弱。   Sometimes, it is better to replace the router's poor quality built-in antenna with a stronger omnidirectional antenna such as this one. There are some security concerns around these omnidirectional signals, in that the increased power means that your network will be available to more people. So, a somewhat safer choice for increased range is to use a high gain directional antenna that will send a strong signal in a specific direction.   有时,用全向天线取代路由器内置的天线效果会更好。但是安全问题也会随之而来,因为增强的信号意味着您的网络将提供给更多的人。所以,既增强信号有安全的做法是使用一个高增益定向天线,将发出一个强烈的信号,朝着一个特定的方向。   The focused signal will allow better control by aiming the signal towards the desired location. You can buy commercially available antenna or reflectors but we're going to show you a more fun and free way to make a parabolic reflector. So, there are many ways to do this, the simplest being a dish covered in tin foil such as this one.   投射到特定区域的信号控制起来更加容易。商用天线或反射镜都可以实现这一目标,但我们将向您展示一个更有趣的和免费的抛物面反射器。有很多 方法 可以做到这一点,最简单的是锡纸覆盖的盘子,如这一个。   Place the dish behind the wifi antenna pointing towards the location you want the signal to radiate to. Another very well-known way to radiate your wireless signal is to use the humble Pringles packet. Place the hollowed out Pringles in front of the antenna.   把盘子放在wifi天线后面,朝向您希望的信号辐射位置。另一个非常著名的方式你的无线信号辐射是使用简单的品客薯片包。将空品客薯片包放在天线的前面。   You can see I've made a hole in the Pringles packet. The wifi signal will then be strengthened in the direction that the packet is pointing.   我在包装袋上弄了一个洞,这样信号在这个方向上就会变强。   Thanks for watching video How To Increase Wifi Signal   谢谢收看本期“增强wifi信号”节目。   放的试点城市,许多地方使用4G转WI-FI让市民试用.   >>>下一页更多精彩“WiFi英语写作范文”


会有一些有心人设置无WIFI密码的网络,一旦有人使用,他在网络上的一举一动,甚至其手机型号、打开的应用名称及上网信息,如浏览过的网页、机主QQ号码、微信朋友圈照片、淘宝、微博账号等信息,均会被黑客(此免费WiFi分享者)截获。黑客可轻松劫持该网民的微博帐号,不仅可以以主人的身份浏览网民的私信内容和加密的相册,还可以进行发微博和删微博等操作。而如果网民接入WiFi后进行网购,那么黑客一样可以直接进入其网购账号,查看网民购买记录及个人联系方式、家庭住址等。WiFi安全使用建议:1、谨慎使用公共场合的WiFi热点。官方机构提供的而且有验证机制的WiFi,可以找工作人员确认后连接使用。其他可以直接连接且不需要验证或密码的公共WiFi风险较高,背后有可能是钓鱼陷阱,尽量不使用。2、使用公共场合的WiFi热点时,尽量不要进行网络购物和网银的操作,避免重要的个人敏感信息遭到泄露,甚至被黑客银行转账。3、养成良好的WiFi 使用习惯。手机会把使用过的WiFi热点都记录下来,如果WiFi开关处于打开状态,手机就会不断向周边进行搜寻,一旦遇到同名的热点就会自动进行连接,存在被钓鱼风险。因此当我们进入公共区域后,尽量不要打开WiFi开关,或者把WiFi调成锁屏后不再自动连接,避免在自己不知道的情况下连接上恶意WiFi。4、家里路由器管理后台的登录账户、密码,不要使用默认的admin,可改为字母加数字的高强度密码;设置的WiFi密码选择WPA2加密认证方式,相对复杂的密码可大大提高黑客破解的难度。5、不管在手机端还是电脑端都应安装安全软件。对于黑客常用的钓鱼网站等攻击手法,安全软件可以及时拦截提醒。金山毒霸正在内测的“路由管理大师”功能,还能有效防止家用路由器遭到攻击者劫持,防止网民上网裸奔。


不需要密码的WIFI不能保证安全。不要随意接入免费的不要密码的WiFi因为这种情况下你的所有个人信息包括账号密码直接可以被拦截并窃取。来自搜狗百科蹭网不难 但安全没有保障。大型商超等一些公共场所,因采用的开放网络,没有密码。所以用智能手机、平板电脑等一搜索无线网络,就能很容易地连接上。 并且很多人都以为自家的无线路由器非常安全,因此喜欢直接连接无线网,进行微信、QQ,甚至网银登录。但专家介绍,无线路由器如果不进行安全设置,很容易被不法分子窃用盗取个人信息,甚至财产。所以不需要密码的WiFi不能保证安全性。可以参考一下据搜狗百科,腾讯正在参与打造安全Wi-Fi服务标准,并宣布与迈外迪、光音网络等国内数家商用Wi-Fi服务提供商以及星巴克、万达广场等商家成立“腾讯安全Wi-Fi联盟”。该联盟的成立,将加速免费WiFi全国布局,助力国家国家“数字城市”战略同时,期望由此逐步规范免费Wi-Fi服务接入标准,为网民提供随时随地安全上网的WiFi服务。 我们可以期待。

