
时间:2024-12-11 14:50:23编辑:思创君


以下是一些关于美国农场和牧场的电影推荐:* 《克拉克森的农场》(Clarkson's Farm):一部搞笑的真人秀,展示了一个普通农场如何通过克拉克森的智慧和努力变得繁荣起来。* 《最大的小小农场》(The Biggest Little Farm):讲述一对夫妇在荒废已久的农场中开启充满挑战的农场主之旅。* 《万物生灵》(All Creatures Great and Small):以四季为背景,讲述了一位年轻兽医在英国乡村的成长故事。* 《农耕生活》(The World of the农业 families):讲述五个截然不同的农业家庭在苏格兰最美丽、最偏远的地区的奋斗和胜利。此外,《绿野仙踪》、《灰姑娘》、《坦普尔里奇》、《荒野之息》、《拯救大兵瑞恩》、《欢乐满人间》、《雪国》、《乡村爱情故事》和《日落巨人》等电影也涉及到美国农场或牧场的生活。但请注意,这些电影并不仅限于美国农场或牧场,而是展现了世界各地农业生活的多样性和共性。

疯狂农场 英文读后感

This silly parable about the responsibilities of leadership is about a barnyard looked over by Big Ben, the head cow, voiced by Sam Elliott. Ben lives by a stern credo. "A strong man stands up for himself, a stronger man stands up for others."
Ben is a bovine, not a man. But it still works.
His son, Otis (Kevin James) is meant to inherit daddy's protect-us-from-coyotes duties. But Otis is a party animal. Hook him up with the boys from Jersey (Jersey cows), and he's taking joyrides, jamming the mike at impromptu concerts and break-dancing.
Because this movie is all about what the critters do when the farmer (a vegan, we're told) dozes off. They stand on their hind legs and cut loose.
When Otis takes over, cow-tipping is avenged, the partying on two legs shifts to daylight hours (risking discovery) and the coyotes are in the henhouse.
For some reason, there's an ineptly-rendered chicken-craving weasel in this farm "family," prompting many kiddie (and adult) shouts of "What kind of animal is that?" in the screening I attended. For some reason, the boy cows have udders.
For some reason, Oedekerk thought having Sam Elliott sing Tom Petty's anthem, "I Won't Back Down" as he's facing down coyotes was cute — complete with teaching kids the verse "You can stand me up at the gates of" you-know-where.
And for some reason, somebody thought Kevin James would be the perfect voice for a rebel without horns. "The King of Queens" funnyman who is neither funny nor the king of anything when his pal Ray Romano isn't there to prop him up lacks the vocal charisma necessary to make this cow a hoot.
But the slapstick works, as do the big set pieces — a barn dance that is out of control, a dancing dervish named "Wild Make," the joy-riding Jerseys.
Forget the animation, the bulls with udders and the dull leading man — OK, leading cow — and it's almost good enough to make you forget "The Ant Bully." And lower your expectations for the upcoming "Open Season," "Happy Feet" and "Flushed Away."


选香水跟找伴侣同理,第一准则是适合。然而对新手而言,她们能明确判断哪些香味是自己喜欢的,哪些不太喜欢。但是,当柜姐问到“你比较喜欢什么香调?”的时候,她们往往哑口无言。成千上百个品牌,一瓶价格就成百上千。高成本的试验,最好就是能一击即中,一举拿下心头好。但是现实却是,一到香水专柜就晕了头,花了眼。网红测评的香水大多不靠谱,怎么才能找到适合自己的香水呢? 接下来几条法则教你挑选适合自己的香水。法则一、根据香味时间来选择。如果你需要它至少起作用5个小时,诸如参加party,你带的包包会很小,不会装得下大个香水瓶。就要选择留香持久的香水。法则二、根据自己喜欢的香味类型来选择。喜欢花香型还是水果等。有的人一闻到浓郁的花草味,就会产生头晕的现象。这时候,清淡的水果味最适合你。法则三、根据自身的风格来选择,不要盲从。也许今天同事说自己喜欢夏奈尔,明天又一个朋友说她喜欢娇兰,后天另外一个朋友说,自己喜欢兰蔻。估计你就想,既然他们都说好,那我就一样要一个吧。你理智的想过吗?他们的味道不同,香味持续时间不同,你一定都会喜欢吗?这就需要你自己到柜台前,一个一个试用,体会以后再买。法则四、不要追逐名牌。香水只是你用来提高自己魅力的一件武器,只是起到点缀的作用。所以你不要觉得越是名牌越会显得我有品味。不对的,如果你能让别人闻到你身上普通香水的味道,以为是哪一名牌,这就真正起到了用香水的目的。真正找到自己喜欢的香味,真正能体现你风格的香水。法则五、尽量固定一到两个牌子。如果你是个性格多变的人,也许喜欢时而茉莉花香味,时而玫瑰花香味,时而橙子香味。事实上,一般人性格都比较稳定,所以找到适合自己的香水就好了,让它成为自己的品牌。也许有人会永远记住你,记住你身上的香味。法则六、手腕测试法。购买香水的时候,一定要先测试。你先到柜台那里,选择自己比较喜欢的香水,分别涂到左右手的手腕上,闻一闻,然后去逛街。等你逛到一半的时候,再伸出手腕,闻一闻,继续逛。到都逛完拉,再闻一闻。你就会知道自己喜欢哪一个了。为什么只能选两种呢?因为种类太多,容易混杂。为什么分三次闻呢?因为香水的味道一般会分前味,中味,后味。根据究竟的挥发,里面的香料会一段段地挥发出来。为什么涂抹在手腕上?因为手腕运动量大,容易让酒精尽快挥发,你就可以在较短时间内,闻到三个阶段的香味。最后提醒大家,一天只喷一种香水。不要混合香水的味道,很难想他们如果混合起来会是什么怪味道。

