
时间:2024-12-22 01:17:23编辑:思创君


事实上英文:as a matter of fact


1. 事实上,他的离去几乎没被注意到。

His departure, in fact, went almost unremarked.

2. 然后他们事实上也毒打了她一顿。

Then they actually beat her up as well.

3. 该党的残余分子事实上仍拥有大量财产。

The rump of the party does in fact still have considerable assets.

4. 我没有考不及格,事实上,我考得不错!

I didn't fail the exam; in fact I did rather well!

5. 他看似适应都市的生活,但事实上他不是。

He came across as streetwise, but in reality he was not.


n. 事实上, 实际上

1.They will be de facto in a state of war.


2.This might be interpreted as a de facto recognition of the republic's independence.


3.Though his kingship is challenge, he continue to rule de facto.



事实上的英文是in factin fact的读音:[ɪn fækt]in fact的详细释义:1、(补充细节)确切地说2、(用以强调,尤其与刚提到的相反)事实上,实际上。有关in fact的例句:1、I don't work. In fact, I've never had a job.我不工作 事实上 我从来没工作过2、But was it, in fact, a hideous goof?但其实这真的是很可笑的错误吗。3、His departure, in fact, went almost unremarked.事实上,他的离去几乎没被注意到。4、In fact he's not John Doe anymore, we have an ID.事实上他不再是某男了,我们有一张身份证件。5、I didn't fail the exam; in fact I did rather well!我没有考不及格,事实上,我考得不错。6、Both mushrooms look innocuous but are in fact deadly.两个蘑菇看起来都无害,但实际上却能致命。7、In fact, entrepreneurship, like all business, is a social activity.实际上,个体创业和其他生意一样,都是社会活动。8、She was in fact an actress with a Chinese theatre troupe.但是实际上她只是戏班子里的一个演员。9、In fact, it's actually much smaller even than shown here.其实较这张图画还要小10、In fact, large chimney has now added a purification plant.其实现在那些大烟囱已经加了净化装置了。

