
时间:2024-12-30 16:44:32编辑:思创君


periodn.一段时间,时期;(人生或国家历史的)阶段,时代;纪(地质年代,代下分纪);课时,学时,节;(练习、训练、学习的)时间,时段;(冰球等比赛的)一局;句号,句点;周期;自转(或公转)周期;(周期函数的)周期;完整句(尤指含有若干从句、结 构工整的复合句); 乐段,乐节;结束,终止;病期,病程adj.具有某个时代特征的;早期的;(服装、家具、乐器)过去的,古代的adv.到此为止,不再说了int..就是这话, 就是这么回事英/ˈpɪəriəd/ 美/ˈpɪriəd/复数: periods period造句1、Three months. Would you accept delivery spread over a period of time?三个月。不知你们能否接受在一段时间内分批交货?2、The training period is one year.训练期间计一年之久。3、The period of validity for each renewal of registration shall be ten years.每次续展注册的有效期为十年。4、The treaty shall remain in force for a period of ten years这项条约有效期为10年。5、It was a soulful time in my life, a period of growth and maturity.这是我生命中一段沉浸于内心世界的时光,自己长大了,变得更加成熟。6、Whatever it is that you love, try doing that for some period of your day.不管什么只要你喜欢,试着去做在一天的某些时间内。


period:具有某个时代特征的; (关于)过去某一特定历史时期的;(家具、服饰、建筑等)某一时代的。period英 [prid]美 [prid]。  第三人称复数:periods。  基本解释:  名词:时期;(一段)时间; 学时; 句号。形容词:具有某个时代特征的;(关于)过去某一特定历史时期的;(家具、服饰、建筑等)某一时代的。  相关例句:  int.  1.I love him, period!  我爱他,就是这样!  名词:  We have four periods of English a week.  我们每星期上四节英语课。  2. This was the most difficult period of his life.  这是他一生中最艰难的时期。  period的词典解释 : 一段时间;时期。  1.A period is a length of time.  e.g. This crisis might last for a long period of time.  这次危机可能持续很长时间。  e.g. ...a period of a few months.  几个月时间。2. (个人、组织或社会的)阶段,时期,时代。  A period in the life of a person, organization, or society is a length of time which is remembered for a particular situation or activity.  e.g. ...a period of economic good health and expansion...  经济健康发展并且不断扩张的一段时期。  e.g. He went through a period of wanting to be accepted...  有一段时间他很想被人接受。  3. (历史上的)阶段,时期。  A particular length of time in history is sometimes called a period. For example, you can talk about the Victorian period or the Elizabethan period in Britain.  e.g. ...the Roman period...  罗马帝国时代。  e.g. No reference to their existence appears in any literature of the period.  这一时期的文学作品中都没有提及他们的存在。  4. (服装、家具、乐器)过去的,古代的,具有某个时代特征的。  Period costumes, furniture, and instruments were made at an earlier time in history, or look as if they were made then.  e.g. ...dressed in full period costume.  

