时间:2024-12-23 18:02:29编辑:思创君























































《A Theory of Justice》(John Rawls)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1mi21XhcT59DMuB2o-5Qldw 提取码: 1pcd书名:A Theory of Justice作者:John Rawls豆瓣评分:9.3出版社:Belknap Press出版年份:1999-9-30页数:560内容简介:A Theory of Justice is a widely-read book of political and moral philosophy by John Rawls. It was originally published in 1971 and revised in both 1975 (for the translated editions) and 1999. In A Theory of Justice, Rawls attempts to solve the problem of distributive justice by utilising a variant of the familiar device of the social contract. The resultant theory is known as "Justice as Fairness", from which Rawls derives his two famous principles of justice: the liberty principle and the difference principle.


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背景音:The 870 section,of the international military tribunal(法庭) for the far east

is now began,next,the prosecution(检举,起诉) will present his closeing argument.

季南: ladys and gentleman,honorable judges and members of

the court,all of the accused,join in the forminglation?

and execution of a plan,are conspiracy(阴谋)whose propose was to

establish japan's military, political and economic control over the countries with in

the Pacific and india Oceans,in order to achieve this goal.japan alone or working with

other countries of like mind inblakt()?on a war of aggression(侵略) to subggate? all

who is stooding in their

way.my prosecution team and i,have produce more then that?

evidence(证据) to prove the participation of the accused in these criminal actions.

throught off the history of civilization(文明), no one has ever seen humen nature are

such a peek? of coolcoty?and bar barriety? (好多不懂) countless people have dead and

s? unthinkable death to feed japan's insatiable(不知足的) appetite(欲望) for expansion(

扩张) .

by their actions,they have challenged human civilization ,they have challenged

peace,and they have challenged the whole world!their mon objective(目标) ,their

criminal objective,was to insure the domination(统治) of japan's emperor(天皇,皇帝)

there is no greater? crime than

plotting(计划) and executing(实施) a war of aggression.the security(安全) of the

world and its people,was threatened by this plot and destroyed by this war! the only

possible out e ? which is the great suffering the world has faced.there for i name?

on behalf(利益) of(代表) my college and the ally prosecution term solemnly(严肃地)

request the honorable judges of the international military tribunal of the far east,to

severely(严厉地) punish those responsibale(有责任的) for this horrible war of

aggression,in the name of justice,in the spirit of confasion? and in the name of


威廉姆: the presentaion of the cases(案例) before the international militory tribunal

of the far east is included.

the verdict(裁决,判决) will be announce(宣布,通告) after the judges final

delibrations? until that time ,the court is ever? assess(评定)?


 下面为大家解析是关于犯罪的雅思写作话题,这是一个并不常见的话题,在雅思写作考试中出现的次数不是很多,也正因为如此,每一次出现都让很多考生措手不及。大家和我一起来看看这个话题的相关内容吧,看看对自己是否有帮助。   法律与犯罪类的雅思写作话题在2010年出现了4次,而2011年只出现了2次。最近一次考试是在2011年8月20日,相隔已经有半年的时间,因此最近的烤鸭们可要适当做好准备了。   【真题解析】   话题1:青少年犯罪   In many parts of the world children and teenagers are committing more crimes. Why is this case happening? How should children or teenagers be punished? (100804)   解析:青少年犯罪juvenile delinquency 产生的原因,可从家庭、学校、媒体三个角度分析。   家庭:单亲家庭、存在家庭暴力的家庭和被父母忽视甚至虐待的家庭中的孩子更有可能犯罪。   学校:校园暴力越来越普遍(可以举例:校园枪击案件在美国校园时有发生)。   媒体:电视、电脑游戏、网络中充斥着大量的暴力与色情内容。   惩罚方法:再教育reeducation、社区服务community service   话题2:犯罪预防1   Unlike in most other countries, police in the UK do not commonly carry guns. Some people think it leaves citizens unprotected. But others think it reduces the overall violence in our society. Discuss both sides of the view and give your opinion. (040320, 040619)   解析:警察配枪会震慑deter罪犯,可是谁又能保证警察不会滥用abuse枪支呢?这种做法增加了百姓的安全感的同时,又使得百姓处在危险之中。   话题3:犯罪预防2   More and more measures to improve the security in large urban areas have been introduced in many countries because of the increased crime. Do the benefits of these measures outweigh the drawbacks? (060225)   解析:城市中预防犯罪的主要方法,一是加大投入建设更多的防盗设施,二是增加警力,三是公共场所安装监控摄像头surveillance cameras。这种措施的优点非常明显,会有效地震慑潜在的罪犯,但是缺点也不可忽视:会侵犯公民的隐私,浪费大量的纳税人的钱。   话题4:罪犯惩处   Some people think the best way of reducing crime is to give longer prison sentences. Others, however, think there are other better ways to reduce crime. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. (080112)   解析:诚然,囚禁imprisonment是一种让惩罚罪犯的有效方法,囚犯可以在监狱中接受思想改造rehabilitate,进行法律教育,并且长时间的刑期将有效地震慑潜在的罪犯。但是如果一味地延长刑期,一方面囚犯会对生活感到绝望,另外由于缺乏必要的生存技能,他们出狱后仍然有可能再犯罪(这就是另一道题目“为什么刑满释放人员再犯罪率很高”的原因)。此外,延长监狱刑期也会增加国家经济负担,浪费纳税人的钱。因此,再教育、职业培训、社区服务、罚款等方法都是更可行的惩罚方式。这些方式既能有效地惩罚犯罪,又为社会创造了财富。此外,比起惩罚,预防才是降低犯罪治本的办法,政府应当加强媒体宣传,增强民众法制观念,关心弱势群体。文章的结论:延长刑期的确在一定程度上起到了惩罚和震慑的作用,但是不能一味地通过这种方法来震慑犯罪。其它的惩罚方式和预防措施都应当被采用,来降低社会的犯罪率。   【场景词汇】   遵守法律 obey/ abide by the law 守法的:law-abiding adj.   严格的,严厉的:strict, severe, rigid, harsh, tough   【其它与法律搭配的词】    制定:enact/ constitute; 通过:pass;执行:enforce; 违反:violate/ break; 废除:abolish   立法者,立法机构:legislator, legislative body   执法部门:law enforcement agency   犯罪:commit a crime 罪犯:criminal 罪行:crime 犯罪的:criminal adj.   轻微的犯法:offend 犯法者:offender 罪行:offence 犯法的:offensive adj.   【常见的犯罪】    arson 纵火;burglary 盗窃;fraud 诈骗;kidnapping 绑架;smuggling 走私   指控某人:charge sb. with (a crime) 被指控:be charged with (a crime)   受害者:victim   有罪的:guilty   无罪的,清白的:innocent   判处某人…年有期徒刑/死刑 sentence sb. to … years/ to death   囚禁:imprison v. imprisonment n. put sb. into jail/ prison   改造:reform, rehabilitate v. rehabilitation n. 劳动改造:rehabilitation through labour   震慑,威慑:deter v. deterrent n. & adj.   社区服务:community service   罚款:impose a fine on sb.   监禁:custodial sentence   死刑:capital sentence/ death penalty   青少年犯罪:juvenile delinquency 少年犯:juvenile delinquent   校园暴力:campus violence/ school bullying   家长教育不好:bad/ poor parenting 学校教育:schooling   溺爱:spoil v.& n.   过度纵容的:excessively permissive   单亲家庭:single-parent household/ family   缺乏父母的关爱:lack v. parental care   不稳定的家庭生活:unstable family life   贫困的经济背景:poor economic background   暴力倾向:violent inclination   媒体暴力:media violence   攻击性行为:aggressive behaviour   经常接触到暴力:repeated exposure to violence   唆使,煽动:instigate   攻击:assault v. & n.   歹徒,流氓:gangster   参与犯罪:engage in acts of crime   犯罪心理学:criminal psychology   青少年心理:juvenile mentality   性格形成期:formative years/ stage/ period   情感上的困惑:emotional disturbance   情绪不稳定:emotional instability   任性的:wilful, self-willed   反社会的行为:anti-social behaviour   缺乏自信:lack n. of self-confidence 缺乏自尊:low self-esteem   自卑情结:inferior complexity   缺乏沟通:lack of communication   家长的管教:parental control and instruction   两代间的沟通:intergenerational communication   树立生活目标:set up life goals   自我实现:self-realisation   公共场所安装监控摄像头:the installation of surveillance cameras in public places   配备枪支的警察:policemen equipped with pistols   防盗的:burglar-proof/ theft proof   确保安全:ensure security   观察、监控:keep a lookout over   准确无误地记录下全过程:keep an accurate record of   偷看隐私:peep privacy   【论据翻译】   1. 现在人们愈发意识到,青少年犯罪正在日趋严重/ 有着相当的上升。   2. 每年,许多青少年被起诉并判刑,随后被送进监狱。   3. 很多人将青少年犯罪归结到家庭教育不当。   4. 人们注意到青少年罪犯相当大的一部分来自于存在家庭暴力或者被父母忽视的家庭。   5. 但是其它人更倾向于认为,青少年犯罪主要是由于他们生活中出现的暴力因素引起的。   6. 犯罪心理学的一些研究显示,犯罪心理可以追述到他情绪上的困扰和心理上的障碍。   7. 一个人的行为有的时候可以追述到他/她的性格形成期。   8. 另一个原因是青少年很可能会任性和反叛,以至于做出反社会的行为。   9. 从以上可以判断,教育和家长管教对于青少年犯罪率是非常重要的。   以上就是对犯罪类的雅思写作话题的一个分析,包括了对真题题目的解析,对常用的词汇和常用的论据的总结等等。大家可以在备考自己的雅思写作考试的时候,对此加以适当的参考和练习。


  下面是一篇关于juvenile delinquents也就是青少年犯罪的雅思写作高分范文,这篇雅思写作范文的主要内容是关于青少年犯罪数量正在上升,分析导致这种上升情况的原因,并给出一些可行的改进措施。下面是详细内容,供大家参考。   You should spend about 40 minutes on this task   There are an increasing number of juvenile delinquents. Analyze the possible causes that give rise to this phenomenon, and offer some feasible recommendations.   You should write at least 250 words. You should use your own ideas of knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.   Reporters in newspapers or magazines show an increasing number of juvenile delinquents. To my mind, the causes of the worrying phenomenon are difficult to isolate.   First of all, it is partly attributed to the disorder and non-self-discipline of the media. In order to attract and hold more audience, sex and violence are used excessively in some TV show and films. They have great influence on the value system and behaviors of young people. Unable to distinguish between reality and fiction, some teenagers who view shows in which violence is very realistic, frequently repeated or unpunished, are prone to imitate what they see. Another factor leading to juvenile delinquents comes from the family. With the increasing of divorce rate, more and more teenagers live in single-parent or step families. Their particular needs may be ignored and hence feel hurt or isolated. In this condition they are susceptible to some negative influences from bad friends and commit crimes.   Finally, schools are also responsible for the increasing number of juvenile delinquents. Most schools put subjects relevant to examinations as a high place, but consider little about moral or law courses. It leads to the lack of law awareness among students. They do not even realize some illegal actions are against laws.   It is not easy to solve the problem immediately, which involves cooperation of the whole society. The government must take strict measures to control the media violence. The divorced couples should do their best to create a warm family for their children. As to school, it is important to pay more attention to the moral and law education of students. We hope juvenile delinquents will disappear under all the efforts. (278 words)   以上就是这篇雅思写作高分范文的全部内容,这篇雅思写作范文围绕着青少年犯罪的原因做了很详细的分析,并最后给出了对策。大家在备考关于罪犯相关的雅思写作话题的时候,可以对这篇雅思写作范文进行适当的参考。

