针对医疗保险的英文:medical insurance【例句】1.老年医疗保险也适用于肾病晚期患者。'Medicare' is available to victims of advanced kidney disease 2.医疗保险费用花掉了他大量的收入。Health insurance costs are eating up his income. 3.医疗保险费用昂贵。Medical insurance is very pricey. 4.我们把医疗保险的好处与其开支加以权衡。We balance the benefits against the costs of medical insurance. 5.医生在决定用什么时应该考虑医疗保险的预算吗?Should doctors consider Medicare's budget in deciding what to use?
医疗的英文是medical。例句:1、Belladonna and other poison plants have a long history of medical use.颠茄(belladonna)和其他有毒植物用于医疗的历史非常悠久。2、Mister Arbuckle also would like to see more attention on prevention so fewer people need costly medical treatment.Arbuckle还希望更多的关注预防方面,这样,需要昂贵的医疗的人就会减少。3、Scandal over lagging medical treatment for veterans resulted in VA secretary Eric Shinseki been forced to step down from the agency.拖延退伍老兵接受医疗的丑闻迫使退伍军人事务部部长埃里克·新关辞职。4、His parents, Sue and Jerry Smith, have fostered children for about 40 years and have concentrated on those with disabilities and serious medical needs.他的父母,苏和杰瑞,40年前就开始收养小孩,并且收养的大多是残疾人及非常需要医疗的小孩。5、RahulGandhi, who with three others is supposed to run Congress while his mother, Sonia, gets medical care abroad, has been deafeningly silent, absent from Delhiand offering no leadership.当其母Sonia在国外接受医疗的时候,Rahul Gandhi和其他三人一起被认为是国会领导人,但她装聋作哑,既不在德里也不承担任何领导职责。