
时间:2025-01-06 20:21:50编辑:思创君


"宣布"的英文是 "announce"。这个单词可以用于很多不同的场景,比如宣布消息、宣布比赛结果、宣布决定等等。以下是一些常用的例句:"The winner of the race is John!" - 宣布比赛结果是约翰赢了。"We are pleased to announce that we have reached a deal with the company." - 我们很高兴地宣布,我们已经和公司达成了一项协议。"The government has announced new measures to fight climate change." - 政府宣布了新的措施来应对气候变化。"Please announcer the news slowly and clearly." - 请播音员慢慢清晰地宣布新闻。announce :多指首次宣布大家感兴趣或可满足大家好奇心的事情。 宣布是公开正式告诉(大家)。公布:(政府机关的法律、命令、文告,团体的通知事项)公开发布,使大家知道。宣布也正式,但是程度低于颁布,颁布一般主体是国家或者大型权威,宣布就是个体或集体要向别人明确的事。 比如,某公司宣布,本产品上市后实行售后七天无条件退货。


宣告的英文如下:bulletin ; placard。短语有:告示牌:Billboard ; sign ; Billtake ; Billdeck。告示牌百强单曲榜:Billboard Hot。美国告示牌:Billboard。告示的近义词:宣布 文书 通告 公布 晓谕 布告 公告 晓示 文告。词语告示的解释:旧指官府所张贴的布告。现有时也借指口头或文字通知。词语告示详细解释:晓谕,示知。《荀子·荣辱》:“仁者好告示人。”《后汉书·隗嚣传》:“因数腾书 陇 蜀 ,告示祸福。”《北史·叔孙俊传》:“每奉诏宣外,必告示慇懃,是以上下嘉叹。”《朱子语类》卷八九:“待两三日方知,遂出榜告示。” 高云览 《小城春秋》第十八章:“公安局公开告示,禁止歌咏队在街头教群众唱歌。”布告,通告大众的文件。元 杨显之 《潇湘雨》第一折:“如今沿途留下告示,如有收留小女 翠鸾 者,赏他花银十两。” 明 冯惟敏 《不伏老》第一折:“那壁厢挂着的是告示也。” 端木蕻良 《科尔沁旗草原》十九:“县衙门的告示,早就下来了。晓谕百姓凡有在中秋夜晚燃放鞭炮者,以通匪论罪。”


1). The effective one matches the supply that the department of production and marketing finishes the necessary material in time, and the stock to the material carries on control.
2). The supplier's development, evaluating, offer and confirm prices, the sample is confirmed, anaphase cost and quality control,etc..
3). Familiar with purchasing the procedure, is mainly responsible for purchasing the material of hardware.
4). Input, declare materials at the Customs in system in time, offer, declare materials at the Customs, ask it to declare at the Customs on affair department of imprisoning completely.
5). Assist the quality testing department to finish the retreating and transporting of the bad product.
6). The fund work that the ones that finish the department on time ask, make the payment for goods can be paid to a supplier on time.
7). The intersection of download and department owe material on time every day, remind and supervise, responsible for, purchase, offer, owe, arrange by while being corresponding, prevent that producing the line stops the line.
8). Know the basic operation procedure of SAP&EP system skillfully.
9). Integration of the material condition report form

