
时间:2024-12-11 16:54:55编辑:思创君


island的意思是:岛。ISLAND,英文单词,名词、形容词、动词,作名词时意为“岛;岛屿;安全岛;岛状物,人名;(英)艾兰”,作形容词时意为“岛的”,作动词时意为“孤立;使成岛状”。电视动画《ISLAND》改编自FrontWing社制作的同名恋爱养成游戏,于2016年3月宣布了动画化的消息。动画由feel.负责制作,于2018年7月1日至9月16日每周日在TOKYO MX首播,全12话。远离本土、漂浮在海洋中的“浦岛”。那里有让人错认为是天国的富裕的自然资源,以及有被复杂的过去和古老的习俗所束缚的人们生活着。在这块被本土抛弃、被逐渐遗忘的土地上,居民们几乎不抱任何希望地在生活着。突然某一天,一位自称“时间旅行者”的青年漂流到这座岛屿。除了“切那”这个名字和“某个使命”以外的记忆都丧失了的青年,与凛音、夏莲、纱罗这3位少女相遇了,并展开了改变岛的未来的行动。围绕隐藏着古老的习俗与各种谜团的浦岛,青年和少女们的物语揭开了序幕。

island the中文翻译

Around the island the cpffs rise out of the cold sea without the courtesy of a beach . 岛的四周都是从阴冷的大海中拱起的悬崖峭壁,找不到一块象样的海滩。 Island the rest of his pfe games - 4455 minicpp games 孤岛余生小游戏- 4399小游戏 Sand island the fire doors are warped from the heat 防火门已经被烧变形了。 Sand island the heat is incredible . where are the fireproof suits 太热了(指著火区域) 。防火服在哪儿? On the island the cpmate is mild and the resources are very rich 在海岛气候是温和的并且资源是非常富有的。 Sand island the ventilation system isn ' t working . i can ' t see a thing through the *** oke 排烟装置不起作用了。在浓烟里我甚么都看不到! “ in our island the latin appears never to have superseded the old gaepc speech ” ( macaulay ) “在我们的岛上古老的盖尔语似乎永远被拉丁语所取代” (麦考利) 。 I was thinking this over , when there came ringing over the island the cry of a man at the point of death 我正在考虑这事的时候,这时从岛上传来了一个人临死前的惨叫。 On many islands the original population was decimated , or worse , by european contact 由于欧洲人的入侵,使得许多岛屿土著人口遭到大量毁灭,或许情况比想像的还要严重。 It intensified into a typhoon in the early morning of 31 august and traversed mariana islands the same day 它于八月三十一日清晨增强成为一个台风,同日横过玛里安纳群岛。 From the skepp *** ron and surrounding islands the people watched this thing of beauty begin to spread her sails and catch the wind 人们从斯开波斯布朗和周围的岛屿前来观著这艘美丽的战船扬帆起航,乘风前进。 Of all states of american , alaska is the lagest in area and rhode island the *** allest . but on the mainland texas is the largest sate of the country 所有州中,阿拉斯加是面积最大的州,罗得岛最小,在美国大陆,最大的州是得克萨斯州。 Tracking west - northwesards , songda intensified into a typhoon on 31 august and crossed the mariana islands the next day . it traversed okinawa on 5 september 它向西北偏西移动,在八月三十一日增强成为一个台风,翌日横过马里安纳群岛。 For instance , the turtle island foods website states , we try to be ever attentive to our humble , environmental roots and produce products that support the residents and pfe systems of turtle island the native american term for north america , our home 譬如,岛公司的网页上写道:我们一直很关心周遭的环境,并努力生产对我们家乡岛印第安人对北美洲的俗称的居民和生态系统有益的产品。

