
时间:2024-12-22 12:24:17编辑:思创君


king的中文意思是国王、 君主。king:英文单词,名词、形容词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时意为“国王,最有势力者。词型变化:动词过去式:kinged ,过去分词:kinged ,现在分词:kinging,第三人称单数:kings 。例如如下:1、They made him king of England.(他们拥戴他为英国国王)。2、Paris was the son of Priam, the king of Troy.(帕里斯是特洛伊国王皮安姆的儿子)。



  King的例句:Executives lived like kings.The top thirty-one executives were paid a total of$14.2 million.经理们活得像国王一样。职位最高的31名经理的薪金总额达到了1,420万美元。

  Compass Theatre Company presents a new production of'King Lear'.罗经剧团推出了全新制作的《李尔王》。The lion is the king of the jungle.狮子是丛林之王。

  I tell you this,for when my days have come to an end–you,shall be King.我告诉你这些,总有一天,我的生命将抵达终点,而你,将加冕为王。


king的意思为:国王。短语搭配:1、king penguin.王企鹅。2、king of beasts.百兽之王;狮子。3、king of birds.百鸟之王;鹰。4、pearly king.身穿缀满珠母纽盛装的伦敦小贩。5、king crab.鲎;王蟹;拟石蟹。6、a cat may look at a king.猫也有权看国王。7、king prawn.明虾;宽沟对虾。8、live like a king.过舒适奢华的生活。9、king post.中柱。10、king cobra.眼镜王蛇。双语例句:1、They hoped that the King might beget an heir by his new queen.他们希望国王与新王后能生下一名 王位继承者。2、In law also the Judge is in a sort superior to his King.法律上而言,法官在某种程度上也高于他的君主。3、What, shall King Henry be a pupil still, under the surly Gloucester's governance?什么!亨利国王还会像个小学生一样,任由乖戾的格洛斯特摆布吗?4、The people of Caesarea faulted greatly when they called King Herod a god.恺撒里亚人把希律王称为神是极大的错误。5、His rapid promotion was due in some measure to his friendship with the king.他的快速提升一定程度上同他与国王的友情有关。6、as plural noun the weak]the new king used his powers to protect the weak.新国王利用他的权力来保护弱者。7、The king had at his disposal plunder and tribute amassed through warfare.国王通过战争为自己攫取了战利品和贡赋。8、I don't hold with foreigners, leastways not here in King's Magnum Parva.我不喜欢外国人,至少是在金斯马格纳帕瓦这地方。9、The King and all his Court were met for solace and disport.国王和整个宫廷都聚在一起消遣娱乐。10、The new king was already elderly at the time of his succession.新国王在继承王位时已经上了年纪。


国王king,读音:英[kɪŋ],美[kɪŋ]。释义:n. 国王;最有势力者;王棋。vi. 统治;做国王。vt. 立…为王。adj. 主要的,最重要的,最大的。变形:复数kings。例句:The king has passed away.国王已经去世了。短语:King Kong金刚The Lion King狮子王Burger King汉堡王KING ARTHUR亚瑟王king的用法king的基本意思是“君主,国王”,指一个君主制国家中处于至高无上地位的男人,与其相对应的阴性名词是queen。king用于比喻还可表示“巨头,大王”或某一行业中的“杰出人物”。表示封、立、宣布或选举某人为国王时,其前一般不用冠词,其余情况下常加定冠词the。king后常接介词of,表示“…的国王,…中之王”。king与表示人名的专有名词连用时可专有化,首字母须大写。


国王英语读king。king,英文单词,名词、形容词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时意为“国王;最有势力者;王棋,人名;(德、英、葡、捷、西)金;(中)金(普通话·威妥玛);(泰)京;(东南亚国家华语)京”,作形容词时意为“主要的,最重要的,最大的”,作及物动词时意为“立…为王”,作不及物动词时意为“统治;做国王”。短语搭配King Kong金刚;许冠杰;大金刚Carole King卡洛尔·金;卡洛金;卡洛尔;卡洛·金Poker King扑克王;英文片名;扑克王争霸;片King Penguin王企鹅;帝企鹅;皇帝企鹅Freddie King弗雷德·金;弗雷迪·金;用功率大的扩音器将音量放到最大;弗莱迪·金King Records国王唱片;唱片公司;树奈奈;中西豪King Vidor金·维多;金;金维多;维多Ambrose King金耀基King Ghidorah王者基多拉;基多拉双语例句What do you see?I see a king.你能看见什么? 我能看见一个国王。I tell you this,for when my days have come to an end–you,shall be King.我告诉你这些,总有一天, 我的生命将抵达终点, 而你,将加冕为王。And jehoshaphat his son succeeded him as king.他儿子约沙法接续他作王。Paris without a king has as result the world without despots.巴黎如果没有君王,其结果就是世上将没有暴君。

