
时间:2024-12-18 18:01:23编辑:思创君


  Gitchee Gitchee Goo
  Jon Colton Barry
  Jeff "Swampy" Marsh
  Dan Povenmire

  飞哥:Bow, Chicka, Bow-Wow!(Bow, Chicka, Bow-Wow)
  凯蒂斯/美女家族: That's what my baby says! (我的宝贝这样对我说)
  飞哥: Mow-mow-mow!(哞 哞 哞)
  凯蒂斯/美女家族: And my heart starts pumping!(我的心在狂跳)
  飞哥: Chicka-Chicka Choo Wap!(Chicka-Chicka Choo Wap)
  凯蒂斯/美女家族: Never gonna stop!(永远不停止)
  所有人: Gitchee Gitchee Goo means that I love you!(Gitchee Gitchee Goo 就是我爱你)
  飞哥: My baby's got her own way of talking,Whenever she says something sweet. And she knows it's my world she's a-rockin',Though my vocabulary's incomplete! I know it may sound confusing.(我宝贝有她说话的方式 每当她甜言又蜜语 我的世界她是唯一的明星 纵然我从来没有说清楚 我知道这一切很模糊)
  美女家族: Ooh! (哦)
  飞哥: Sometimes I wish she'd give it to me straight! But I never feel like I'm losing.(也希望她对我直接坦白 但我信心从未失去)
  凯蒂斯/美女家族: Losing! (失去)
  飞哥: When I take the time to translate! (只要慢慢听她解释)
  所有人: Here's what I'm talkin' 'bout!(这也是我的意思)
  飞哥: Bow, Chicka, Bow-Wow!(Bow, Chicka, Bow-Wow)
  美女家族: That's what my baby says! (我的宝贝这样对我说)
  飞哥: Mow-mow-mow!(哞 哞 哞)
  美女家族: And my heart starts pumping!(我的心在狂跳)
  飞哥: (Oh) Chicka-Chicka, Choo Wap!(Chicka-Chicka Choo Wap)
  美女家族: Never gonna stop! (永远不停止)
  所有人: Gitchee Gitchee Goo means that I love you!(Gitchee Gitchee Goo 就是我爱你)
  飞哥: Well I don't know what to do!(哦 却又不知怎么做)
  凯蒂斯: I don't know what to do.(又不知怎么做)
  飞哥: But I think I'm getting through!(但是现在已经很清楚)
  凯蒂斯: I think I'm getting through. (现在已经很清楚)
  飞哥: Cause when I say I love you...(我只要说我爱你)
  美女家族: When I say I love you! (只要说我爱你)
  飞哥: She says, "I Gitchee Gitchee Goo you too!"(她会说Gitchee Gitchee Goo you too)
  凯蒂斯/美女家族: Gitchee Gitchee Goo you too!(Gitchee Gitchee Goo you too)
  飞哥: Gitchee Gitchee Goo you too!(Gitchee Gitchee Goo you too)
  凯蒂斯/美女家族: Gitchee Gitchee Goo you too! (Gitchee Gitchee Goo you too)
  飞哥: Don't need a dictionary!(不需要任何字典)
  飞哥: Bow, Chicka, Bow-Wow!(Bow, Chicka, Bow-Wow)
  凯蒂斯/美女家族: That's what my baby says!(我的宝贝这样对我说)
  飞哥: Mow-mow-mow!(哞 哞 哞)
  凯蒂斯/美女家族: And my heart starts pumping!(我的心在狂跳)
  飞哥: Chicka-Chicka, Choo Wap!(Chicka-Chicka Choo Wap)
  凯蒂斯/美女家族: Never gonna stop!(永远不停止)
  所有人: Gitchee Gitchee Goo means that I love you!(Gitchee Gitchee Goo 就是我爱你)
  飞哥: I said, Bow, Chicka, Bow-Wow! (我说Bow, Chicka, Bow-Wow)
  凯蒂斯/美女家族: That's what my baby says!(我的宝贝这样对我说)
  飞哥: Mow-mow-mow! (哞 哞 哞)
  凯蒂斯/美女家族: And my heart starts pumping!(我的心在狂跳)
  飞哥: Chicka-Chicka, Choo Wap!(Chicka-Chicka Choo Wap)
  凯蒂斯/美女家族: Never gonna stop!(永远不停止)
  所有人: Gitchee Gitchee Goo means that I love you! Gitchee Gitchee Goo means that I love you!Gitchee Gitchee Goo means... That I love you baby, baby, baby!(Gitchee Gitchee Goo 就是我爱你 Gitchee Gitchee Goo 就是我爱你 Gitchee Gitchee Goo 就是我爱你宝贝 宝贝 宝贝)
  小佛: Baby-baby-baby-baby.(宝贝 宝贝 宝贝 宝贝)
  所有人: Gitchee Gitchee Goo means that I love you! (Gitchee Gitchee Goo 就是我爱你)


01. Bowling For Soup - Today Is Gonna Be A Great Day (Theme Song)
02. Phineas & The Ferbtones - Gitchee Gitchee Goo (Extended Version)
03. Ferb - Backyard Beach
04. Vanessa & Candace - Busted
05. Randy Crenshaw - Perry The Platypus Theme
06. 2 Gunz N The Parque - S.I.M.P. (Squirrels In My Pants)
07. Lindana - I'm Lindana & I Wanna Have Fun
08. Danny Jacob - My Nemesis
09. Dr. Doofenshmirtz - My Goody-Two Shoes Brother
10. Laura Dickinson - Disco Miniature Golfing Queen
11. Danny Jacob - My Undead Mummy
12. Candace - I Love You Mom
13. The Bettys - Ready For The Bettys
14. Danny Jacob - When We Don't Get Along
15. Robbie Wyckoff - He's A Bully
16. Danny Jacob - Truck Drivin' Girl
17. Jeremy & Candace - Do Nothing Day
18. Candace - E.V.I.L. B.O.Y.S
19. Bobby Fabulous & Phineas - Fabulous
20. Stacy - Little Brothers
21. Danny & The Jaytones - Let's Take A Rocket Ship To Space
22. Candace - Queen Of Mars
23. The Smile Away Reformatory Glee Club Feat. Dan Povenmire - Chains On Me
24. Phinedroids & Ferbots - Phinedroids & Ferbots
25. Sherman & Phineas - Ain't Got Rhythm
26. Love Handel - You Snuck Your Way Right Into My Heart


10. Ready for the Bettys【贝蒂女孩】   9. Queen of Mars【火星女王】   8. Ain't Got Rhythm【找不到节奏】   7. I Love You Mom【我爱你妈妈】   6. E.V.I.L. B.O.Y.S.【邪恶男孩】   5. S.I.M.P./Squirrels In My Pants【裤子里有松鼠】   4. Little Brothers【我的弟弟】   3. Busted【教训他】   2. Backyard Beach【后院沙滩】   1. Gitchee Gitchee Goo【拼音音译:gi ji gi ji gu】


10. Ready for the Bettys【贝蒂新生命】
9. Queen of Mars【火星女王——凯蒂丝】  
8. Ain't Got Rhythm【我找不到节奏】   
7. I Love You Mom【我爱你妈妈】   
6. E.V.I.L. B.O.Y.S.【魔鬼男孩】   
5. S.I.M.P./Squirrels In My Pants【我裤子里有松鼠】   
4. Little Brothers【我的弟弟】   
3. Busted【逮到你】   
2. Backyard Beach【后院沙滩】   
1. Gitchee Gitchee Goo【咕叽咕叽咕】(全称:02. Gitchee Gitchee Goo [Extended Version] - Phineas and the Ferbtones)

01. Today Is Gonna Be a Great Day - Bowling For Soup   
02. Gitchee Gitchee Goo [Extended Version] - Phineas and the Ferbtones   
03. BackyardBeach - Ferb   
04. Busted - Vanessa and Candace   
05. Perry the Platypus Theme - Randy Crenshaw   
06. S.I.M.P. (Squirrels In My Pants) - 2 GuyZ N the Parque   
07. I'm Lindana And I Wanna Have Fun - Lindana   
08. My Nemesis - Danny Jacob   
09. My Goody Two-Shoes Brother - Dr. Doofenshmirtz   
10. Disco Miniature Golfing Queen - Laura Dickinson   
11. My Undead Mummy Performed - Danny Jacob   
12. I Love You Mom - Candace   
13. Ready For The Bettys - The Bettys   
14. When We Didn't Get Along - Danny Jacob   
15. He's A Bully - Robbie Wyckoff   
16. Truck Drivin' Girl - Danny Jacob   
17. Do Nothing Day - Jeremy and Candace   
18. E.V.I.L. B.O.Y.S. - Candace   
19. Fabulous - Bobby Fabulous and Phineas  
20. Little Brothers - Stacy   
21. Let's Take A Rocket Ship To Space - Danny and the Jaytones  
22. Queen Of Mars - Candace   
23. Chains On Me - The Smile Away Reformatory Glee Club featuring Dan Povenmire   
24. Phinedroids And Ferbots - Phinedroids and Ferbots   
25. Ain't Got Rhythm - Sherman and Phineas   
26. You Snuck Your Way Right Into My Heart - Love Händel


链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1vfhAzwOLESwU_fLFumZCoQ提取码:suja 这里有《飞哥与小佛》全部系列的动画片视频,希望能对您有帮助。《飞哥与小佛》(Phineas and Ferb)是Disney Channel原创剧集,是Disney Channel原创剧集中播出时间最长的剧集。于2007年8月17日开始在美国Disney Channel播出,2008年9月1日开始在美国Disney XD频道播出。该作品讲述飞哥与小佛的故事。飞哥和他没有血缘关系的弟弟小佛是充满无限想像力和行动能力的最佳拍档,随着暑假的来临,他们已经准备好要大展身手!


链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1vfhAzwOLESwU_fLFumZCoQ提取码:suja 这里有《飞哥与小佛》全部系列的动画片视频,希望能对您有帮助。《飞哥与小佛》(Phineas and Ferb)是Disney Channel原创剧集,是Disney Channel原创剧集中播出时间最长的剧集。于2007年8月17日开始在美国Disney Channel播出,2008年9月1日开始在美国Disney XD频道播出。该作品讲述飞哥与小佛的故事。飞哥和他没有血缘关系的弟弟小佛是充满无限想像力和行动能力的最佳拍档,随着暑假的来临,他们已经准备好要大展身手!

