
时间:2025-01-01 10:23:01编辑:思创君


上海惠灵顿国际学校的简介   上海惠灵顿国际学校是英国惠灵顿公学在成功开办天津惠灵顿国际学校之后在海外的第二所国际学校,也是惠灵顿公学与陆家嘴集团在天津成功合作后的再次合作项目。下面是我整理的上海惠灵顿国际学校的简介,欢迎大家参考!   学院介绍   2013年2月28日,由维多利亚女王亲自创立的英国惠灵顿公学28日正式签约入驻上海。中英双方携手开办的"上海惠灵顿国际学校",将是惠灵顿公学在中国继天津之后开设的第二个分校区。英国惠灵顿公学与上海陆家嘴集团在此间签约结为战略合作伙伴,据此,双方将携手在上海后世博开发的重点区域--前滩国际商务区建校,在2014年8月招收第一批学生。招生对象主要为在上海居住和工作的外籍人士子女,预计每年学费不低于20万。   上海惠灵顿国际学校总建筑面积约3.6万平方米,预计可容纳从幼儿园至高中的总计1500名学生就学。上海陆家嘴集团前滩指挥部总指挥杨小明表示,希望这所学校能为生活在上海的国际家庭,以及在上海发展的国际企业总部提供一个优秀的'名校品牌。   上海惠灵顿国际学校坐落于前滩国际商务区小黄浦河道以北,是入驻前滩的第一个功能性项目。前滩地区是上海"十二五"期间六大重点开发区域之一。该区域还将不断改善配套功能,包括引进新加坡大型医疗集团,开办义务教育学校等。   学校于2014年8月正式开学。通过将英国的课程体系和教学方式引入上海,结合中国语言与文化教育,为在沪外籍人士子女提供世界一流的国际教育。   办学优势   学校于2014年8月正式开学。通过将英国的课程体系和教学方式引入上海,结合中国语言与文化教育,为在沪外籍人士子女提供世界一流的国际教育。   上海惠灵顿国际学校拥有精心配备的教学设施,同时秉承了英国惠灵顿公学前沿的办学理念。坐落于世博园区南侧、毗邻东方体育中心,兼顾走读和寄宿制的上海惠灵顿国际学校面向2至18岁的在沪外籍学生。惠灵顿的课程设置基于英国国家课程和自己的独特教育模式——八大智能,并均由世界一流教师担纲教授。惠灵顿致力于为Sixth Form这一层次的学生,铺平通往IB和IGCSE的道路。   上海惠灵顿国际学校拥有以一流的体育设施:橄榄球场、25米赛道游泳池、网球场、篮球场、板球馆和400米跑道,满足了课内外教育的一切需求。   Wellington is home to Shanghai's sole school cricket pitch, a 25 metres six-lane competition swimming pool, tennis and basketball courts, three football pitches, and a 400m Tartan running track, amongst multiple other indoor and outdoor facilities.   WellingtonAcademyProgramme.   Wellington Academy Programme将为本校及校外学生和家长提供专业的培训。上海校内外的学生都将有机会体验到惠灵顿教师及教练提供的专业设计的课程和一流的体育设备设施。   The Wellington Academy Programme provides a specialised training environment for children and parents. Wellington pupils and children from the wider Shanghai community are taught by coaches and Wellington teachers in purpose-built College educational and sport facilities.   课程设置   上海惠灵顿国际学校的课程继承了英国国家课程及威尔士国家课程,同时结合美国哈佛大学Howard Gardner "多种才能" 理念启发而形成的八大智能教育理念。除了低年级学生以外,我们还为10-11年级(15-16岁)的学生提供IGCSE课程。此外,从2015年8月开始我们还为12-13(17-18岁)年级学生提供IBDP课程。   Wellington College International Shanghai's academic programme is based on the English National Curriculum for England and Wales. The College offers the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) in Years 10-11 and the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) in Years 12 and 13, which will start in August 2015.   The curriculum is supplemented by the Eight Aptitudes, inspired by the work of Harvard Professor, Howard Gardner.   学校提供丰富的课程和活动并鼓励每个学生都积极参与其中,这些课程包括:戏剧、舞蹈、音乐、创意写作和艺术设计。   Wellington offers a wide programme of activities and annual events. Every pupil is involved in the Wellington Arts Programme which provides access to Drama, Dance, Music, Creative Writing and Art & Design. ;


  上海惠灵顿国际学校简介   上海惠灵顿国际学校以英国国家课程为基础,秉承了英国惠灵顿公学独特的惠灵顿多元智能教育理念和惠灵顿价值观。   上海惠灵顿国际学校为学生们提供了包罗万象的课外活动和惠灵顿课外课程学院项目,涵括了音乐、表演艺术和体育等方面。   上海惠灵顿国际学校将沿袭英国惠灵顿公学的非营利性性质和皇室背景的历史。英国惠灵顿公学于1859年由维多利亚女王为纪念大不列颠最伟大的军事家惠灵顿公爵而建立。   Opened in August 2014 and located in the New Bund area, Wellington College International Shanghai is a fully co-educational day and boarding school with over 800 pupils, aged 2 to 18.   Embracing the ethos of Wellington College in the UK, Wellington’s curriculum is based on the British national curriculum and the fundamental approach of its unique model of education, the Wellington Aptitudes.   Wellington shares its not-for-profit status and royal foundation with its sister school, Wellington College in the UK, which was originally founded by Queen Victoria in 1859 as the national memorial to Arthur Wellesley, the Duke of Wellington.   学校课程 Curriculum   上海惠灵顿国际学校幼儿园小班至9年级的课程设置以英国国家课程及国际小学课程为基础,10年级至11年级的学生学习IGCSE课程,12至13年级的学生学习IBDP课程。   Wellington pupils follow a mixture of the British National Curriculum and the International Primary Curriculum from Pre-Nursery until Year 9 which leads to International General Certificate of Secondary Education IGCSE in Years 10-11. In Years 12 and 13, the pupils study for the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP).   学校建筑 Architecture   与英国惠灵顿公学及天津惠灵顿国际学校相同,上海惠灵顿国际学校的.建筑和外观也秉承了一贯的英式古典风格。   In design and appearance, the College’s facilities reflect the distinctive classical style of Wellington Collegein the UK and its sister school, Wellington College International Tianjin.   体育设施 Sport   在体育课上,学生可以体验到各类运动项目,包括足球、板球、橄榄球、英式篮球、游泳、田径及如网球和羽毛球等球类运动。课外活动时,学生们还可以尝试击剑、潜水及武术等运动。   作为包括中蒙国际学校协会(ACAMIS)及亚洲英国国际学校联盟(FOBISIA)等多个国内及国际体育联盟的活跃成员,上海惠灵顿国际学校每年都受邀参与或主办各类赛事,学生有机会参与海内外的体育比赛。   上海惠灵顿国际学校拥有以一流的体育设施:体育馆、足球场、板球场、25米赛道游泳池、网球场、篮球场、板球馆和400米跑道,满足了课内外教育的一切需求。   Throughout the academic year, pupils are able to experience all major sport including football, cricket, rugby, netball, swimming, athletics and racket sports such as tennis and badminton. In addition to these, more sports are offered within the co-curricular activities including fencing, scuba diving and martial arts.   Pupils have the opportunity to compete home and abroad. The College is invited or host a range of sporting competitions through our membership in leagues including the Federation of British International Schools in Asia (FOBISIA) and Association of China and Mongolia International Schools (ACAMIS).   The College is home to a sports hall, three football pitches, a 400-metres all weather synthetic running track, tennis and basketball courts, and two swimming pools, including a 25 metres, six-lane competition pool, amongst multiple other indoor and outdoor facilities.





